I am working on an expanded creature size chart for MgT1e rules to allow for critters from Hummingbirds to Argentinosaurus. Please take a look and see what you think. On this table, movement rate is tentatively linked to Dex + End, and Hits = End score. Beast Power is the Strength multiplier from Supplement 5-6 The Vehicle Handbook page 6
Size Table
2d6 Weight (kg) Strength Dexterity Endurance Beast Power
-8 0.1 1 6d6 1
-7 0.2 1 5d6 1
-6 0.3 1 4d6 1
-5 0.4 1 3d6 1
-4 0.5 1 3d6 1
-3 0.7 1 3d6 1
-2 0.7 1 2d6 1
-1 0.8 1d2 2d6 1d2
0 0.9 1d2 2d6 1d2
1 1 1d3 1d6 1d3
2 3 1d3 1d6 1d3
3 6 1d6 2d6 1d6
4 12 1d6 2d6 1d6
5 25 2d6 3d6 2d6
6 50 2d6 4d6 2d6
7 100 3d6 3d6 3d6
8 200 3d6 3d6 3d6
9 400 4d6 2d6 4d6 x2
10 800 4d6 2d6 4d6 x2
11 1,600 5d6 2d6 5d6 x3
12 3,200 6d6 1d6 6d6 x3
13 5,000 7d6 1d6 7d6 x4
14 8,000 8d6 1d3 8d9 x4
15 10,000 9d6 1d3 9d6 x5
16 12,000 10d6 1d2 10d6 x5
17 16,000 11d6 1d2 11d6 x6
18 20,000 12d6 1 12d6 x6
19 40,000 13d6 1 13d6 x7
20 60,000 14d6 1 14d6 x7
21 80,000 15d6 1 15d6 x8
22 100,000 16d6 1 16d6 x8