Originally posted by Elliot:
Across the Bright Face or how to fill an evening with Random Encounters - and apparently Loren Wiseman has criticised DGP for not giving up their day jobs!!!
Random encounters could actually be quite a good thing if they are handled properly. I completely agree with you that doing it "the old D&D way" might bore some players, but the DA2 system could be woven into a very interesting evening if done right. The keys are personalization and overplot (as Vargas pointed out), as well as interesting presentation of the random situation - treat the random events as
seeds and skeletons for winging-up adventure situations,
not as fully-formed adventure situations. Add details and descriptions; and not every encounter with people or creatures (other than the pursuers) will nescerily be a combat one (this ISN'T Old-School D&D). Also, in some terrain types, the event could be hinted at in advance, for example, if the PCs keep watch of their surroundings (the Recon skill comes in handy), they'll probably be able to spot their pursuers from quite a long distance on the Plains.
Just don't dead-drop the random descriptions such as "You are on uneven terrain with many rocks, cracks, and obstructions; an all terrain vehicle is lying at a steep angle in a small rill". Add spice, add interesting descriptions, add time for inter-PC roleplay in between entering the hex and rolling an event; let the PCs avoid events if they are able to see telltale signs of them beforehand.
Originally posted by kaladorn:
Most of them could be portable with a few name changes, something not so true of the otherwise interesting DGP era adventures. I much prefer the portable adventure.
I second that. How many of the CT adventures are tied to any serious megaplot and thus un-transferrable to other milieux or even non-OTU universes? How diffocult would it be, for example, to transplant Across the Bright Face on a similar-UWP world (size 1, atmosphere 0-1, gov 1 or 3, TL 8-C) in the Solomani Rim sector in, say, the 1248 milieu (or Milieu Zero, or Gateway, or a completely fan-made ATU)? Sure, 1248 will require a few adjustments, but not too many (it would probably have to be part of one of the polities and having a nice recovery). Hell, how difficult would it be to transplant the entire Dinom setting (complete with the axial tilt and bright star) to any undetailed location in the Rim, Canopus or anywhere else?
Even the Ancients "series" (Shadows, Research Station Gamma, Twilight Peak, Secret of the Ancients), while touching one of the bigger metaplots (who the Ancients were), is quite portable, as its impact on the "bigger world" is not THAT big - most evidence conviniently destroy themselves at the end of Secret of the Ancients. Sure, the PCs have visited Grandfather, but what proof they have of this (even the Teleport Disks would not transport you back to him)? You could just say that the events depicted in the series did not happen in the Marches in the 1100's without changing the OTU in any significant way, and transplant the whole series everywhere you want.