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CT Only: CT Campaign: The Blue Moon

Woke up this morning
Got yourself a gun
You mama always said you'd be the
The Chosen One

She said you're one in a million
You've got to burn to shine
But you were born under a bad sign
With a Blue Moon in your eyes

-- Alabama 3

Ever wake up in morn with your subconscious mind already thinking about something Traveller?

Happened to me today.

I was thinking it would be a neat campaign to have the players all roll up Marines. Or, maybe, if you wanted, you could come up with a mixed force of Army/Navy/Marine types--maybe add a Scout--to form a special government unit. I'm originally thinking of a special detachment of Marines (with special skills that Marines don't normally have, like Pilot and Navigator) who are sent in on the most secretive, high intelligence missions.

The unit would have to be close to a power center. I'm thinking it could be based out of Regina in the Spinward Marches, directly under the Duke's control. The Spinward Marches, with all the trouble with the Zhodani and the Vargr incursions, plus the thick influence of the Ancients--not to mention the matters associated with the frontier governments, like the Sword Worlds and the Darrians.

The unit would be called: The Blue Moon.

This is their nick name, because this special unit is called in every once in a while....every once in a Blue Moon.

But, when they are needed, they are needed.

I'm thinking the campaign would be a three-parter: Something like this--


We start with the last mission of the characters while in the Blue Moon. Some ancient structure has been reported on a out-of-the-way world. The Duke orders the Blue Moon to investigate.

I'd take the Shadows adventure and do something with it--put in some aliens or robots or something even more inventive (how about holographic enemies that can do real damage--something TL 17!). Our Marines go in. All hell breaks loose.

And, they find something...something I'm not sure what, that leads them elsewhere.

But, there tour is up. After that mission, they team musters out. They all know each other and have become friends.

They all decide to stick together--go into business together..

...get a ship...

..do the standard Traveller thing...


I was thinking that, after these guys muster back into Imperial society, they do the standard Traveller thing. Get a ship. Try to make some credits.

The Ref, can, of course, use whatever adventures he wants, or even make up something new. I was thinking that The Traveller Adventure would work well here. It can start with a crew getting a ship. Then, the adventures they end up having are suited to their Blue Moon skills.

Maybe, while being Blue Moons, they did something in the past for Baron Oberlindes, and now, he waves the downpayment needed for a subsidized vessel.

Other adventures would work well, too.


The concluding adventure to the campaign would be Twilight's Peak. At this time, the crew has had a lot of adventures (in Part II). They stumble across a clue (the book from Twilight's Peak) that reminds them of their last mission in the Blue Moon--something they saw in the pyramid on Yorbund.

I'd make it so that the concluding adventure ties into the starting adventure.

Lots of neat things could happen in this campaign. Rubbing elbows with the nobility and Naval Intelligence. Plenty of stuff for a non-standard civilian crew to get into. Lots of fun.

--Just a bit from my waking thoughts this morning.