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ct chargen books 1-7

Thanks for the link Granpafishy and for asking hirch duckfinder. I was myself pondering the possible need for one and about to go looking and well here one is.

A quick couple comments which I have passed on to the author in case they are doing any updates on it.

Unfortunately it is only Book 1 Generation. And equally disappointing the email address for the author is undeliverable :( which is not too surprising since the page hasn't had an update since June of 2000.

It has a very nice CT look to it and the interface is easy. Unfortunately I'd prefer to see what each step is doing, especially in the personal development skill table and mustering out tables. It may be my paranoia but it seems like I wasn't always getting a credit towards a stat in the first case or benefits in the latter. A couple selections of personal development did produce the blade weapon cascade so that part may be ok.

Pretty definitely broken though is the Scout career. It's only giving one skill per term

The random seed also seems slightly skewed to repeat, or I just got incredibly unlucky with 7 failed survival rolls for first term in a row.

That's another thing

This is hardcore, old school, you fail your survival its game over, you died, generate a new character, you are

Ahh, the memories
You might also try (I will be shortly) the one here.

For Windows 9x, it generates characters based on the rules given in the 3 black books -
and prints them to a text file on your hard drive. It also now generates
characters in careers from Supplement 4: Citizens of the Imperium, plus
a custom career from Dragon Magazine #86, the careers from Alien Module 8:
The Darrians, the Vargyr careers from the Traveller Adventure, as well as
several custom careers.

It also generates characters from various alien races, including an
implementation (not perfect) of the Droyne Castes.
I tried to tackle CT books 4-7 a few years back, but then Real Life(tm) kind of interfered. The program, as it currently stands, is about 30% along and written in VB.

If there is enough interest, I may (and this is a very qualified "MAY" - focused on T20 these days) consider brushing the dust off the code and see about rewriting it in Delphi.
Originally posted by Slink182:
If there is enough interest, I may (and this is a very qualified "MAY" - focused on T20 these days) consider brushing the dust off the code and see about rewriting it in Delphi.
I would very much be intrested in a T20 version. Genereators of any kind are of intrest to me but Traveller more so.
thanks guys . I was specifically looking for a ct one which includes all the ct books , so you can characters that have more than three skills ;)

i am aware of mr ferris' fine effort . the main prob i had was its only book 1 and the 2-12 spread is even not belled . i beleive its just 2-12 rather than 1-6 twice , if you get me , which leads to less middle numbers and more high and low ones .
Well, a friend created (I may still have a copy somewhere) a MT character generator if that'd interest you or anyone. However it was a Mac HyperCard application so although quite a nice little application (also did trade and worlds and maybe something else iirc) most of you probably can't use it, unless it would run in emulation and you could find a cheap or free one.

The web site he had it on was finally closed about a year ago for lack of updates so unless I can find a copy somewhere... :(
Quote: "Pretty definitely broken though is the Scout career. It's only giving one skill per term"

Sorry for my ignorance Far Trader, but I though tin CT Scouts only get 1 skill per term after the first term (where they get 2).

I know im late but can I just plug Ace and the Dog's work - it is a god send to a busy referee (not that I ref any more, but i am busy)
Originally posted by Michael Taylor:
Quote: "Pretty definitely broken though is the Scout career. It's only giving one skill per term"

Sorry for my ignorance Far Trader, but I though tin CT Scouts only get 1 skill per term after the first term (where they get 2).

Hmm, we always played it 2 skills each term for Scouts, as a compensation for no commission and promotion skills is the way I recall the book putting it. And every career got 2 skills for the first term. Don't have the original LBB's anymore but yep that's what both the BBB and QLI's reprint have.
Its also a problem for the OTHER - who could make a pretty cool character class if there were enough skills to flesh them out.
1st edition CT Scouts and Others get 1 skill per term of service after the first. In 2nd edition the 2 skills per term for Scouts came in.
Originally posted by hirch duckfinder:
does anyone know of a programme that does this ?
thanks ,
duck .
Sorry for the late reply (I've only just joined this forum); in the past, I've downloaded a couple of Character Generation programs, but neither of them were, IMO, particularly great. I'm just starting to put together one, based on CT Book 1, in GWBasic. I *had* hoped to do one in Java, but as that involves teaching myself a whole new programming language I've put that off for the time being! I'm just using CT Book 1 for the moment, but later I hope to incorporate all the other Books and Supplements, and then move on to MegaTraveller, TNE, and T4. (Don't have GURPS or T20 yet.) I've no doubt that other people have done this sort of thing, but...well, there's nothing like the sense of satisfaction one gets from doing it oneself, is there?

I still hope to master Java, but in the meantime, when I have a working version of the program I'll bung it up on my website.

Originally posted by Elliot:
Its also a problem for the OTHER - who could make a pretty cool character class if there were enough skills to flesh them out.
I tend to find "Other" to be a bit too vague for my liking - not really defined enough to be a proper career, but most of the skills on offer seem to suggest rather a seedy, disreputable, lowlife/crim.

The Citizens of the Imperium supplement was a Godsend, IMO.
