SOC-14 1K
The Basic Books (LBB1) says it's 2D of damage for the marine cutlass. But then the LBBs go on to say how the cutlass is such a badass weapon that does a hefty amount of damage, blah blah blah.
The Traveller Book, which is also canon, and which was published years later, states that the Cutlass does 3D of damage.
Now, I'm no expert with the damage potential of bladed weapons. If a CT "sword" can do 2D of damage, and a CT "broadsword" is a much larger blade that does 4D of damage.... then where does the Cutlass stand? Is it logical to give it 2D or 3D damage?
The Traveller Book, which is also canon, and which was published years later, states that the Cutlass does 3D of damage.
Now, I'm no expert with the damage potential of bladed weapons. If a CT "sword" can do 2D of damage, and a CT "broadsword" is a much larger blade that does 4D of damage.... then where does the Cutlass stand? Is it logical to give it 2D or 3D damage?