Supplement Four
SOC-14 5K
You may consider running your game with modifiers like I do in my game. I re-arrange the standard CT modifiers a bit.Originally posted by Maladominus:
But then the LBBs go on to say how the cutlass is such a badass weapon that does a hefty amount of damage, blah blah blah.
DMs to Melee Attack Throw
- Use Skill as a +DM to hit (standard CT)
- Use Defender's Skill as a -DM to hit (standard CT)
- Use STR bonus/penalty to hit (standard CT)
- Use Weak Blow -DM to hit if appropriate (standard CT)
- Use Range DM to hit (standard CT)
DO NOT use Armor DMs on the to-hit throw, though.
So, on your attack throw, use all the normal CT DMs except the Armor DMs.
Then, if a hit is made, you will roll the standard 3D damage for a Cutlass, but you will modify this damage.
DMs to Melee Damage Throw
- Use Armor Value as a -DM to damage (AVs from Striker or MT) (My Change)
- Use standard CT Armor DMs (from table) to modify the damage roll. (My Change)
- Use STR bonus/penalty. (My Change)
- Use Weak Blow DM if appropriate. (My Change.)
What will you end up with for the Cutlass?
If you hit an unarmored target, your Cutlass will do 3D +4 damage.
And, 3D +4 damage is pretty hefty, considering the only other weapons better than that in the entire Traveller Book are the Thrasher (3D +7); Broadsword (4D +5); AutoRifle (3D +6); Shotgun (4D +5); SMG (3D +5); Laser Carbine (4D +2); and Laser Rifle (5D +3).
That puts your Cutlass, at 3D +4 damage, in some pretty stout company (keeping the cultass as a bad-assed weapon, blah, blah, blah, as you say).
Just a suggestion.