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CT retro deluxe set.

mike wightman

SOC-14 10K
There appears to be a lot of interest in retro gaming over at rpgnet these days.

I wonder if Marc has had any thought about releasing a CT deluxe set - metal box, reprint of the actual LBBs 0-8, a couple of nice maps that sort of thing.

Inspiration for this idea came from finally getting the D&D wooden box.
There appears to be a lot of interest in retro gaming over at rpgnet these days.

I know that I am interested in retro-gaming. The games that interest me are not being published any more. Some of them have been out of print for decades.

Heck, all of my favorite games are out of print: Classic Traveller, D6 Star Wars, and Mongoose's Conan RPG.

And, games that aren't my extreme favorites but I'd still like to run a campaign around are all out of print: Top Secret/SI, The James Bond RPG, FASA Star Trek.

Even the games that I want to try are out of print: Traveller 2300, or just 2300, has always been something I wanted to spend a lot of time with and never have. I'm also interested in High Colonies.

I can't think of a single game, in print, or about to be printed, that I really care to purchase. I'm good with the oldies.

Well, maybe if someone came out with a new Conan game...I might raise my eyebrow. But, other than that, I'm good.
I bought a brand new in-print hardcover of The Traveller Book last month for $20. It's way better than the three sampled books.
I can't think of a single game, in print, or about to be printed, that I really care to purchase. I'm good with the oldies.

BTW, I'd love to see CT revived as an "in print" game set with new supplements being published for it. I'd buy everything published, I bet.

That's because a good game is a good game. It doesn't necessarily have to be "the latest thing" in order to be or remain good.

There is a reason why average people still play Monopoly, and don't need the "Monopoly version 7.0" ruleset. :)
Look at eBay and Amazon. Anything CT sells, often many times over the original price. There is a market for CT, and a better market for ongoing CT adventures and supplements.

If Marc would recognize this (Or does his deal with Matt prevent CT licensing, printing or direct competition?) CT would make a remarkable comeback.

Paying a few dollars at a time for LLBs is a whole lot easier that buying BBBs. (Also, if you don't want half the crap in the BBB, why be forced buy it?)

Also LLBs are easier to find things in, without an index.;)

BTW, CT could have been improved without resorting to all the other Traveller version that came out latter. The majority of them failed.
Look at eBay and Amazon. Anything CT sells, often many times over the original price. There is a market for CT, and a better market for ongoing CT adventures and supplements.

If Marc would recognize this (Or does his deal with Matt prevent CT licensing, printing or direct competition?) CT would make a remarkable comeback.

Paying a few dollars at a time for LLBs is a whole lot easier that buying BBBs. (Also, if you don't want half the crap in the BBB, why be forced buy it?)

Also LLBs are easier to find things in, without an index.;)

BTW, CT could have been improved without resorting to all the other Traveller version that came out latter. The majority of them failed.

I like LBB format RPG books; chief among them what's been done for Thousand Suns with the revised rules and Five Stars supplement. As to CT, LBB adventures and supplements would be welcome by me but they face a fundamental uphill climb as I'd want them to be good. I realize that tastes and styles change but I've been underwhelmed by the adventures and adventure related material published by Mongoose. Put another way, I've yet to run across something that makes me go "Oh, I've got to run that!" (I bring up Mongoose not to bash it but because it is the only contemporary source of new Traveller books I can speak to). Mileages vary of course . . .

I truly would like to believe that new CT LBBs would be cost effective to produce and find enough of an audience to make it worthwhile but that way lies frustration and dashed hopes. ;)
A sturdy tin (black, of course!) with books 1-8 would be great, plus blank planetary hex map-forms, character sheets, map of the Imperium and dice would be terrific! I'd certainly buy it. :)
I cant understand why Classic Traveller isnt still in print there are loads of books for sale on Ebay commanding a fair amount of money and the black box sets are like gold dust, I would love to see anything like that re-released. But I hear news about a new Traveller Starter Set so maybe that will fill this niche? I think a Starter Set is a brilliant idea if its done well.
The new Starter Set is Mongoose. "The Traveller Book," for Classic Traveller, recently came available in print-on-demand. That is a huge thing, I am going to order a few for my table, and I hope word gets around and they sell a bunch of them. I would buy a retro-collector's edition of Classic Traveller materials, just like I bought the floppy books and the CDs, but money is scarce these days and I'm not going to be splurging. Needless expensive options are only going to cut me out of the group of possible customers. I'm not a Mongoose player, and I'm very, very unlikely to get involved in a Kickstarter either (although I would cheerfully pre-pay a pre-order to Marc and FFE directly).
My first one will be here by saturday, if its of a good standard then a further order will follow :)

I'll post my impressions of it when it arrives, unless someone beats me too it.
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You know what Classic Traveller needs IMHO? A slightly modernized version of The Traveller Book. This is how I'd do it if I were in Marc's shoes:

1) Take the TTB text and tables, as a document file (possibly from the OCR). Do a new layout at modern resolution rather than just an OCRed scan.

2) Fix all eratta.

3) Pick the best Traveller art FFE owns the rights to and put it in the book.

4) Put in the Starter Traveller ship combat rules as an optional version for people who don't like vector combat.

5) Add a good index in the end of the book.

6) For all default ships, add modern renders and vector deckplans.

7) put everything in a newly laid-out modern PDF, indexed, fully searchable, bookmarked.

8) Sell it as PDF and PoD.

9) Profit.

This will put CT back on the table, and IIRC there is a big market for CT. apart from the deckplans, this isn't a lot of work to put into practice.

Later do the same to all classic supplements and adventures.
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