Durable Survey/Contact Robot
714E4-54-NP3211-LF97(D) Cr1,014,500 674 kg
Fuel=50 Duration= 8.4 TL=15
40/100 (combat)
2 v. light arms, 2 light arms
2 visual sensors ( +tele +LI +PIR ), 2 audio sensors ( +sen ), 1 olfactory sensor ( +sen ), 1 voder, 1 touch sensor ( +sen ), 1 taste sensor, 1 magnetic sensor, 1 radiation sensor, 1 mass sensor, 1 neutrino sensor
1 spotlight, 1 power interface, 1 brain interface, 1 program interface, 1 zero-g package, 1 aqua package , 1 radio (500km), 1 odor emitter, 1 holo recorder (3D), 1 holo display (3D)
electronic circuit protection
1 snub pistol (20 tranq rounds)
Science-1, Survival-2, Survey-3, Communications-1 Weapon Handling-1, Recon-1, Hunting-2, Linguistics-2, Close Combat-1, Rescue-1, Emotion Simulation, One additional Language.
This robot can be used for exploration in an environment which is considered too dangerous for sophonts. It can perform a wide variety of tasks, including collection of animal and plant specimen, gathering and analysis of environmental data, mapping and classification of sites and even first contact with intelligent beings.
The duration on internal fuel is divided by 9 if no free oxygen is present. Endurance on batteries is one hour, but can be extended considerably by shutting down energy consuming components.
The robot is intelligent and flexible enough to plan and conduct survey operations entirely on its own. Because it carries weapons and is heavily armored, the programming incorporates very strict rules regarding use of force. The robot will never intentionally injure or kill an intelligent being, and will avoid killing non-sophont life wherever possible. Normally, it will attempt to rescue any sophont in danger, but this can be modified by considerations of mission priorities. It will always attempt to rescue an Imperial citizen, except when this involves greater danger to others. The Robot can make complex decisions, weighing off options in such a case. This will appear effectively as a conscious decision by an extremely morally scrupulous sophont.
How does this work for a Robot PC? It's fully sentient and independent, with very interesting capabilities and impressive physical characteristics, but strict limits to the use of these advantages.