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CT Ship Errata Discussion : Tukera Long Liner and Freighter


SOC-14 10K
From The Traveller Adventure two Tukera ships, the Long Liner and Freighter.

My take to kick things off follows, weigh in with your own ideas, suggestions, questions and whatever and we'll hammer out a best solution for Don.

The idea is (as I understand it) to seek the lowest possible change with the greatest possible match to the description while ensuring it works with the 1981 set of Book 2 design rules.

No totally redesigned "better, faster, stronger..." versions of "the way it should have been done"

So, on to the Turkeys, er, Tukeras...
...they really aren't Turkeys :) But they do have some issues.

Tukera Long Liner (The Traveller Adventure):

+1000tons Hull-Custom                            MCr100.000
            Streamlined                              10.000
 -105tons Jump Drive V4                             200.000   *1
   -9tons Maneuver E1                                20.000   *1
  -61tons Power Plant V4                            160.000   *1
 -400tons Fuel x4parsecs
  -40tons Fuel x4weeks
  -20tons Bridge                                      5.000
   -4tons Computer Model/4                           30.000
   -5tons Hardpoints x5                               0.500
            Triple BMS                                3.000
 -200tons Staterooms x50                             25.000
   -6tons Emergency Lowberths x6                      0.600
 -130tons Cargo
  -20tons Launch                                     14.000   *2

=1000tons Total                                  MCr568.100

Cost with 10% discount is MCr511.29                           *3
*1 Note the listed crew of 6 Engineers is a mistake, only 5 are required, add a passenger or Steward for more high passengers

*2 Subject to possible High Guard Small Craft rebuild and recosting

*3 Naturally the price doesn’t match the book

Tukera Freighter (The Traveller Adventure):

+3000tons Hull-Custom                            MCr300.000
 -125tons Jump Drive Z4                             240.000
  -29tons Maneuver Q1                                60.000
  -73tons Power Plant Z4                            192.000
-1200tons Fuel x4parsecs
  -40tons Fuel x4weeks
  -60tons Bridge                                     15.000
   -4tons Computer Model/4                           30.000
  -10tons Hardpoints x10                              1.000
            Triple BMS x2                             6.000
 -100tons Staterooms x25                             12.500
   -5tons Emergency Lowberths x5                      0.500
-1259tons Cargo
  -95tons Shuttle                                    33.000

=3000tons Total                                  MCr890.000

Cost with 10% discount is MCr801.0                            *1
*1 Of course the price doesn’t match the book again

There is an issue with the crew. It should read 14 not 15 (adding error), though more to the point there should be more crew per the rules. At least 5 Officers (Captain*, Exec, Admin x3) added and up to a total of 30 per the 10 per 1000tons rule. Unless one wants to read the "should have" in a more literal sense as an option, you "may have" 10 per 1000tons or you "may have" fewer.

* not counting the description stating "Captain/Pilot", I take the crew rules to mean a full time Captain, though of course it could be combined per the rules for multiple crew positions, though I seem to recall (but don't see at the moment) that rule is for "small ships" (presumably ships 1000tons and smaller)
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* not counting the description stating "Captain/Pilot", I take the crew rules to mean a full time Captain, though of course it could be combined per the rules for multiple crew positions, though I seem to recall (but don't see at the moment) that rule is for "small ships" (presumably ships 1000tons and smaller)
Apparently piloting skill is considered the one necessary skill for command officers. In my own TU I always change that to astrogation skill.

The crew of the Long Liner seems ok, 14 for 1000 tons. The Freighter could probably stand to add some crew. The builds look right, even if the costs are off.
Looking at this again... Seems that the costs are off; both ships should have an extra 1% architect's fee before the volume discount, yes?

And we really don't know what to do with that whole crew question, do we?
Looking at this again... Seems that the costs are off; both ships should have an extra 1% architect's fee before the volume discount, yes?

And we really don't know what to do with that whole crew question, do we?

No. Only the first one per batch takes that.
Ok, so... setting aside the crew issue for the time being, draft errata for these two ships would be:

Page 138, Tukera Long-Liner (type RT) (correction and omission): The design uses a custom hull. It requires only 5 engineers for a crew of 13, allowing for 13 middle passengers instead of 12. The ship should cost MCr511.29 (including 10% discount for quantity production).
Page 138, Tukera Freighter (type AT) (correction): The number of crew listed are 14, allowing for 3 middle passengers. The ship costs MCr801 (including 10% discount for quantity production).

I want to wait on the crew issue. I'm hoping to find some guidance in the other published designs.