• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.


Corsairs of the Ebon Main, a Play by Email Traveller Campaign is now entering it's fourth Year. We are currently seeking one or two dedicated gamers to join us in the Year 1100 to soar the endless black in high adventure!

This game moves fast, posts several times a day/week, and is recommended for experienced gamers. Gamers that can integrate the game into thier normal Email correspondence that every computer owner does every day. "Real Life" of course interferes with Gaming, but this game is for those able to fit it in to thier schedule. All Breaks are clearly defined, and we always come back.

In Corsairs, the PCs are all crew on a notorious Pirate Cruiser, which now raids the Hinterworlds as part of the "Hinterworlds Corsairs Coalition" A loose band of seasoned radiers, coming together to throw a wrench in to the plans of Hivers, Solomani, and a myriad of other alien and human opponents. The Coalition is run by Pirate Starship Captains.

Intersted parties should contact me via this post or by PM. Characters can be generated using any CT or T20 system, but the end result must be that you are suited to life on and end up aboard a Pirate Vessel.


NO Psionics unless a species-related thing.

No More than 2 class splits if a t20 character.

NO "Big Government" Navy/Marines Characters

NO Hiver Characters

NO Power Gamers.
M'Lord Baron,

NO Psionics unless a species-related thing.
Zhodani? Droyne? Other?

No More than 2 class splits if a t20 character.
Huh? Is that per term? Or only 2 multiclasses per character?

NO "Big Government" Navy/Marines Characters
Not sure I understand this. Then again, I like the Scout types...

NO Hiver Characters
[wave wiggle wave bow]
Translation: stang it!

NO Power Gamers.
Yes, been at a table full of them before - including the GM. Didn't like it.

I'd love to get into a game like this, but I would only be able to post once a week consistently. I'd hate to take a crack at it then find out I wasn't keeping up. Do you have any other players that have once a week posts?

The distance involved would make a Zhodani character unlikely, but not impossible. You can do anything as long as your background blurb/ writeup is good. Several other minor species and Droyone may also have it if it is natural to them.

I should have been more clear, pardon. For t20 characters, you may only have two classes, tops" "Army/Scout". "Scout/Pirate" what have you.
So no Scout/Rogue/Army/Pirate. Limit it to two.

What I mean by no big "government" Navy or Marine Characters, is that they are the enemy. You cannot be an ex-imperial officer, for example. This goes for Hivers and Solomani as well, they are the opposition. The Big Navies would all like to catch the PCs and execute them for interstellar Piracy. So the stakes can get pretty high.

Which day do you have computer access on? Why only one day? If you will pardon my asking.

As to the power gamer statement, this game keeps on chugging, and we all have a good time. We tend to play like people would that do not need to "win" constantly or otherwise be an irritant or disruptive. It's a lot of fun, and I think it important to keep it fun.
Bear in mind that the Hivers have at least 170 client races as well... this game is a good opportuinity for people to play a character from "way back east" in Phlask or Leodinae, or an alien. All I insist on is that it be cool. There are many possibilities. Dolphins, Githskaskio, you name it. You may not be able to be a Hiver, but you may be one of the products of thier manipulation, lock, stock, and barrel. They breed thier own humans, basically.

There is also Slavery of a tragic sort at work in many of the frontier worlds... perpetuated by local warlords, some of whom are "retired" former Travellers!

(For Example, our newest PC is a gladiator, an alien gladiator that used to fight in Hiver-Produced televised death matches for the client species to enjoy. So feel free to make what you can explain or want to play.
I have computer access every day, just not a lot of consistant time at home. I drive a truck. Granted I'm home every night, but some nights I get home just in time to go to sleep to get up and do it all over again. I also have the option of working an extra day (sunday) to make extra money - and I might be buying a house so extra money is a goooood thing. Monday is the only day I don't work. Tuesday is a much nicer day to start the week on. Not only does everyone have Monday grouchies out of their system, but The Loop (Chicago's Classic Rock Station) has Two For Tuesday double play artists.

//begin rant//As for the Power Gamers, everyone at the table was an only child except for myself and all of them wanted to be the center of attention. Not good in a D&D game when I'm playing a Halfling Rogue and the rest are playing D&D meets Marvel Super Heroes. It went like this: one player said "I want a werewolf template!" so the next one said "well I want a half-dragon template!" and the third said "then I want a celestial template!" and I said "I'm going to buy a set of thieves tools, when are we going dungeon crawling?" Silly me, I actually wanted to "work" for what I got. We never went dungeon crawling. I did try to get one of them to use me for a 'fastball special' in melee once, trying to get into the 'spirit' of things (or kill myself off). Nobody wanted to try it. A couple of the guys from another group tried to get into the game and maybe got to roll the dice once or twice in about 6 hours. And that was about how much the GM talked to them during the game. So I guess they weren't Power Gamers so much as Spoiled Gamers. It went about the same with that GMs Star Wars game. If you've ever seen the D&D 3.5 Dungeon Masters Guide II, there's a section in it that lists the top 10 ways to ruin a game. The GM did five of them. Bad GM, spoiled players, bad mojo. //rant off//

Do you have a maximum level for a T20 character? Scout/Traveller or Scout/Rogue sounds good. Do you use the Natural Talent psionic feat? Can you use a Scout/Courier in 'distress' as bait to lure in System Defense Boats and take 'em into the Armada? I have quite a few more Piratical ideas...
I would limit career to six terms, maximum. Most old pirates in this game are as old as they will get, if you get my meaning. It can be a hard life at times. We had one guy that only had two terms on him and he did ok. He unfortunately had to quit due to RL concerns.

As far as that goes, I as Referee do a majority of the writing, and the PCs do the reacting and actions, etc. The game has a "feel" to it. I also try to present as much visual information (maps, drawings, diagrams) where appropriate and as much as possible. It keeps me in practice, and is a lot of fun.

If the game is for you, it will begin to see a natural flow of events. You will know in a short while what you need to post effectively. Every response does not need to be a book, just enough to describe what you are doing and saying. Even sometimes thinking.

I definitely invite you to try it, or failing that, lurk for a bit and see if you like it. You would be the first Lurker we ever had. Making a character couldn't hurt, right?

Step 1: Choose Ruleset: Classic or T20...
I´m interested. Do you still have a vacancy?

I´m thinking of playing a T20 character, Belter/Rogue or Belter/Traveller. Short version of the backstory is, a group of Belters fell on hard times and started luring passing spaceships into navigational hazards by supplying them with fake system maps, moving navigational beacons, and stuff like - and when they get hit my an meteor or something, the group moved in, killed any survivors, and sold the wreck for scrap. Is that bad enough for that gang of pirates? ;)

So if I create a character, do you trust me to do all the dice rolls, or do you want to do something yourself?
The Dice rolls are dependent upon situation, and I always trust the rolls of a player.

Mostly the game's mechanics are "invisible" I as Referee handle everything mechanical, while you the player are freed to concentrate on characterization and description of action.

In this game, a good description of action is just as good as any dice roll...

(just woke up. pardon the rambling)
Originally posted by Baron Saarthuran von Gushiddan:
As Sir Dameon decides...

Ok Chaos. The next step is selecting a homeworld... The Zhodani Base's Space Atlas seems to have a good selection and the Data is close enough. Pick one:

Got one. Immir, 2816 Solomani Rim (Banasdan subsector), UWP C000530-A
That sounds like a relatively poor, low-tech Belter community, which is exactly what I have in mind.

So now what? I confess I´ve never done PBEM before. I guess you need my e-mail adress (I´ll PM that in a minute). Do you want my character data via PM, or via e-mail once I´m "in"?
Ok, I think I might just try lurking for a bit. Like I said, I wouldn't want to jump in then find out I didn't have the time. What was the web page? Is it the one on your .sig?
The website is in the process of mutating into a so-named "blog" which has freer access and no annyoing obligations like MSN does. It will also destroy the legions of spambots that go thru MSNs swiss cheese security system.

My email address is chuckshaw2000@gmail.com, please contact me there and we can set it up, ya Lurker...

Hmm. Just found this thread. Have been gaming on-and-off for 25 years, but never done the "PBEM" thing -- may be time to try something new. Have access to my email all day, so connectivity not a problemo.

Just trying to get back into gaming from a looong hiatus, actually, and Traveller is my "chosen vehicle," so this sounds interesting. Have been playing around with Char gen the past couple weeks and have a char (rogue-ish-type) that would fit yer bill.

I'd be interested in "lurking," if not playing, if you can find extra space. Would have to create a CT character, as I'm not familiar with the T20 rules (call me old-fashioned, I guess -- still have my LBBs from 1980).

Anyway, will shoot you an email, same subjsect.
