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D20 Weapons for T20


I have only recently picked up Traveller T20 and I am quite excited to begin a campaign using this version.

I have a quick question for those of you who are more familiar with T20 and how it compares to other d20 products.

Question: Would you say that weapons presented in d20 Modern/d20 Future (and other d20 products) can be dropped into a T20 game without much modification? I've noticed that weapon damage seems to vary greatly from setting to setting. Weapons listed in Fading Suns d20 and d20 Future deal completely different damage amounts and if you throw in weapons from DragonStar there's even more inconsistency; I wanted to get your take on what weapon damage in T20 should look like.

:devil: ~Jeff
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A lot of the weapons in most Traveller products like Classic Traveller and T20 are generic. In d20 Modern/d20 Future, there's lists of specific weapons like a M16, Uzi, Fraal laser rifle etc. So most of the weapons in D20 modern are stat'd differently than in T20. So the weapon's aren't realy useable for T20, since T20 weapns are generic and stat'd differently.


Thank you for the reply. I appreciate your input and see your point.

In my campaign, there is a large weapons manufacturing corporation which holds contracts to supply a specific private military/mercenary group (to which the PCs tend to belong). Whilst using different game engines in the past, my campaigns were able to include specific tailored weapons for the group. Do you think it would be pointless for me to attempt to create/modify the generic T20 weapons in order to create specific ones or do you think this would be relatively easy within the confines of the T20 incarnation of Traveller?

Any insight you may have will be greatly appreciated.

D20 weapons are made to deal damage to Hit Points, which is a more... heroic view to damage; whereas T20 combat is quite a bit more deadly. So, you'll see T20 weapon stats doing less damage per hit than d20 weapons, but the T20 weapons can kill a lot quicker.