Gee, I forgot all about the main mechanic of Striker combat. Don't forget to calculate TL into the design specs of lasers, at the TL they enter in they have a significantly lower PEN value than at the TL 13 break point.
Sorry I was talking about Lasers at Tech Level of introduction.
TL8 250mw Beam laser has a output of 62.5mw, which has a Penetration of 625mm of armor. i.e. Pen of 73.
Max High Guard Armor at TL15 is 65.
I suppose...but then you have to forget that the majority of internal spaces in ships are not enclosed by bulkheads. The three main compartments of a ship us bulkheads to divide them from the rest of the ship, and therefor the same relative armor as the outside hull if you extrapolate the HG definitions of what armor in a ship is. The rest of the interior compartments and living spaces use internal walls that are not nearly as strong.
A compartment in the sense of a volume of a ship's hull that can be sealed to prevent flooding. Or in Traveller's starships atmospheric integrity. As I said it was just an idea, in answer to age old question of integrating Striker and ship combat.
You really need to define your ruleset to use these things.
Never left CT, just noting a idea based firmly on a CT basis has similarity to a mechanic in T5.