Hmm, sounds like I've been trying to build a monolithic block of data and you guys are suggesting there are more sophisticated ways of doing it.
I'm a student that likes to dig up and express what I think is the likely solution and then have it adjusted by others. Feel free to adjust...
The purpose of this database is to store the detail of HG Ship Designs submitted by gamers.
Skimming articles on Relational Databases, the gist as I see it applies to HG, is that I'm trying to use the format to create a 2 dimensional table when its designed as 1 dimensional table (information in one row, vs HG Ship Designs holding information in 3, 4 or more rows). And uses relationships to link those tables together.
A solution would be to create seperate tables for each piece of information relating to component parts. For example tables for component Codes, Number, Hp, Ton, Mcr, Ep, Crew.
Tables would look like;
I considered a seperate table for weapons instead of component features, but a weapons table seems to still be inherantly a two dimensional table.
Am I heading down the right path