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Davis Bennett (return to an old CT character)

Sir Brad

ok for a one off game I dug out an old CT character, after a few hours of play I got back in to the swing of playing him, still as fun as he ever was, though I miss the old dynamic of his Varg Sidekick and his romantic interest (a member of the Tavrchedl'), but the new dynamic has potential if it continues with a very switched on veteran bureaucrat who lacks any (or apparently so far) real Field skills and a street-smart but still green young (not-a-)criminal cruising on by on J-O-T and attitude.

Name: Davis Bennett
Age: 35
Gender: Male
Race: Human

UPP: 798CB8-A
Skills: Handgun-2, Shotgun-2, Cbt rifleman-1, Cudgel-2, Brawling-3, Grav Veichile-1, Stelth-1, Intrusion-1, Forensics-3, Streetwise-2, Intergasion-3, Interveiw-3, Instruction-2, Perswasion-1, Leagl-1, Laision-2, Pisonics-2, Language(zho)-3, History-1, Psychology-3, Language (gvegh)-2, NV Comuctaion-2, Leader-1, Medical-1, Tactics-1, Forgery-1, Grenade Luancher-0, Bribery-0.

Pisonics: Telephty-10, Claiorvoiance-10, Teleknsis-10, Awerness-8, Teleportasion-7.

Prior Service: Law Enforcement, "Traveller" (Consulting Detective)
Terms of service: 3, 1.25
Rank at muster out: Detective (O4)

Back Story: Davis Bennett served 12 years in his home world's police force, the finale few where spent tracking a Psionic involved in a wide range of organized crime as well as Terrorism and Espionage. early in the investigation Davis came to the conclusion that the best way to catch a Pision was with a Pision so he took a leave of absence and sort out a Psionic Institute to under go training the institute knowing why he wanted training taught him in a special remote center so as not to endanger the identities of other students, after the training it took him a further two years to finely catch the villain. at the trial it was revealed that davis was a pision so instead of bean promoted to Inspector he was given an Other Than Honorable discharge and Exiled from Imperial space. he quickly found a place for himself in Zhodani space as a "consulting detective" dealing with criminals of extra consular nature. he studied (via correspondence) for his Masters of Police Science and Criminology through the University of Rigina school of external studies, and also psychology both locally and through UoR. he has since gone on to earn his Distillation Doctorate in Criminology and is preparing to present Theses for his PhD in Criminology and Psychology.

Wile in the Zhaodani Consulate he assisted the Tavrchedl' dealing with extra-consular criminals and a number of time assisted the Imperium's Foreign Office. he has since returned to the Imperium and is working with the MoJ on something.