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Deckplans - INDEX Thread


Deckplans for your Classic Traveller game.

This is an INDEX thread.

Posters should--

(A) Reference CT Magazines and Sources appropriate to the header.

(B) Share original CT work appropriate to the header.

(C) Provide links to useful threads in the CT forum appropriate to the header.

Please keep the material Classic Traveller oriented. For example, equipment from MegaTraveller would be appropriate because it is 100% compatible with Classic Traveller. But weapons from MT sources should not be cited as they do not include Classic Traveller stats.

Here are links to the other Classic Traveller Indexing threads:

RULES Meant for references and links to rules material and misc. articles.

WEAPONS Meant for weapons with Classic Traveller stats.

NPCs Meant for NPCs intended for use with Classic Traveller.

ANIMALS Meant for use with CT.

HIGH GUARD Meant for High Guard stats for large starships (typically not accompanied with deckplans).

VEHICLES Meant for CT designs of air, land, and sea vehicles.

ADVENTURE Meant for adventures for use with Classic Traveller.

SPACE Meant for world descriptions, subsectors, sectors, and political regions of space. Maps typically included.

ROBOTS Meant for CT robot designs.

DECKPLANS Meant for Classic Traveller starships with deckplans and CT stats.

CAREERS Meant for both Basic and Advanced CT CharGen.

EQUIPMENT Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

ALIENS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.

DRUGS Meant for use with Classic Traveller.
Third Imperium is a Classic Traveller fanzine now available free on the net HERE.

Third Imperium #1

TL 11 400 ton Vargr Corsair.

Third Imperium #2

TL 10 400 ton Aslan Trader.

Third Imperium #3

TL 15 Chrysanthemum Class 1000 ton Destroyer Escort.

Third Imperium #4

Jolly Roger Class 400 ton Pirate Corsair

Third Imperium #5

TL 13 1000 ton Droyne Cruiser

TL 15 SS-12b 200 ton Stealth Ship

Third Imperium #6

Inside a TL 13 Stateroom

Third Imperium #7

TL 10 800 ton Hiver Embassy Ship

Third Imperium #8

TL 15 1000 ton Florian Merchant

Third Imperium #9

TL 14 1000 ton Solomani Cruiser
High Passage is a Classic Traveller magazine published by FASA. It ran for five issues.

High Passage #1

Solar Flare

TL 15 800 ton Tral Wolf Class Light Cruiser

High Passage #2

TL 15 Type P 400 ton Pirate Corsair

High Passage #3

TL 15 Type AA 300 ton Star Class Armored Merchant

High Passage #4

TL 15 Type SA 200 ton Indertiction Satellite

TL 15 Type LJ 180 ton Arzhent Class Prospector/Surveyor

TL 10 Type QT 50 ton Orbital Tug

High Passage #5

TL 12 600 ton Fortune Class Merchant
Simba Safari published by Judges Guild

200 ton Type K Safari 234 Class Safari Ship.

Descriptions of the deckplans are included, but the actual deckplans are not. It is suggested that the player either use the deckplans in Adventure 10, as modified by this description, or use the rules in Book 2 to create the ship's deckplans (as the description is that detailed).

Also, there are several versions of the Safari ship deckplans floating around on the net. Use any of those sets as a base and alter them according to the description in the adventure.
IISS Ship Files published by Games Workshop

This exceptional Classic Traveller supplement, first published in the UK, contains six unique vessels accompanied by exterior illos., deckplans and detailed (excellent) description. A section in the front of the book contains game information applicable to all Traveller spacecraft.

Some of the spacecraft have "secrets" for the GM's eyes only.

300 ton Freight Tractor Vessel Heyan Rose

100 ton Excalibur Class Express Packet Boat

600 ton Zhodani Navy Tiaflfiet Class Patrol Frigate

300 ton Imperial Standard Automated Intediction Satellite, Type SMU-4C/D

200 ton Iylvir Class Imperial Navy Light Assault Troop Carrier

400 ton Hnneshant Type Vargr Tradeboat

And, High Guard stats are provided for all six vessels.
Merchant Class Ships published by FASA

This is a large box set of six 1000 ton merchants ships for Traveller. Complete deckplans are provided, large enough for minatures use. Scenarios are presented akin to that you see in Snapshot, Azhanti High Lightning, and Adventure 1: The Kinunir.

High Guard & Book 2 stats are provided along with complete interior descriptions.

TL 15 1000 ton Star Class Merchant Liner

TL 15 1000 ton Trader Class Provincial Transport

TL 15 1000 ton Triad Class Merchant Vessel

TL 15 1000 ton Magnadon Class Provincial Merchant

TL 15 1000 ton Seeker Class Armored Merchant

TL 15 1000 ton Iris Class Armored Packet

Aslan Mercenary Ships published by FASA

Another big box of ships similar in design to what is describe above.

TL 14 3000 ton Intruder Transport

TL 14 3000 ton Battle Leader

Adventure Class Ships Vol. I published by FASA.

Another big box of ships similar in design to what is describe above.

20 ton Camel Class Medical Launch

800 ton Chameleon Class Commerce Raider

150 ton Chatl Class Zhodani Leader Scout

500 ton Condor Class System Defense Boat

400 ton Desiree Keah Class Yacht

10 ton Dragonfly Class Fighter

50 ton Kia Class Zhodani Heavy Fighter

400 ton Lucifer Class Destroyer Escort 400 CT X

50 ton Lushina Class Fast Cutter

500 ton Maru Class Merchant

100 ton Ninz Class Zhodani Scout

400 ton Stedlas Class Zhodani System Defense Boat

400 ton Valor Class Missile Corvette

400 ton Zhdits Class Zhodani Destroyer Escort

Adventure Class Ships Vol. II published by FASA

Another big box of ships similar in design to what is describe above.

TL 12 400 ton Lurushaar Kilaalum Class Patrol Ship

TL 9 200 ton Lady of Shallott Class Yacht

TL 12 600 ton Lord Somerset Class Subsidized Liner

TL 12 200 ton Alexandria Class Free Trader

TL 9 200 ton Fanzhhienz Class Zhodani Far Trader

TL 13 200 ton Stayaow Class Aslan Combat Scout

TL 14 Endeavor Class Solomani Patrol Frigate

TL 14 800 ton Explorer Class Survey Cruiser

TL 12 400 ton Kurgilash Class Medical Scout

TL 15 500 ton Eshpair Class Orbital Facility

TL 15 95 ton Commercial Shuttle
Scouts & Assassins published by Paranoia Press

TL 11 Type S 100 ton Serpent Class Scout/Courier

TL 11 Type S 150 ton Wind Class Scout/Courier

TL 11 Type S 200 ton Avian Class Scout/Courier

EDIT: Pictures of the Serpent class can be viewed HERE.
Pegasus is a gaming magazine published by Judges Guild. Four of its issues can be downloaded from the JG site HERE.

Pegasus #6 published by Judges Guild

200 ton Beastmaster Class Safari Ship

This is an INDEX thread. Please help use keep it clean of clutter by posting your comments in a new thread.

Yes, they are an HOTEL COMPLEX deckplans, but you can still have adventures into this big facility (maybe using AHL).


PS. Supp4, if it is not right for the thread feel free to delete this post.
30 Ton Ship's Boat published by Loren K. Wiseman

This is the ship's boat first seen stat-ed in LBB2. Then, when Starter Traveller and The Traveller Book hit the scene, exterior illos. of the ship were revealed.

LKW has done a bang-up job giving us some background and varied interior deckplans for this ubiquitious vessel. It contains complete Classic Traveller stats. This supplement used to be available on this web site through QLI, but I see that order page is blank now. E23 and RPGNow both still have them. For a $1.80, why not add them to your collection? LKW's web page is HERE.

Configurations included--

  • Standard Configuration
    System Transport
    Ship's Boat-VIP Configuration
    Belter Configuration</font>

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600 ton Bastien class Subsidized Liner
600 ton Stellar class Subsidized Liner published by Loren K. Wiseman

This is another in LKW's deckplan series. This one features the 600 ton Subsidized Liner (or "Free Liner" if the subsidy is paid off) that was first described in LBB2 and later saw exterior illos. in Starter Traveller and The Traveller Book.

Weighing in at 44 pages, this is a pretty hefty book, packed with detail about the vessel. The two classes of subsidized vessels are described along with two variants: a yacht and a light mercenary cruiser modified from the basic Stellar-class hull.

Complete deckplans and Classic Traveller stats are provided. You can get the book by clicking on the link provided above in the description of the 30 ton Ship's Boat by LKW.

What I like about LKW's deckplans is that he puts a lot of sense into them. For example, a section of text in this book describes the financial arrangements appropriate for a subsidized liner. Various little neat details, too, are mentioned here and there as the text takes your through the ship, describing every section and room.

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20 ton Launch published by Loren K. Wiseman

This is the latest in the LKW deckplan supplements. Complete Classic Traveller stats are provided. You can click on the link above in the post describing 30 ton Ship's Boat by LKW to obtain one of these babies. The supplement sells for $2.00 today at E23 an RPGNow.

Here's an example of the neat little details included in the descriptions of LKW's deckplans:

"Each [passenger] seat incorporates a standard rescue ball for use by the occupant in an emergency. Seats are also adjustible (within limits) to accomodate a wide variety of human and non-human body types, including allowance for tails and a variety of dorsal protuberances."

Isn't that cool? I just dig detail like that.

Anyway, the supplement gives you specs on several varieties of vessel:

  • Standard Configuration
    Liaison Launch
    Survey Launch
    Search & Rescue Launch
    Hunting Launch
    Retail Launch
    Estate Launch
    20 ton Gig Configuration</font>

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The Cobra lander is well thought out. There's enough detail to use it in an adventure without having to figure things out.
Thanks for sharing!
150 ton Ithilien class Deep Space Exploration Vessel

It's located, with deckplans and both Book 2/Book 5 stats in Space Gamer #32

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100 ton KHAZAD class Seeker in White Dwarf #23

Designed by Roger E. Moore, this vessel is a modification of the 100 ton Seeker used by many Belters. A couple of versions are presented, along with deckplans and both Book 2 and Book 5 stats.

TL 14 300 ton EXPLORER class Scout Ship in White Dwarf #40

Neat looking design. Completely detailed. More incredible work by Andy Slack.

100 ton Type H HUNTER class starship in White Dwarf #70

Can be a muster-out benefit for the Bounty Hunter career.

20 ton RELIANT class Lifeboat/Launch produced by LSP in White Dwarf #80

Extended discussion (and variant designs) on the uses of this vessel.

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