Ran Targas
SOC-14 1K
A while back I came across a deckplan for a Serpent class scout (100dT) and another for a 150dT version (the name escapes now). It dawned on me that this is one of the few cases of multiple tonnage hulls built along the same style. Why is that?
I drew up my own version of the Type S Sulieman scout in MSPaint several years ago; it's really easy to make changes and modify the deckplan. So using that as a base, I easily laid out a 200dT J2 version, sort of a scout leader, still retaining the wedge shape and general floorplan of the 100dT version. Now I'm working on a 1000dT scout cruiser version built to rescue and recover a Type S in an internal bay.
I just recently finished a 200dT version of the Imperiallines Frontier Trader; figured it needed a little sister.
The canon designs for freighters show several very distinct styles; shouldn't there be big and little siblings for these designs? It seems that each was developed by a different design company without any follow on designs; did they go bankrupt? After all that hard work and development costs wouldn't they want to extend their designs into larger hulls with greater range or cargo capacity? Why not a whole line of ships based on the same hull form? 100dT-1000dT Far Traders? Look at what Boeing does with its 700 series.
Just a thought, hoping someone else maybe thought the same thing too.
I drew up my own version of the Type S Sulieman scout in MSPaint several years ago; it's really easy to make changes and modify the deckplan. So using that as a base, I easily laid out a 200dT J2 version, sort of a scout leader, still retaining the wedge shape and general floorplan of the 100dT version. Now I'm working on a 1000dT scout cruiser version built to rescue and recover a Type S in an internal bay.
I just recently finished a 200dT version of the Imperiallines Frontier Trader; figured it needed a little sister.
The canon designs for freighters show several very distinct styles; shouldn't there be big and little siblings for these designs? It seems that each was developed by a different design company without any follow on designs; did they go bankrupt? After all that hard work and development costs wouldn't they want to extend their designs into larger hulls with greater range or cargo capacity? Why not a whole line of ships based on the same hull form? 100dT-1000dT Far Traders? Look at what Boeing does with its 700 series.
Just a thought, hoping someone else maybe thought the same thing too.