I am clearly playing Traveller again. I can remember sitting down with two honor students, the MegaTraveller rules, and a toy deathstar. The two honor students went away to something simple (like theoritical calculas) long before we were finished. Here is my latest traveller headache.
I'm designing a ship, and to give it a little personality, I decided to put on a sentiant computer (with a nasty attitude). Trying to corilate the Computer Design rules to the Ship Design rules is driveing me nuts. I assume that the Drive, Sensor, and Comm commputers are "hardwired", so only the main computer can run gunnery software and the like. But in the computer, how much processing does running the ship take? And what type of computer does the master need to be?
I'm designing a ship, and to give it a little personality, I decided to put on a sentiant computer (with a nasty attitude). Trying to corilate the Computer Design rules to the Ship Design rules is driveing me nuts. I assume that the Drive, Sensor, and Comm commputers are "hardwired", so only the main computer can run gunnery software and the like. But in the computer, how much processing does running the ship take? And what type of computer does the master need to be?