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DGP's Sensor Rules

One of the neatest and most useful aspects of Grand Survey is that it brings sensor rules to Classic Traveller.

Several different types of sensors are discussed: Active EMS, Passive EMS, Densitometer, Neutrino, and Neural Activity sensors. Use of various models, from large starship sensors to handheld models are discussed, along with the technology behind them and an extensive section on Scouts' Survey Procedures.

All sensors are used basically the same way: The GM and the Sensor Operator make opposed task rolls, with the GM's roll secret. If both rolls succeed, then the GM gives the sensor operator good information. If one succeeds and one fails, then the GM will taint the information the sensor operator gets, mixing good info with bad. And, if both rolls fail, the GM will have a fun time giving the PC sensor operator ghost-false information.

I'll give you a quick example of how these sensors work in the rules. Although this example uses a handheld sensor, a starship's sensors are handled the same way.

Let's say a landing party wants to avoid contact with any local sentient life. They've got a TL-14 neural activity sensor to use as they lookout for locals.

The GM's knows, though, that there's a group of five Vargr corsairs about 75m away in a wooded area east of the party.

When the player wants to conduct a scan, he simply makes his sensor roll (with DMs and all that). The GM secretly makes the same roll, as outlined above. Let's say both rolls succeed.

Well, typically, the sensor operator would be given good info, but the scan range of a TL-14 neural activity sensor is only to MEDIUM range (50m), so the GM reports to the player that no neural activity is detected.

So, the Vargr start making their way, sneaky, towards the party. And, the player, knowing the limitations of the device, decides to make another scan.

Let's say the sensor operator's skill is good, giving him a good DM on the roll, and again, we see both the player and the GM succeed on the sensor task.

The AREA SCAN of a Neural Activity Sensor can give results something like this:

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">AREA SCAN with Neural Activity Sensor
ALTITUDE unknown
PATTERN unknown
NUMBER unknown
RANGE unknown
MOTION unknown
SPEED unknown
Speed 1
Speed 2
Speed 3
Speed 4
DIRECTION (approx. direction)</pre>[/QUOTE]If, during the sensor opposed roll, one roll succeeds and one fails, the GM should pick some correct answers and some incorrect answers on the chart above.

But, since both rolls succeeded in our example, the GM will give the sensor operator 100% good information.

He'll mark:

Altitidue as level.

Pattern as complex.

Number as multiple.

Range as Medium.

Motion as toward.

Speed as Speed 1.

Direction as direction 2 (90 degress to the right).

Now that the sensor operator has a contact, he'll swing the sensor in the direction of the contact and do a directional scan.

On a directional scan with a neural activity sensor, there are only two scan criteria being measured:

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">DIRECTION SCAN with Neural Activity Sensor
lower form
not intelligent
intelligent</pre>[/QUOTE]Our player character sensor operator is good. He makes his roll for the directional scan. The GM makes his secret roll as well.

The GM tells the sensor operator, "Your scan picked up human/vargr neural class, intelligence shows as 'intelligent'".

And, that's how the sensor rules work.

I think they'd be fun to use in a game....especially with the Passive EMS sensors during starship combat.

The GM is basically "roleplaying" the results of what the characters see in the readings. The GM doesn't place a pencil mark on the map and say, "You find five Vargr signatures here." Instead, the roleplays the readings gained in the example above, allowing the player to act on them as he sees fit.

Notice that this example of the NAS sensor didn't show exact location of the approaching vargr--only general direction. That's a limitation of a NAS.

Sometimes, especially during starship combat, different sensors will be used to find different types of data.

I like this. And, next time I get a chance to test drive a sensor scan in my game, I'm going to try out these rules and see how they play.

One of the neatest and most useful aspects of Grand Survey is that it brings sensor rules to Classic Traveller.

Several different types of sensors are discussed: Active EMS, Passive EMS, Densitometer, Neutrino, and Neural Activity sensors. Use of various models, from large starship sensors to handheld models are discussed, along with the technology behind them and an extensive section on Scouts' Survey Procedures.

All sensors are used basically the same way: The GM and the Sensor Operator make opposed task rolls, with the GM's roll secret. If both rolls succeed, then the GM gives the sensor operator good information. If one succeeds and one fails, then the GM will taint the information the sensor operator gets, mixing good info with bad. And, if both rolls fail, the GM will have a fun time giving the PC sensor operator ghost-false information.

I'll give you a quick example of how these sensors work in the rules. Although this example uses a handheld sensor, a starship's sensors are handled the same way.

Let's say a landing party wants to avoid contact with any local sentient life. They've got a TL-14 neural activity sensor to use as they lookout for locals.

The GM's knows, though, that there's a group of five Vargr corsairs about 75m away in a wooded area east of the party.

When the player wants to conduct a scan, he simply makes his sensor roll (with DMs and all that). The GM secretly makes the same roll, as outlined above. Let's say both rolls succeed.

Well, typically, the sensor operator would be given good info, but the scan range of a TL-14 neural activity sensor is only to MEDIUM range (50m), so the GM reports to the player that no neural activity is detected.

So, the Vargr start making their way, sneaky, towards the party. And, the player, knowing the limitations of the device, decides to make another scan.

Let's say the sensor operator's skill is good, giving him a good DM on the roll, and again, we see both the player and the GM succeed on the sensor task.

The AREA SCAN of a Neural Activity Sensor can give results something like this:

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">AREA SCAN with Neural Activity Sensor
ALTITUDE unknown
PATTERN unknown
NUMBER unknown
RANGE unknown
MOTION unknown
SPEED unknown
Speed 1
Speed 2
Speed 3
Speed 4
DIRECTION (approx. direction)</pre>[/QUOTE]If, during the sensor opposed roll, one roll succeeds and one fails, the GM should pick some correct answers and some incorrect answers on the chart above.

But, since both rolls succeeded in our example, the GM will give the sensor operator 100% good information.

He'll mark:

Altitidue as level.

Pattern as complex.

Number as multiple.

Range as Medium.

Motion as toward.

Speed as Speed 1.

Direction as direction 2 (90 degress to the right).

Now that the sensor operator has a contact, he'll swing the sensor in the direction of the contact and do a directional scan.

On a directional scan with a neural activity sensor, there are only two scan criteria being measured:

</font><blockquote>code:</font><hr /><pre style="font-size:x-small; font-family: monospace;">DIRECTION SCAN with Neural Activity Sensor
lower form
not intelligent
intelligent</pre>[/QUOTE]Our player character sensor operator is good. He makes his roll for the directional scan. The GM makes his secret roll as well.

The GM tells the sensor operator, "Your scan picked up human/vargr neural class, intelligence shows as 'intelligent'".

And, that's how the sensor rules work.

I think they'd be fun to use in a game....especially with the Passive EMS sensors during starship combat.

The GM is basically "roleplaying" the results of what the characters see in the readings. The GM doesn't place a pencil mark on the map and say, "You find five Vargr signatures here." Instead, the roleplays the readings gained in the example above, allowing the player to act on them as he sees fit.

Notice that this example of the NAS sensor didn't show exact location of the approaching vargr--only general direction. That's a limitation of a NAS.

Sometimes, especially during starship combat, different sensors will be used to find different types of data.

I like this. And, next time I get a chance to test drive a sensor scan in my game, I'm going to try out these rules and see how they play.

I like <thumb up> Where is GRAND SURVEY from ?

I used an NAS in a Traveller fan-fic recently where a bounty hunter had obtained that device, along with a few others (using GURPS and Ultra-Tech).

However, rather than go thru an elaborate written passage and technical details I had the BH check the device by scanning themself and a neighborhood cat that was outside and I made the summary pretty basic (I also assumed that for this type of scan, it could be narrowed to what was "aimed at")...

According to the info-chip the NAS could sense and classify lifeforms within range by scanning the makeup of their nervous systems, piping this over to an expert-system which would then offer a likely analysis of the data.

Following the instructions she activated the wand unit and pointed it at herself.


A familiar sight greeted her eyes: the cat was back in the tree, watching her. She walked over to the window, opened it and scanned the cat.


Great. Her brand new toy was already malfunctioning.
it was a momentary or scene-based mcguffin to handle the fact the BH was being spied upon by an up-lifted cat (which didn't know what the device was).
I like <thumb up> Where is GRAND SURVEY from ?

I used an NAS in a Traveller fan-fic recently where a bounty hunter had obtained that device, along with a few others (using GURPS and Ultra-Tech).

However, rather than go thru an elaborate written passage and technical details I had the BH check the device by scanning themself and a neighborhood cat that was outside and I made the summary pretty basic (I also assumed that for this type of scan, it could be narrowed to what was "aimed at")...

According to the info-chip the NAS could sense and classify lifeforms within range by scanning the makeup of their nervous systems, piping this over to an expert-system which would then offer a likely analysis of the data.

Following the instructions she activated the wand unit and pointed it at herself.


A familiar sight greeted her eyes: the cat was back in the tree, watching her. She walked over to the window, opened it and scanned the cat.


Great. Her brand new toy was already malfunctioning.
it was a momentary or scene-based mcguffin to handle the fact the BH was being spied upon by an up-lifted cat (which didn't know what the device was).
Originally posted by Gadrin:
I like <thumb up> Where is GRAND SURVEY from ?
DGP's Grand Survey. It's a Classic Traveller supplement that, along with it's companion supplement Grand Census is the basis for the MT book, World Builder's Handbook.
Originally posted by Gadrin:
I like <thumb up> Where is GRAND SURVEY from ?
DGP's Grand Survey. It's a Classic Traveller supplement that, along with it's companion supplement Grand Census is the basis for the MT book, World Builder's Handbook.
Originally posted by Gadrin:
A familiar sight greeted her eyes: the cat was back in the tree, watching her. She walked over to the window, opened it and scanned the cat.


Great. Her brand new toy was already malfunctioning.

it was a momentary or scene-based mcguffin to handle the fact the BH was being spied upon by an up-lifted cat (which didn't know what the device was).
...or it just confirms that normal cats are smarter than we think
Originally posted by Gadrin:
A familiar sight greeted her eyes: the cat was back in the tree, watching her. She walked over to the window, opened it and scanned the cat.


Great. Her brand new toy was already malfunctioning.

it was a momentary or scene-based mcguffin to handle the fact the BH was being spied upon by an up-lifted cat (which didn't know what the device was).
...or it just confirms that normal cats are smarter than we think
Originally posted by Supplement Four:
DGP's Grand Survey. It's a Classic Traveller supplement that, along with it's companion supplement Grand Census is the basis for the MT book, World Builder's Handbook.
so it's part of the MT cd-rom ? (or I should say the WBH contains similar material).
Originally posted by Supplement Four:
DGP's Grand Survey. It's a Classic Traveller supplement that, along with it's companion supplement Grand Census is the basis for the MT book, World Builder's Handbook.
so it's part of the MT cd-rom ? (or I should say the WBH contains similar material).
Originally posted by Malenfant:
...or it just confirms that normal cats are smarter than we think

my brief Transhuman Space phase. I had GURPS Bio-Tech, but all the cool stuff happens at TL10 so I never got into THS.

I called it the "smart cat" and let come in a TL early.
Originally posted by Malenfant:
...or it just confirms that normal cats are smarter than we think

my brief Transhuman Space phase. I had GURPS Bio-Tech, but all the cool stuff happens at TL10 so I never got into THS.

I called it the "smart cat" and let come in a TL early.
Originally posted by Gadrin:
so it's part of the MT cd-rom ? (or I should say the WBH contains similar material).
The WBH is not in the MT CD. All three items might be part of the "FASA and GameLords" CD listed as "in production". Or they might not.
Originally posted by Gadrin:
so it's part of the MT cd-rom ? (or I should say the WBH contains similar material).
The WBH is not in the MT CD. All three items might be part of the "FASA and GameLords" CD listed as "in production". Or they might not.
Originally posted by atpollard:
The WBH is not in the MT CD. All three items might be part of the "FASA and GameLords" CD listed as "in production". Or they might not.
It's DGP. Remember, Roger Sanger is an idiot when it comes to Traveller, and he won't let the rights to to re-publish all of the fantastic DGP stuff that was created for CT and MT back in the day.

I bet, because of those rights, WBH won't be on the CD.

Originally posted by atpollard:
The WBH is not in the MT CD. All three items might be part of the "FASA and GameLords" CD listed as "in production". Or they might not.
It's DGP. Remember, Roger Sanger is an idiot when it comes to Traveller, and he won't let the rights to to re-publish all of the fantastic DGP stuff that was created for CT and MT back in the day.

I bet, because of those rights, WBH won't be on the CD.


If you want to incorporate Grand Survey, Grand Census, and World Builder's Handbook goodness into your campaign, then use the program Heaven & Earth.

H&E basically uses the WBH for rules, computer-calculates and rolls, and spits out data in the format you'd get from either of those three DGP sources.

H&E is basically a computerized version of WBH. Plus, you can print out system maps, planetary maps, world-specific NPCs, world specific customs....all sorts of stuff.

Get it. It's a great program for the Traveller GM.


If you want to incorporate Grand Survey, Grand Census, and World Builder's Handbook goodness into your campaign, then use the program Heaven & Earth.

H&E basically uses the WBH for rules, computer-calculates and rolls, and spits out data in the format you'd get from either of those three DGP sources.

H&E is basically a computerized version of WBH. Plus, you can print out system maps, planetary maps, world-specific NPCs, world specific customs....all sorts of stuff.

Get it. It's a great program for the Traveller GM.
