Originally posted by Blue Ghost:
...Even so I think there are some artistic absoloutes. Though not proven by any process I know, there are things that are qualitatively good, and qualitatively bad. And I don't mean that in the opinionated sense, where each of us prefers one flavor of ice cream over another as an example, but in the real hard value of what is appealing and well constructed. That verse that which is not.....
I still disagree with you on many points. I think that due to your experience and background in the industry you have a different perspective than others; and I'm sure that you watch movies with a different eye, a more critical eye, than most others.
I disagree with the quite though; I do not think there is an artistic absolute. I think it's very subjective and personal. Being educated in the medium does not make one an expert on what *is* or *is not* art; now I mean not to flame or insult you and am not saying that you are doing exactly this. But, I've known too many people that do; and I do think that the 'industry' tends to have a very egotistical attitude about those that are not educated, i.e. of thier ilk, and how they just cannot know what art truly is.
I still defy you to show me that the previous 3 SW movies had good acting throughout
Too many places the dialogue was stiff, the acting forced and the exchange actually painful to watch.
As for your comments on Ep1; I don't disagree with all of them. I don't think it's actually intended to be a children's film, no more than SW was. But, I agree with the acting of the child actors....that's the problem with child actors, no seasoning
I didn't like ep1 when I first saw it; in fact hated it for probably the same reasons most here do. What I was saying, and I think that point was missed due to my inability to communicate it effectively, was the magic of the mythos and how watching my children enjoy the movie inspired me to look at them with a different eye.
But, I think the intent of my words are missed and no one is really willing to see what I'm trying to say. Even you are entrenched in your belief, which you back up by your professional experience, that what I say is not true. In fact, you challenge me to examine why I enjoy the movies, as if there is something wrong with my enjoyment of them.
You call them 'dazzling visuals' in the old movies. They were dazzling why? You yourself said that no real technique was new, just the delivery. They were dazzling because no one merged them before, as you yourself have said.
So here come Ep1 and Ep2, building on a past-history created by a movie made nearly 3 decades ago and here sit us, the aged, educated audience watching and excpecting grandeur and amazement and wonder and the same things that tints our perception of it to this day.
But, we have under our belts incredible visual effects as part and parcel for today's epics. We have movies that are generated to be like carnival rides and we see the new star wars chapters come into the fray.
We forget that when SW first came out it was quickly panned by the critics; the artistic experts. The older movies can be picked apart and dissected to stand to the absolute artistic truth.
But, none of this is really my point. I've met very few people that have hated the original SW movies; and those folks that have hated the new ones love the old ones. Hell, even my grandmother has seen Star Wars (on broadcast TV).
My point is the magic that watching the movies brought to us when we saw them in the theater for the 1st time. And, how I see that very same magic in my kids and how *that* has caused me to look at them differently, to rediscover the wide eyed wonder that I had when I first saw Star Wars.
But, I think this point is lost. Either I am not explaining it clearly or folks just don't get it. So, I see that there really was no point in my making the post in the first place. I don't mean to offend anyone, nor am I trying to make anyone wrong, so please don't take this post as doing that, I'll just drop the subject.