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Originally posted by Hal:

Just out of curiosity, why are we betting the jakes of quats on fights?
Fight? I was talking about the psychological experiment.
Originally posted by Hal:
Star Trek had an episode where Captain Kirk had to fight in a gladitorial style of combat, with the three disembodied voices betting strange currency on the outcomes of the combats. See http://www.ericweisstein.com/fun/startrek/TheGamestersOfTriskelion.html
Except that the espisode never explains what they are . . .

My guess is that Quatloos are a metaphor of a currency that, in the "higher" terms of a "brighter" future as "envisioned" by Roddenbery, is completely useless; functioning only in the "lower" terms of greed and violence. Therefore, the "Providers" weren't really superior beings, despite their high technology, becasue they were morally bankrupt.

There. If that wasn't some nitpicking observation, nothing ever will be.
Yes, and there has even been a Simpson's episode that made reference to this. They had Homer on the same sort of odd triangular - triskelion? - grid that Kirk had to fight on where he had to stay on the yellow pattern and his opponents off of it. Someone made some comment about betting 2000 Quatloos on Homer. This was an hommage to ST:TOS.

A Quatloo is some unspecified alien currency amount, but in this context, used particularly by a disembodied voice to bet on a gladiatorial conflict in which lives hung in the balance, and in whose background cheesy TOS fight music was being played....

You really have to see it to appreciate it. I guess TOS is now so antiquated that a lot of folks have never seen it, and at $344 Cdn for the DVD set of all the TOS, they aren't meant to either!
*Vocalizes ST:TOS fight theme

I wrote a cheesy TNG parody that eventually involved Kirk in a fight, but it wasn't a fight against Picard. I'll have to post it some day.

My money is on Kirk.