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Do Traveller Medics engage in combat ?


What is the consensus (or Official) view regarding whether military/Marine medics in Traveller use weapons offensively ? Under Geneva Convention, present-day combat medics/military doctors can carry personal weapons for their self-protection and that of their patients, but to use the weapon offensively forfeits protection under Geneva. Are these norms continued to be observed in the Traveller OTU ? Do the major races honor such distinctions ?
I'm not sure there is an oficial (or consensus) view about this and I guess this will vary a lot among races. IMHO, the SOlomai will honor it, out of tradition, while the VIlani are told in MT:V&V to make war in the "most efficient" way, not shuning what would currently be seen as War Crimes (taking hostages, killing prisoneers, etc).

Other races could vary. I believe the Zhodani can honor it, while the K'kree would not have any such care with carnivores. The Droyne would depend on what kind of war they are fighting (total or limited), and the Vargr will vary (as usual).

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In the Mobile Infantry, everyone fights, including the Chaplain.

The most efficient use of a medic is in the medical support role, not in a firefight, except as a last resort.

It's probably a series of written and unwritten rules of engagement and expectations various factions have with each other; with non state actors, it probably can and will vary.
In Mongoose 2.0, Medic-0 would probably be first aid, and Medic-1 a trained EMT or battlefield medic, with Medic-2 a doctor (and Medic-3 and above very skilled doctors/specialists). So I was thinking that on a small ship (Free Trader, Yacht, Safari Ship, Scout, etc ) you would likewise have a small crew (two to nine), and while you would have a medic, probably couldn't afford to have him/her "sit out" a firefight (even if it is you doing the assaulting). A current Special Forces A-Team has 12 men (able to split up into 2 teams), and they are cross-trained. So I was thinking it likely that Marine commandos strike forces probably couldn't afford the luxury of designated sole task medics.