Take this real world article on
how Big Potato is colluding to fix prices in the food industry, and how they aren't alone (other Big Food companies are doing the same thing in their niche markets).
Now think about the Information Advantage™ that megacorps would have in an interstellar society like the Third Imperium and go ... huh ...
Competition may be "good for the consumer" ... but history has demonstrated (repeatedly) that competition is bad for (entrenched) incumbent interests.
My point being that this sort of "market skullduggery" contains the type of story hooks that a Referee could hang (or more properly, impale) an adventure for Travellers onto. There's all kinds of angles for how to get PCs caught up in this kind of a market capture scheme, which then has all kinds of knock on effects. The PCs could be merchants themselves, merely transporting the goods ... or they could be investigators who have been tipped off about the price fixing scheme, and they need evidence (as allies of the law). Alternatively, the PCs could be "in" on a price fixing scheme that's being run by a megacorp and "someone who shouldn't know" has found out about it (and the PCs' culpability connected to it), so the "smart play" for the PCs is to "cover their backsides" by mean fair and/or foul. Lots of different opportunities for a Referee to turn a seemingly mundane problem into quite the deep rabbit hole for a campaign to fall down into.
- Bribery
- Corruption
- Conspiracies
- Delicious Snacks Too Addictive To Be True
- Cloak and Dagger
- Security Breaches
- Intrigue
- Double Crosses
- Innocents Caught In The Crossfire
Not all wars need to be fought with guns. Some can be fought with (too clever by half) accounting and boardroom meetings.
Gets even better if there's a discovery that leads to a scandal, but then the scandal isn't deemed "salacious enough" to stay in the headlines and public interest just drifts away from the "too small time to care about" story ... at which point the PCs need to decide in which direction their loyalties lie, with the collusionists or with the anti-corruption crusaders or with Team Apathy. When everyone else is stops caring, do the Travellers take a stand/make a difference ... or do they just drop the thread and move on to something else (letting the "bad guys" win)?
Lots of opportunity for stuff to happen in a "merchant trade war" type of campaign ... some of it might even be anticipated.