I think that root of my problem with T5 (other than errata and poor organization) is that while the minigames inherent in the rules are often things I enjoy, it actually added minigames that I pretty actively dislike and feel like they constrain me as a GM rather than add to my ability to run the game.
So, CharGen is a minigame I like, I like expanded CharGen because it gives more detail and I could care less about "more powerful characters" - this literally makes no sense to me a game with starship weaponry...
Planet/SystemGen minigame, I can have fun with this and it helps me as a GM add cool detail and stimulates my own creativity. It is also relatively intrinsic to the game.
Ship/VehicleGen, this is something that I have cared for less and less over the years as the rules have become more and more complicated. I don't begrudge the people who enjoy it at all, and see it's place in the game.
Trade, something that is relatively intrinsic to the setting, makes a decent minigame, and even if it isn't exactly something I would spend a bunch of time doing I have players who will - and it can stimulate my own creativity as I try to make sense of random rolls, or just simply come up descriptive content during play.
But the *Makers for Guns, Armor, Animals, whatever - these are minigames that "make work for me" rather than stimulating my creative juices. Now, for the people that love this level of gearheadedness, more power to them - but I realized how much this is not what I enjoy doing.
Basically the further that a minigame takes me away from interacting with players the less interested I am.