A player may attempt to make a heroic move with a character in some circumstances. Players may attempt a heroic action when the scenario appears to be failing, the party is severely threatened, or disaster appears imminent. The referee makes the final decision as to whether to allow a heroic moral check or not.
An individual player nominates their character for this action. They can select a modifier to the outcome of their choice. A normal morale check is then rolled by the player using all normal modifiers without the hero modifier.
If the morale check is passed (ie., the roll is equal to or exceeding what is needed) then the check succeeds, and the modifier is added as a positive to the result with the attendant actions. If the check fails, the modifier is added as a negative or bad outcome to the roll with the same attendant results.
A character recovers their morale (ie., returns to normal) when they either:
Pass a subsequent morale check OR are no longer under fire / attack and the danger is not present.
Surprise only occurs upon initially meeting in an adversarial situation. The levels are:
Minor: The opponent was expected and comes from a known direction or opens fire from an expected direction. The opponent appears suddenly. Party or individual has clues that there is an opponent like noise but cannot see the opposition. Initial check for morale is Difficult
Major: Opposition appears from an unexpected direction. There is little or no warning of their presence. An unseen, unexpected opponent opens fire on party or individual. The opposition in any instance opens fire with far greater intensity and volume than party or individual expects or can generate themselves. Initial check for morale is Formidable
Complete: Opposition appears totally unexpected. Opponent appears at close or short range. Party or individual sees what appears to be overwhelming opposition. Initial check for morale is Impossible
When a character is wounded or someone in the party is seen to be wounded the individual and party take a morale check as follows:
Individual Party
Minor wound: Difficult Routine
Serious: Formidable Difficult
Incapacitating: Impossible Formidable
Leader: Reduce check one level of difficulty for each level when leader checks. Reduce party level of difficulty by one level for each two levels of leader present.
Tactics: + to roll per level for whole party. Sum all available tactics levels for this roll.
Sword/blade/spear/polearm/brawling etc.: Reduce difficulty level by one for each level an individual has when attempting to engage in close combat.
Combat Experience:
This is determined from the character's career. Decorations, wounds, and receipt of combat skills indicate the general level of experience of the character. This modifies the morale checks each time.
No combat experience: 1D-3 (roll once apply each time)
Little combat experience: 0 (combat indicated once or twice)
Some experience: +2 (multiple cases, wound, decoration)
Considerable experience +3 (multiple cases, multiple wounds, multiple decorations)
Note: If engaging in Zero G combat apply Zero G skills level as the indicator of number of engagements.
No designated leader or clear leader present: Increase difficulty of check one level
Disorganized party. No chain of command, no designated tactics, not trained as a group: Increase difficulty of check one level
Individual lacks appropriate training for situation: Increase difficulty of check one level
Examples: Lacks military training for combat, lacks police skills for criminal fight, lacks hunting / scout skills for an animal encounter. Military training can generally be accepted as a substitute in most cases for needed training.
Each party member fleeing in sight -2
Each party member under cover, in sight and, not fighting -1
Each party member in sight advancing +1 (max of 2)
Each party member visible and fighting +1 (max of 2)
Each party member visible who has a serious or greater wound this round of combat -2
Meeting: Distance of contact. Use only upon initial meeting of parties.
Long or greater 0
Short -3
Close: Increase difficulty one level.
Fire exchanged this round: This is expressed as a ratio of incoming to outgoing fire.
x .5 or < +1
x 1.5 or > -3
x 2 or > -5
x 3 or > -9
Hand-To-Hand combat engagement: A player checks as follows to move to close range with an opponent or opponents or when an opponent advances to close range. Attacker rolls first. Defending characters roll only if attacker is successful.
One on one: Difficult
One on several (2-3) Formidable
One on many (>3) Impossible
There is no penalty for failing this check. The character simply does not advance and this finishes their combat round.
The heroic morale check is allowed to be made by any character / player but only in critical situations. These occur when a portion of the scenario will fail that is critical to success, the party is in serious trouble, or other situations where the party needs immediate success in order to continue. The referee determines if this check will be allowed.
To make a heroic check the player designates a modifier to the final result. The player can choose any amount they want to add. Example: The player chooses to add +10 to the final result.
A normal morale check with all normal, applicable, modifiers is made without the hero modifier. If this check is passed by any amount, then the hero modifier is added to the result and that becomes the new level of the character's morale. Example: A character currently in a morale state of scared takes a hero check and passes by 1. The hero modifier the player chose was 9. The character is now berzerk and acts accordingly.
If the morale check fails by any amount the hero modifier is applied as a negative to it with the attendant results. Example: The same character fails the check by 1. The modifier of 9 becomes a negative and the failure is now -10 and the character becomes terrified with the attendant actions.