I've never even heard of a Force-lance.
I've never watched Andromeda much but I have heard of the Force Lance.
Sounds way over the top for CT, beyond the game's scope in TL and power for such a device imo. YMMV and in YTU is your call.
Off hand and top of my head I'd say...
Melee Weapon : Cudgel -1 or may stun : Skill 2+ allows use as Staff (extended) to parry and attack as Cudgel +1 or may stun
Ranged Weapon : Laser Pistol : 3 shots as Laser Carbine -1 for 3D
Grenade : Set to overload it will deal the full remaining charge of laser shots in a single area effect attack. One square is dealt the full total damage, the surrounding squares are half the damage.
So, it would require both Cudgel skill and Laser Pistol skill to wield effectively imo. And Cudgel skill 2+ to utilize the Staff feature.
EDIT - Oh yeah...
TL15, cost Cr2500, replacement rechargeable powercells Cr150 each, total weight 1.5kg
The Effectors, Grapple, and Stationary Automated functions are too far beyond the scope of CT to model without unbalancing the game in the OTU. Make it up if the weapon is alien ultratech.