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Does Traveller exist outside of us?

I just got my Origins pre-registration book. A quick scan of the scheduled RPGs shows many D&D games, several Star Wars games, 1 Dragonstar game, a few GURPS Traveller games, but... NOT 1 (other) Traveller game of any sort. No CT, MT, TNE, T4, or T20 listed. :(

In reference to T5: How many more versions of Traveller do we need to collect dust on the shelves?

Does Traveller need something else to attract new people? A CCG :rolleyes: or other card game? A miniatures space ship combat game (i.e., first there was Battletech, then Mechwarrior..although I doubt MW is played much either)?

Are any scheduled for GenCon (if the schedule is available)?


P.S. No Runequest, or even Hero Wars (which I don't like anyway) was scheduled either. *sniff* :(
Yes, it exists... I've seen one or other version played at a couple of cons in Ireland.

You will rarely, if ever, see an *old* game played at a con unless it's a best-seller.

And I agree, T5 would be a mistake. T20 is the way to go... all those D20 players waiting to be converted, and they can learn the system differences in minutes.

Originally posted by Anton:
And I agree, T5 would be a mistake. T20 is the way to go... all those D20 players waiting to be converted, and they can learn the system differences in minutes.

Well, theoritically they won't have to learn anything. Only their GM will

They just have to use their *Real World* common sense, and not their DND Uncommon Sense...

It looks like I'll have to take my Traveller game to the local game store. I needed enough players to cover 17 characters (4 or 5 main ones, plus a few spear-carriers).

Now I'll have to duke it out with the card-gamers and the tabletop grognards with their cyborg orcs and laser-guided poodles.


"Wee dohn nee' no steenkeeng sehveeng trohs! Wee plaa'eeng Mah-Jick!"
It's been my experience at the few cons I've attended, including Gencon a few years ago, that most of the games you'll find for OOP systems like Traveller will be pick up type games in the open gaming areas.

Just find the area where people are played pick up games and stroll around with your Traveller books under your arm, keeping eyes and ears open, you'll find something.

Traveller, like a lot of older RPGs, has a large, loyal following, but we tend to get drowned out by the clamoring of the multitudes of fans of the latest offerings from Wizards and White Wolf.

It's sad, but that's the way it's been for years.
I always thought of T5 as the ultimate in Traveller. Anything and Everything. Then again it's probably just wishful thinking. That would be hell to print it all up. I think that was half the problem with T4.

Hi guys and girls, well I'm pretty new to Traveller. I got T5 when it came out but never got anything off the ground! But with the recent re-print(and purchase) of CT I'm well on my way to getting a campaign going
I think its a great game that needs some support, saying that the fan based web sites are very good. I think Traveller is unique its the only real Sci-Fi game on the market that I know of!
Alias writes something to the effect of:

"i got T5 when it came out but could'nt get off the ground with it" [iirc]

Bubba, if you got an actual copy of T5, I got a deal for you :D
Originally posted by plop101:
Alias writes something to the effect of:

"i got T5 when it came out but could'nt get off the ground with it" [iirc]

Bubba, if you got an actual copy of T5, I got a deal for you :D
Watch out for Time Travel Paradoxes
Originally posted by Alias:
Hi guys and girls, well I'm pretty new to Traveller. I got T5 when it came out...
Just FYI, T5 is not out yet. I think you might mean T20, which is the d20 version. T5 has been promised for a few years now, but hasn't yet been more than just wishful thinking. Judging from some of the threads in the T5 section, it will not please everyone (or even most) no matter what Marc comes up with.

I agree that T20 is the best bet to bring Traveller to the masses. Some more supplements and free stuff on the web will help.

Speeking of free stuff, is anyone offering any T20 suppliments or adventures of their own yet? Or is that something that QLI is not allowing?
Originally posted by MichaelL65:
</font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Alias:
Hi guys and girls, well I'm pretty new to Traveller. I got T5 when it came out...
Judging from some of the threads in the T5 section, it will not please everyone (or even most) no matter what Marc comes up with.

Speaking of free stuff, is anyone offering any T20 suppliments or adventures of their own yet? Or is that something that QLI is not allowing?
</font>[/QUOTE]I haven't wandered over to the T5 section of the forum yet, but I'll go on record saying I'll be happy with it no matter what the rules system ends up being. Though I personally don't like the rules systems in T4, GT or T20, I buy products from all 3 of those lines from time to time just because they are Traveller products, and are easily adaptable to CT, MT or TNE. I suspect as well that a lot of people who might complain about rumors of T5's content will follow suit and buy it as well despite their issues with it.

As far as T20 3rd party products go, unless you're just doing a freebie adventure type thing on your website, it's not allowed without a license from FFE (and possibly QLI as well, depending on the language of their license, if they got exclusivity on d20 Traveller products). The d20 OGL does allow you to make generic sci-fi products using the OGC from QLI's stuff, but that does not include any of the Traveller specific mechanics and setting material that QLI didn't open, you'd have to refer to the declaration of open content in the T20 products for specifics.
Opps I meant T4 (my mistake made because the only free time I get during week days is late!) Any way just to let you know my group snaped up CT and are figuring out what they wanna play!

So as long as we keep Traveller in our hearts it'll live.