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Dominion or Dominate?


SOC-14 5K
Is the Dominion or Dominate mentioned in Gateway to Destiny the same one that appears in 1248 or are things under those Alien Ruins changing all those who step foot on that cursed planet?
Sounds a lot like a Cthulhu-Traveller crossover... ;)

Seriously, I'm not certain, but I believe that the K'kree faction that does become the Dominate live in or near the Gateway Domain during the M1000 Era.

That's my current understanding, anyway,
Actually, I was thinking that the Kafoe are more like the B5 planet where the Shadows originated from.

But instead of taking on an immediate material form their corporeal essences mix with any hapless Travellers. In this case, a downed Lords of Thunder Battlecruiser. Remembering that this bunch of K'kree are already genetically modified get their hands on some pretty sophisticated biotech and then the Virus strikes.

A civilization that would have the TL of that of the Ancients but only the means of a TL F civilization to rise from the ashes. Naturally, the Droyne may have been a perfect host for this group of Ancient predators but initially, it fell upon the Vargr then when they proved to be unreliable...the K'Kree.

Add to that not only is there experimentation in biotech but Virus infected cybernetics...
The Kafoe Dominate has the same name as the Great Dominate of the Gods of Thunder, sort of.

Any other connections you wish to make are your own problem.

The kafoe story has yet to be told.
Will the Kafoe story have to wait until 1248? Or are we likely to see more of the story arc in M:1000?

Can you also tell more about the Great Dominate of the Gods of Thunder?

BTW, are the K'kree that make up the Lords of Thunder Pocket Empire genetically modified?
In order:

No, we'll explore it in 1000 though it may turn up in 1248 too.

What's known is in the 1248 book.

No. They're just K'Kree.
Funny, where was it that I read about a genetic experiment to make them less fearful of closed spaces and reduce some of the herd instincts? I am still plowing my way through Gateway to Destiny and finding it a great read but I am sure that it was somewhere.

Oddly enough, I can actually answer your question. The reference you are looking for is in MTJ4.

In it, the "lead" K'kree badguy is mentioned as having been part of the results of a genetic experiment to lessen the claustrophia.
Thanks, Daryen. I knew it was a few limited choices I had to find out that and as I haven't properly digested the GDW K'kree module...I feared that it might have been a GURPS imagined product.

Out of interest, I wonder how many genetically modifed K'kree make up the Lords of Thunder, as there must another reason why they were expelled from the 2000 Worlds?