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Down A Peg

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Down A Peg pt. 16

“Can I see him?” asked Kakhskha to the ship’s Medic and Counsellor, valkyrie Marine Lt. Ardell. Kakshkha had met the veteran outside Dedhekhsgourz’ assigned stateroom. Rather than his own, as Captain of the Gatherer, Kakhkha had made available one of the pricey High Passage staterooms as a reward for the calculations that had, with the cooperation of the Chief Engineer, allowed the ship to escape certain boarding and capture. Jumping at 90 Diameters from the mainworld was dangerous, but not for the Gatherer. Its Ultimate Stage Jump Drives were an upgrade thus far only found on Serue (Knoellighz 1221). The Astrogator had worked steadily and without sleep for more than thirty hours on an escape jump from Roethoeegaeaegz (Knoellighz 1726). Kakhskha wanted to thank ‘Dead-Hex’ for his work and the subtle tactics just before jump.

Dead-Hex had suggested a ruse of surrendering the ship to system frigates and the ploy worked. Under the deception of striking colors and surrendering, Kakhskha was able to delay the enemy Admiral from firing upon their Surveyor long enough for him to amend his calculations and let the ship coast into ninety diameters or 90D, far enough outside the mainworld gravity well to allow the Gatherer to jump safely. Normal ships without the Ultimate Stage Jump Drive would typically and safely jump at 100D. Who knew the exact distance in kilometers this ship could leave the universe behind and still remain structurally sound? Any less distance from a planet, star or other large system body and a ship was committing self-destruction. All this and with help from Chief Engineer Anghal, Dead-Hex had saved the crew and the vessel.

“He put too much caffeine in him, Captain,” reported Lt. Ardell with a lowered voice. “I’ve administered a sedative and told him to sleep all of it off, take meals, drink water and go to the fresher as needed. But for the rest of the week, you need to lay off the male.” The Medic sniffed once in a quick breath. “But if he will see you, you have a few minutes before the meds kick in.”

“Thanks,” whispered Kakhskha.

After knocking at the otherwise empty High Passage stateroom door, the beige female Vargr heard, “Come in.”

Kakhskha opened the door and stepped in as quietly as she could. Dedhekhsgourz was lying in the wide bunk bed. A hardcopy book, some manual for a ship system, was bookmarked and closed beside him. A bunk lamp illuminated him. The Astrogator still looked worn thin, threadbare for all the mottled gray and black of his unkempt pelt. From out the side of the bed’s covers wagged his tail in greeting Kakhskha. She was welcomed by the gesture.

“Hi, Dead-Hex,” she said softer than her normal voice as Captain.

“Hey, Kakhskha,” greeted the male Vargr.
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Down A Peg pt. 16a

Beside the bed were the discarded, poofy, pink and red-striped, poet shirt and the black canvas kilt that Kakhskha had loaned the male in the bed. The viewport to the stateroom had been closed since there was nothing outside the ship to see but the quicksilver wall of the jump bubble maintaining the existence of the Gatherer. But she kept a straight face despite smiling inwardly that Dead-Hex still wore the silver torc set with a large quartz crystal amethyst she had fastened about his neck ruff.

“How are you doing?” asked Kakhskha. “You looked manic in those last moments.”

“Just happy to be the hero for once, I guess,” answered Dead-Hex. “A male’s gotta work twice as hard for half the credit on this boat.”

“Don’t say that, Dead-Hex. You did the ship right. You and Anghal’s oversight let us escape. Doc says you’re about to zonk out, so I came to retrieve my brother’s clothes and that.”

Dead-Hex’ left claw, the one that was closest to the closed manual, rose to touch the clasped, solid silver ring about his neck. “Kakhskha.”

“Hmm?” answered the female as she picked up the clothing beside the bed. “I know you don’t like these clothes so I’ll bring you some of your normal clothes later.”

“Can I - I mean – may I wear this a little longer? I’m from Duelunogorrzuez, an Asteroid world. Our entire lives are spent around space rocks. I-I’ve never worn jewelry. May I?”

Kakhskha considered the request. The torc had been her intended piece for the eventual time she might find a mate-husband to marry. But now that she had clasped it around her Astrogator’s neck, to keep the other females of Roethoeegaeaegz from coveting a consort male, it seemed to look nice on Dead-Hex. Now that he had worn it for a just a couple of days, the beige female could not see it on anyone else. It was attuned now in her mind to the male in the bed. Did he like the thought of its symbolism or was he being truthful about the novelty of wearing jewelry?

Most Vargr decorated armor or dyed their fur in pleasant designs or fearsome patterns. Corsair Vargr were especially noted for such ostentatious gallantry. It was in every pirate holovid Kakhskha had watched in her youth. Even the females tried the decorations at one time or another. But Kakhskha was from Roethoeegaeaegz. Jewelry was a cultural diversion, both for marriage and successful, one-year terms of blessing females with litters in hopes of rebalancing the gender ratio on her homeworld.

Leaning over Dead-Hex, closer than comfortable for their normal and usually barking distance, the female whispered, “You don’t mind being a mate-husband even if for a little, do you, Dedhekhsgourz?” Folding the striped shirt and the kilt, she looked into his gray eyes.

If it could be seen through Dead-Hex’ mottled gray and black facial fur, Kakhskha could have sworn on the Recovery that he was blushing. His Charisma, his personal image of self-worth among this crew, was already receding at the threat of having to return the torc to her. Mated husbands on Roethoeegaeaegz were often elevated, honored and enjoyed an equal Vargr Charisma to their wives. But Dead-Hex was from the Infinity League not the Ascendancy Pact. Before he could answer, she held up an index claw over his muzzle to keep him quiet. She didn’t want his mouth to spoil this moment. Her stomach was already full of butterbees. Her heart was yelling at her to deny him. “Think you can behave yourself even though you don’t have to wear these, Dedhekhsgourz?” The Astrogator nodded though his eyes were becoming drowsy.

“Okay then,” consented Kakhskha, “for as long as you like. Just don’t let it go to your male chauvinistic head, Leaguer.” Then, without thinking of the causality, Kakhskha licked the male in the bed. “Get some rest. Good job, Dead-Hex. You did good….husband.” She had delayed too long before saying that last title. Dedhekhsgourz was fast asleep. The beige female nodded – just as well – and switched off the light over the bed. Standing up, the female from Roethoeegaeaegz padded softly from the stateroom.
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Down A Peg pt.17

“Outermost Giant to top off and I want 3Gs,” declared Captain Kakhskha. She furrowed her muzzle in an unrelated thought then spoke again. “Professor, can the Canopy handle that kind of acceleration while open?”

Professor Zannun considered the question. He was pacing back and forth behind the helm and the question stopped him. Shrugging, he said, “So long as you don’t perform any maneuvers, close it again at turnover and again before fuel skimming, it should be okay.”

“Deploy it then,” ordered the beige Vargr at the helm. Let’s fill up the Collector Drive capacitor while we’re vectored for the Giant.”

The eldest Vargr crewmember on the ship nodded and stepped to Lt. Anghal at the Engineering boards. Kakhskha began throttling up the Maneuver Drive to an acceleration of 3Gs. Once she had the Giant in her corridor, she locked the helm.

“Captain,” called Dead-Hex from her left at the Astrogation-SensOp station, “the latest charts show a Naval Base in this world system. I suggest the Stealth Mask and it’s likely any Pact Navy will have seen our breakout flash.”

“Do it,” agreed Kakhskha. She watched as the mottled gray male wearing her wedding torc turned and toggled the powered stealth coating that absorbed various Active Sensor pings. “Everyone, we’re going to run quiet. Except for the M-Drive, lower our power usage and general footprint. Go play some board- or card games. No electronics or anything else with a signal. The Navy hates my homeworld's SysDef ships, but they will be very happy to catch us and make the ladies back home eat it.”

The beige-furred Captain was about to dismiss for shifts now that the Gatherer had precipitated from Jump Space, but she turned to face the fifty-something male Zannun. “Professor, would you mind taking a turn at Astrogation for Kaeuelldhuegh (Knoellighz 1522)?”

“As long as we’re not in a hurry,” shrugged the black-furred Scholar, “I can run the numbers here on the bridge given enough time.”

“Hot dog,” smiled Dead-Hex. “I’m gonna go pull my guitar out of cargo and tune it. Performance in the Commons, gang in an hour.”

Surprised, Kakhskha said, “Dead-Hex, I didn’t know you could play. Was it on your resume?”

Sheepish in his goofy cringe, Kakhsha’s Astrogator looked at the rising Engineer, Lt. Anghal then he admitted, “I didn’t include it. I didn’t want to end up being assigned as Steward and end up playing for passengers while in the hole.”

“But you’ll play for us, right?” Kakhskha asked Dead-Hex to be sure of what he was offering. “I’ve never heard live guitar before.”

The gray-eyed male smiled at Kakhskha, like he had a secret weapon up his sleeve. “Yes, ma’am.”
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Down A Peg 17a

Dead-Hex played his Duelean Twelve-string Guitar, the one he received as a present from his dam who encouraged at least one art for everyone in the litter. The Astrogator found affinity with the stringed instrument and its mathematical tuning. After a few adjustments, the male Vargr from Duelunogorrzuez started playing. Playing by oneself was relaxing. However, playing to a small group was rewarding and Dead-Hex smiled to the crew gathered in the Commons.

Libations and snacks were prepared by Lt. Ardell the Marine as Capt. Kakhskha had cleverly maneuvered Professor Zannun into running the numbers for the Gatherer’s next jump. With the poor cook out of the way, tails wagged to see the tray of treats and drinks from the Galley.

Captain Kakhskha was riveted to watch Dead-Hex and he smiled to her as the first song began. The female could not fully let go of the ship as he saw the beige female had kept her Portable Controller in her lap and was toggling between Sensors and the helm. Dead-Hex wondered as he played if Kakhskha ever truly let herself truly relax.

He played slow and moving songs. Dead-Hex played faster songs the crew could clap along with. The Astrogator used his claws to pluck out a tune with a twelve-eight time signature that had the crew swaying heads to the beat and tails wagging. Some whispered to each other. Kakhskha’s eyes shone just then as she took a moment to sink into his playing. He coaxed from the strings that put a dreamy look on her lupine face.

Dead-Hex did not sing during playing. His voice had always been too scratchy or rough sounding to ears. Instead, he occasionally hummed or whistled an accompaniment to his guitar. Since it was an acoustic guitar, he was able to tap out a downbeat on the body of the instrument. The action got feet tapping the deck with his song.

He put the Duelean instrument down after his eigth song to the applause of the four other Vargr. His claw digit pads were complaining from manipulating the strings after such a long hiatus. Though he wanted to play more, he decided to stretch out their interest by saying, “More to come, perhaps in our next jump?”

Nods of muzzles were the response as the Vargr aboard the Gatherer ate snacks and gingerly nursed their drinks. With no passengers to coddle and only thirty tons of unsold, TL-6 gemstones in the cargo hold, the crew became the passengers they served.

“These are good,” declared Professor Zannun, his mouth full of a treat of Lt. Ardell, “who made them?” He had arrived almost late to the performance and thus had missed Ardell’s preparation. He also missed the wagging of her tail from his appreciation.
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Down A Peg pt. 18

The outermost Gas Giant, a deep blue sphere of methane in various bands of hues, loomed ahead. It was well visible out the forward viewports and seemed to wait for the next challenging ship to sink to its upper atmosphere to intake a full tank of hydrogen for processing into L-Hyd or liquid hydrogen. Yet, the female Vargr knew that with the ship's Airframe consisting of wings and fins that Dead-Hex could handle the refueling operation.

Lt. Anghal at the Engineering station watched as the Astrogator climbed into the comfy seat of the helm at the command of Captain Kakhskha. The chocolate brown Vargr watched as the beige female tapped her claw on the silver torc he wore, her ‘wedding ring’ and heard her say to him hushed though she could still hear her speak.

“Don’t get cocky, Dead-Hex,” warned the Captain. “I’ll be right behind you, Sensors in hand. Are you sure you’re recovered enough for this?”

“Yes, ma’am,” answered the Astrogator. Anghal knew that Dead-Hex was an ace pilot. She and Dedhekhzgourz had interviewed for the Gatherer together before hard times grounded the Surveyor at Serue. He had acquiesced upon hire that it was either Astrogation-SensOp or the kitchen as Steward for the fellow Merchant. Anghal herself was ex-Infinity League Navy. So the two at the helm had yet another commonality besides liking to pilot. The Captain was referring to Dead-Hex’ recent caffeine overdose while crunching numbers for an escape jump from Roethoeegaeaegz.

Anghal smiled privately at the sight of the Captain standing directly behind the helm chair, her Portable Controller synced to the Sensors. She was leaning over, just right of his shoulder. Flirting. It may have been unprofessional, but Dead-Hex had it coming. He was always “back-seat driving” or goading the Captain. Now the tables were about to be turned on the Astrogator. Kakhskha was going to give him a lesson or Anghal was truly a handicapped female at relationships.

Turning to her Engineering boards, Anghal announced aloud, “Scoops opened and processor standing by, ma’am.”

“Excellent,” answered the Captain who was using her Portable Controller behind the helm. “The wings allow us to do this with up to four gees, but I want to keep it to three. Got me, Dead-Hex?” When he didn’t answer right away, distracted by adjusting the controls to his arm length, the Captain grabbed his right ear and tweaked it. “Got me?”

“Errgh, yes, ma’am,” Dead-Hex whined from the wrenching action of having his ear turned in Kakhskha’s claw. He tried to sit up taller to take the pressure of her grasp and it forced him to look up at her gaze down at him.

“No acrobatics or funny business, Dead-Hex,” ordered Capt. Kakhskha. “I don’t need to be impressed today. We are still on the run and just inside the border of the Ascendancy Pact. Though there’s only fifty dirtsiders here, there is also a full Naval Base at one of these Gas Giants. I don’t need to attract their attention. No showing off, Leaguer.”

“Oww-err, yes ma’am,” acknowledged the Astrogator. At that, the Captain let go of the male’s ear and continued scanning.
Down A Peg pt.18a

Though the methane Giant’s atmosphere buffeted the hull, there was mercifully little turbulence at that altitude. Anghal swung her head from the fuel gauges to see the torture session begin. The female Vargr’s free claw came up to her muzzle to stifle a quiet giggle upon hearing the first, lowered words from Captain Kakhskha.

“You may not know this, Dead-Hex, but I hear that in the harems of Roethoeegaeaegz….” The beige female transferred her lean to the mottled gray and black male’s left shoulder. For emphasis, she brushed her primary bust against his shoulder as she lowered her head and voice so that Anghal could not read her muzzle from his left side.

Dead-Hex’ tongue lolled out the right side of his muzzle at first, but he was forced to keep both claws on the helm controls as the Gatherer began scooping up the needed fuel from the atmosphere. He was soon whimpering at whatever it was Kakhskha was saying to him under her breath but close enough to the Astrogator’s left ear to hear perfectly.

It was a dreadfully vindictive sight to see the Captain tease Dead-Hex with such verbal delights. Anghal had to painfully wrench her gaze away from the two to double-check the fuel intake percentages. She could not hear what was said, but the Engineer could hear his whimpering reactions as the ship continued its buffeted vibrations. “Point five, ma’am.”

At 0.6 fuel capacity, Dead-Hex had to make a course correction. Whining now at 0.8, the Astrogator trapped at the helm had to rise above a thunderhead. The storm would have meant heavy turbulence for the Gatherer. By the time Anghal called out, “One-point-zero, ma’am,” the fellow ‘Leaguer’ was beleaguered and panting with his jaw dropped.

“Very good, Dead-Hex,” said Capt. Kakhskha returning to stand straight and check the Sensors board on her Portable Controller. “You have anything to say, Third Officer?”

“P-permission to transfer you the con, ma’am?” whimpered Dead-Hex. “I am in need of a very cold shower.” To Anghal, he looked highly aroused by whatever she had whispered to him during the skimming.

“Granted,” said the Captain. “I have the con. Go take care of business.”
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Down A Peg pt. 19

“Put me on broad-band Comms for system-wide announcement.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“Attention Corsairs of Kaeuelldhuegh (Knoellighz 1522): This is Capt. Kakhskha of the SJL-3A32 Gatherer. This is your only warning. Navy Train, Navy Train, Navy Train. Recommend all pirate vessels clear out-system or go to ground if unable to jump. This was your only warning.”

“Do you think that by announcing that you are trailing Naval vessels that they will believe you?”

“Are we lying, you mean?”

“Where did you learn such lingo, ma’am, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“Professor, when you run trade successfully as these past sixteen years as I have, there is no innocence in a Merchant because at some point or another we’ve all hauled illegals, smuggled, stolen goods ‘mistakenly’ re-routed to the cargo hold or otherwise deceived in some form or another. While us Merchants aren’t full-time Rogues, we aren’t the angels of commerce everyone believes us to be. Still want to ride with us on the Gatherer, Zannun?”

“Well, despite the claims, you and your crew haven’t done anything illegal as far as trade yet; the issue on Roethoeegaeaegz being not our fault-“

“We need this diversion if we are going to land, sell off these Obscure Gemstones that thankfully were tumbled and polished back on Khodhothgvouks. If we’re lucky, maybe they will make good medal stones or desk paperweights. The mainworld Kaeuelldhuegh is a corporate training ground for a security firm of mercenaries who the Corsairs sometimes recruit wash-outs from. The have a training complex next to a Frontier Installation Starport – or E if you prefer.”

“So, when the Navy does jump into this system, they will be witness to many jump flashes as Corsairs will have had time to calculate escape jump vectors, is that correct, Captain? Doesn’t it also clear our path of potential ambushers who might spot our ship?”

“Now you’re thinking like a smuggler, Professor. I knew you could stoop this low.”


Zannun watched the Sensors boards as the ship’s Canopy was retracted after a day of in-system commuting to the mainworld in full visual range. The Collector Drives were again full after the jump from Atathagaengorrfaghz (Knoellighz 1623). From the vector to the Gatherer’s aft came Ascendancy Pact Naval ships. Five minutes later a distant lightshow at various angles off the bow of the ship flashed. Corsairs took the warning seriously and left the system, either to wait out a week in adjacent, empty parsecs or to hunt in less-patrolled worlds. Those local pirate vessels without Jump Drives or who did not take the warning seriously, descended to one of seven planets to land and shut down, perhaps inside or under terrestrial formations to hide.
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Down A Peg pt. 20

Kaeuelldhuegh (Knoellighz 1522) E251314-5 Lo Po Corsair NaVa

She knew bad weather was coming. It was her leg that told her. Marine Lt. Ardell rubbed her bad leg and considered medication when massage did not alleviate the ache brought on by a low-pressure system. This pain was like a weather vane Ardell normally did not have to contend with in space or in the warrens back home on Nouon. Even with the Clinic and Medical Console safely in the center of the ship, the timber wolf pelt could feel the grounded Surveyor ship buffeted by the building storm.

The Gatherer had landed some kilometers from the Starport by the only small sea on the mainworld of Kaeuelldhuegh. Sitting on the warm side of the Habitable Zone made the climate warm. It was when the Red Dwarf primary pulsed, a laughable and miniature flare, that generated enough heat to move winds across the deserts and whip up lake effect storms to throw at the rudimentary Starport and Fort Vukhudh. To avoid attracting the attentions of any “just visiting” Corsairs, Captain Kakhskha had already made contact with her buyer for the 30 tons of Obscure Gemstones. The tumbled and polished not-so-precious stones were being delivered by Zannun and Dead-Hex, leaving the ladies to guard their ship. And now a storm was rising and causing Ardell pain.

“Navy girl!” Ardell yelled down the hatch to the lower, Engineering deck. “Happy Birthday! Now get up here and take your annual physical.” Yep, time for pain meds. Lt. Ardell had only two terms under her belt, having taken shrapnel from an exploding vehicle dirtside in the Battle of Ungkhou (Knoellighz 1029). The damage was severe enough at the time that command had to stamp Ardell with ‘Disabled’ and give her an Exemplary Service or XS Medal as she was ushered out the door. At age 37, the female Vargr was the youngest crew on the ship and the Captain’s friend. Kakhskha had taken her in before Ardell could board a starship back home to Nouon. Trading stories, they had an immediate calling to crew the newly-purchased Gatherer.

“Hey!” Ardell called again. “Don’t make me come down there, grease-monkey!” Ardell recalled when she and the Captain interviewed the Infinity League contributions to the ship. Merchant Third Officer Dedhekhsgourz and ex-Navy Lt. Anghal had answered the call as a pair - no relationship – to sign on to the independent Surveyor Gatherer. She smiled when she thought Kakhskha might assign Dead-Hex to Steward. The ship needed a cook and the male fit the minimal bill. But when he ran a simulated Astrogation crunch the fastest Ardell or Kakhskha had ever encountered, the two allowed him on the Bridge as the new Astrogator. This was new to the two since both were from the matriarchy culture of Roethoeegaeaegz and its colony on Nouon. But, to keep an open mind, they signed on the line across from Dead-Hex’ signature. His partner, Lt. Anghal the Chocolate was a shoe-in for Chief Engineer. However, because of Anghal's head injury, she was forced to split her job with Dead-Hex as the Jump Drive Engineer under her. Anghal was to supervise Life Support, Maneuver Drive and the Power Plant in the balance.

“I said-“ Ardell spun to jump down that hatch and meaning to haul the Engineer up by the ruff of her neck when she nearly ran into 44-year old Lt. Anghal almost nose to nose with her.

“I heard you, Lieutenant,” explained the chocolate-pelted female Vargr in very close proximity. “I could not say anything with an empowered electrical torque wrench in my mouth while calibrating the Jump Drive thanks to Dead-Hex’ 90D jumps. Now it won’t burn out with these new tunings.”

“Yeah well,” huffed the ship’s Medic, Counsellor and Security Vargr, “siddown and open your…DINGY uniform in my clean Clinic and Med Console. Ugh!”
Down A Peg pt. 20a

Ardell commenced with the annual physical exam upon Lt. Anghal all the while the Engineer was tainting her Clinic and Medical Console with both Drive grime and-

“Just what is that smell, Lt. Anghal?”

“Drive cleaner,” answered the Engineer from the Infinity League. “I had intended to spend the morning just cleaning below decks in Engineering. But, as it happens I made one clean spot and the rest of the deck, all the Drives suddenly looked much worse. I’ve been scrubbing and cleaning. That was when I felt the Jump Drive’s atonal tuning and stopped to pull out my tools.”

“But it’s just now two hours post meridian, Chief. Open your mouth and say ‘ahh’.”

“Ahh,” the chocolate brown female coughed, “Don’t stick that thing so far down my mouth.”

“It’s just a tongue depressor so I can check your throat. Tonsils removed?”


The Marine Medic and Counsellor went through the motions of checking Anghal’s eyes, sound tests for her ears, limb movements, the works of a physical. Once she finished the physical stats, she pulled up a stool and sat down.

Anghal asked, “Are we done, Lieutenant?”

“Not yet, Lieutenant,” answered Ardell who countered with the Engineer’s final Naval rank. “Let’s have the talk.”

The Engineer sagged as she sat on the fold-down Medical Console bed. “There’s not much to tell. The ship took a hit and I was thrown. I hit my head on a Console and woke up in the hospital with a medal and discharge papers. The doctors said that the Navy could not see me keeping it together in combat situations with the condition I now have.” Anghal’s tail drooped over the far side of the bed. She clearly did not like talking about her disability.

Anghal then asked, “Your resume doesn’t say where you got your wound, Chief.”

“The Captain’s interview did not ask,” responded Lt. Anghal. “You were there. Dead-Hex did most of the talking for the two of us. But if you must know, it was at the Battle of Ungkhou. My ship was in orbit.”

Anghal sobered immediately. She had been on the ground while Anghal’s Navy ship was in the skies over mainworld Ungkhou. The two were on opposing sides in the same Battle. Though it was not a full-scale war, the Ascendancy Pact fought and failed to keep Ungkhou from the Zhodani–backed Infinity League. Yet the price was too high for the League to hold the Vacuum world and the entire system became a no-Vargr world visited only by lowly wildcatting mining operations.

To Ardell’s memory, the Ascendancy Pact took the incursion of the Infinity League which had support from beyond the Crystal Wall of Knoellighz as a maneuver from behind the backs of the Ascendancy Pact. She supposed that the League might have felt corralled by the fast-growing Pact. Ardell’s polity had expanded the fastest in the sector despite not being the first to colonize and annex explored worlds. Ungkhou became a worthless pile of rock that hot-head command felt could not allow the Human-loving Leaguers to encroach. Today, two veterans with war wounds and disabilities stared at each other.
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Down A Peg pt. 20b

Anghal spoke first as if she had read Ardell’s mind. “You…were there, weren’t you? At the Battle, I mean. That look you are making at me.”

“Not because I wanted to be,” explained the timber wolf pelt. “It was a combat mission and my platoon was picked. I had no say. In my second term, a Marine just follows orders. I was booted out too when a light APC exploded near me. My leg, you know.”

“I didn’t want to be there either,” Anghal agreed. “The League and the Zhodani stood to gain nothing other than to satisfy their egos over Ungkhou since they felt hemmed in. Everyone in this damned sector is racing Coreward in their expansions and nobody can agree that space is vast. Territory and Charisma, so Admirals and Generals can have some sort of progress to report back home, yes?”

Now that Ardell was sure that the older female was not harboring war animosity against her, perhaps because it would cause her undue stress and potentially trigger her; the Counsellor took a professional step back. “About your injury, your past Universal Personal Profile estimates that your mental acumen has fallen four points. Have you considered augmenting and using Single Skill Wafers to make up for the damage our side did?”

The Counsellor in Ardell saw the overall Charisma of the scarred Engineer retreat. It was like watching chocolate melt in the heat of a solar primary. Lt. Anghal turned her head and with her right claw lifted some of her furry neck ruff where it met her head. The action bared the scars of her war injury, an angry pink though healed. The valkyrie heard the female whisper, “I can’t. The site was so damaged that implanting a Wafer Jack can’t make the connections to my brain. I’m barred from their use the day my ship was hit, Ardell.” The chocolate female then turned her head back to focus her deep amber eyes on the Marine. “I’m sorry about your leg, Lieutenant. You seem to have once enjoyed running track or maybe the obstacle course, Marine.”

It was the first time anyone had apologized to her for her damaged leg. No doctors or nurses or therapists had ever spoken a consoling word to Lt. Ardell who was no longer able to run in fast sprinting bursts the Vargr were known for. It touched her. She decided then to reciprocate to her patient sitting on the Medical Console. “I’m sorry for your wound and disability, Lt. Anghal. Our polities it seems do not see the value of talent such as ours. Perhaps it is therapeutic for us to finally meet on civilian, middle ground and reach a closure, yes?”

Navy Lt. Anghal nodded wordlessly. Marine Lt. Ardell stood up despite her aching leg and hugged the opposing female. Cleaning the Clinic and Medical Console was suddenly trivial, petty even. Outside the ship the winds were picking up.

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Down A Peg pt. 21

The storm crashed over the grounded Gatherer. Composed of a lake effect monsoon mixed with a dust storm blown off the arid desert, the result was a very muddy thunderstorm with high winds, low visibility, with numerous strokes of lightning and refusing to let up into its second hour. The sky, normally clear and thin was darkened to a blanket of sickly yellow-beige as clouds rushed by, pushed by the dust storm.

Lt. Ardell, having come from Nouon a Desert world was used to weather. It took her under a minute to find Lt. Anghal whimpering and crying down in the bowels of the Engineering deck. At every flash of lightning visible through viewports was followed by the thunder. When the sonorous reverberations rocked the 300-ton vessel, Ardell could hear Anghal’s whine and crying. Down the hatch and curled between the ship’s Power Plant and the Collector Drive, Ardell found the fetal female Vargr from the Infinity League.

The chocolate-brown Anghal saw the Marine and reached out to the responding female. Ardell nodded and said, “Shhh. Anghal, it’s okay. It alright. What’s wrong, hun?”

“Th-that rumbling,” whimpered the Chief Engineer whom Ardell could tell was visibly shaken and not far away from triggering a mental fugue.

“You’re not used to weather. Duelunogorrzuez is an Asteroid world-system, right? No thunderstorms or weather of any kind, right?"

“Sun-sunspot activity but-“

Ardell knew just the trick. “Come with me, Lieutenant. C’mon, get up. I know what to do. Upsie-daisy!” The Marine from Nouon helped the paralyzed, older female to her feet and then had to keep a claw on her uniform to climb back up the hatch to the corridor outside her Clinic. To her surprise, the 44-year old was trembling uncontrollably with fear. With every flash of lightning through the viewports and answering wave of thunder, Anghal’s trembling would renew. “It’s okay, “ the valkyrie guided the Leaguer to the Clinic.

Inside, Ardell closed the door to the double, axis corridor. “What are you frightened of, hun?”

“Th-the flashing and that rumbling s-sound,” reported Lt. Anghal, her voice trembling and a blank look across her face.

“Never experienced a full-on thunderstorm where you’re from eh?”

Anghal could only manage a nervous shake of her lupine muzzle to confirm. The female from the Infinity League wrung her twitching claws.

“Like I said,” reassured the ship’s Medic and Counsellor, “I know what to do. Seen this before. You Spacers get around, but don’t stop long enough to get a taste of real planetary weather. Can you tell me why you are scared, Anghal?”

“N-no,” answered the Chief Engineer. “Th-this is irrational and-and scary.”

The Counsellor in Ardell took pity on the Spacer. Turning to her stores in the Clinic, the Marine plucked a product box from a category of items in the apparel section. “Take off your top, hun.”

“I’m not cold, Lieutenant. I’m scared and I don’t need cuddling. I don’t sit on any fences.”

“Relax, Anghal,” huffed Ardell. “I’m from Nouon and I’m a doctor, remember? Counsellor too as I was co-opted with troop Chaplain Service. I’m not trying to get fuzzy with you.” Opening the box top and sliding out the garment, Ardell displayed it to the shivering female before her.
Down A Peg pt. 21a

The gray and with black stripes of velcro was unisex and had holes for arms at the shoulder. It was a vest meant to be slipped on and fastened about the neck, shoulders and chest down to the abdomen. It had a wire mesh embedded in the tough fabric. Likely for Cage protection too, Ardell guessed. She had never been required to give one of these out.

“Wh-what is th-“ asked Anghal before she was cut off by another peal of thunder outside the ship. She grasped the Medical Console where she again sat. Once the thunder had passed, the Engineer complied by unzipping her duty flight-suit and her tank top.

“The box calls it a ThunderVest,” explained the Medic. “The product’s makers claim that it calms its wearer for situations like this. Look, it has a mesh for Cage protection from EMP, electricity and harmful EM waves. That’s new. Slip it on, Lieutenant.”

As the older female complied, Ardell could see that at 44-years old and a Life Stage just above her, Anghal was well endowed before her chocolate fur was wrapped in the vest. Ardell was a Marine and had no form for a typical female Vargr. She was more compact and wiry than Anghal. “Tighter, hun. It has to hug you good.”

With a few rasping adjustments of the velcro, Lt. Anghal had the vest fastened about her torso and just above her collar bones. It made her neck ruff puff out but the vest’s benefits were sinking into the frightened female already. Then the Leaguer re-zipped up her duty uniform. Concealed except for the neck portion where the uniform was barely open, the snug garment was mostly undetectable. Ardell watched as Anghal calmed after a few minutes of stretching to get used to the fit over her brown fur.

“How is it?” asked Ardell curiously.

“It’s like wearing a tactical vest crossed with a unitard.”

“And how do you feel now?”

“Contained. Secure. Thank you very much, Lt. Ardell.”

“Keep it with you for the future,” offered Ardell. “It’s yours now. If you ever encounter scary weather or trigger-y noises, you can put this on under any uniform or Vacc Suit and it will do its part.”

Sniffing once, the older female hugged the Medic and Counsellor. “Thank you.”

An hour later, Ardell stood at the airlock with Lt. Anghal to receive the ground ATV bringing Dead-Hex and Professor Zannun. It was an open air vehicle, drenched with the muddy rain of the monsoon dust-storm. The two females were distant witness from inside the opened airlock to see the large, muddy and muscular Zannun helping a shaking Dead-Hex from the vehicle. When the lightning flashed, the two ladies saw the Astrogator whine and almost lose footing if not for the stronger male from Serue.

The two female Vargr smiled a secret between each other as the two males approached.
Down A Peg pt. 22

Serue (Knoellighz 1221) A320589-F De He Ni Po Cp NaVa

Two jumps and thus two weeks after the storm on Kaeuelldhuegh, the Gatherer crew looked forward to delivering the nine High Passengers, four ‘sleepers’, 19 tons of Nectar drinks Freight being transported by one of the High Passengers to fruit drink markets on thirsty Serue and the Captain had gambled on 35 tons of Obscure Bulk Organics from Kaeuelldhuegh.
Dead-Hex felt the speculative cargo was a bit sketchy, but since Kakhskha was the Business Teacher, he went with her purchase. What could he complain? He had just been paid by her in the empty parsec 1321. If the stuff did not sell, the ship was not sunk thanks to the draw of the Gatherer’s Demand and some smooth talking at the dirtside training compound by the Astrogator.

It was Kakhskha who landed the High Passengers however. With help from Professor Zannun to set up an LOS-Comm channel, she was able to secure a private signal to the frontier installation and advertise the Luxury Staterooms up for charter. How did she do it? Dead-Hex chalked it up to the Captain’s charm and transmitted dinner menu.

After Kakhskha took a turn at skimming for fuel at one of four Seruean Gas Giants, she steered for the mainworld Serue. It was a hellish, desert planet in the glare of twin, dueling M3 V Red Dwarf stars in a binary dance to the end of Charted Space. Yet this was the undisputed capital of high-technology in Knoellighz Sector. Professor Zannun originated on Serue and was a brilliant designer of the Collector Drive now installed on the Gatherer. The Captain stood up, stretched from nose to tail, yawned and announced, “I need to go run my numbers so we can hopefully cut a profit. Lt. Anghal?”

“Yes, ma’am,” answered the Engineer standing and coming to attention. Dead-Hex thought that civilian life would never erode the Infinity League Navy out of the Spacer veteran female.

“Think you can keep the mainworld in the corridor for me?” asked Capt. Kakhskha.

“Yes, ma’am!” Crisp and focused. Though seemingly silly to the Merchant, Dead-Hex was satisfied that his fellow League Vargr was attentive and ready today as the Gatherer was on final approach, having already performed turnaround for deceleration to the Planet of the Egg-heads.

“You have the con then. If you or Prof. Zannun have any trouble, just call. I’m taking my Portable Controller to my room but can monitor.”

“I have the con, ma’am.”

“Good to hear.” With that the beige female from Roethoeegaeaegz headed for the iris valve. At her passing, she looked at Dead-Hex. Was she merely glancing at him or was there something else in her eyes? He decided that he was not needed and followed Kakhskha through the iris valve. Despite the perceived invitation, an itchy concerned bubbled up from inside Dead-Hex and he meant to ask Kakhskha about it.

Happy that the smells of dinner from the Commons and its Galley diverted the Captain from the privacy of her room, Dead-Hex trailed lazily behind her. So as to not appear to be stalking the female, the Astrogator paused to see what the Professor had cooked earlier before joining the rest on the Bridge. It smelled good, but even hungry Dead-Hex was suspicious.
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Down A Peg pt.22a

Because he wanted to catch the Captain out in the open in the Commons, Dead-Hex scooped a bowl of what looked like meaty stew. He was not sure of the assessment. Taking the bowl of dinner with him, the Astrogator sat down at the roundtable where Kakhskha had already splayed out her Portable Controller, some hardcopy records she kept in case of a power failure and several appetizers not prepared by Professor Zannun. With his bowl before him and a spork, Dead-Hex opened first to get her attention.

“Umm, Captain?”


Kakhskha was deep into her ledger just as Dead-Hex might have been hip-deep in his Astrogation calculations. He tried wagging his tail and smiling with genuine friendliness. No luck. As his bowl was still too hot, he looked about the Commons. Kakhskha’s friend, Marine Lt. Ardell was likely still asleep so as to cover all shifts on the Gatherer. He wanted privacy and to be cautious of Ardell’s overprotection of the Captain. Nervously he pulled on the silver torc the beige female had let him continue wearing. How to begin?

Kakhskha finished chewing on her appetizer and asked, “What is it, Dead-Hex? You do know that I try very hard not to interrupt your Astrogation. What’s on your mind that you tailed me when you normally disappear after your shift?”

Charisma, Dead-Hex. Think how to satisfy the Captain’s Charisma in this. She’s in charge. She’s in charge. The mottled gray and black pelted male spat it out, running words in connected groups with, “We-escaped-Roeth-well-‘nuff, but-never-found-out-why; that-is-we-never-learned-why-why-we-were-arrested-and-diverted. Knowwhatimean?” The blur of words caused the Astrogator take in a breath, but he held it as Kakhskha looked up at him. She seemed to process his words a moment. Seconds ticked by.

“No,” answered Kakhskha, “because your mind is on fast-forward, Dead-Hex. Why don’t you slow down and ask what’s really on your mind?”

There was what was on Dead-Hex’ mind and there was what was on his heart. The two were in a strange battle for control of his mouth. He stirred his meaty stew to try and jumble the war inside him and said, “What happened on the train while I was asleep? One sleep later and we’re no longer trying to find out why we were arrested, Kakhskha.”

Captain Kakhskha nodded her head as she worked her teeth with her tongue with her mouth closed. Dead-Hex nearly jumped in his seat when without warning the female grabbed her comm and keyed a sync with the Portable Controller on the table. An attention whistle from the ship’s speakers sounded.

From both in front of him and from the speakers above came the Captain’s voice, “Now hear this. There will be a ship-wide meeting two hours after docking at Serue’s Highport. I want reports from all boards in hardcopy and in triplicate, expenditures and incomes in my claws at that time. That is all.” Through the announcement, she kept her eyes trained on her Astrogator.

Now he’d done it. Those entire two hours to call up all his work added to off-loading freight, sold cargo and shutting down ship operations. The ship was overdue for a monthly maintenance as well. It was going to take all the time he had left between now and the meeting. Dead-Hex flattened his ears in nervous guilt. At least it wasn’t his job to release the passengers and waken the sleepers in the “coffin room”. So stunned was he that his mouth refused to move when Kakhskha got up and took her drink, the Portable Controller and her ledger with her. He watched her march off around the corner and down the corridor to her cabin. He took a first bite of the stew while regretting confronting the Captain.

“Bleeearrgh!” reacted Dead-Hex. The stew was horrible. It tasted as if a kill had baked in a desert, gone rancid and then protested its own harvest by the hunters a week later. The Infinity League male got up to wash off the plate and spork in utter disgust. Then he ran to his cabin to brush his teeth to get rid of the taste. No wonder the Captain stuck around only long enough to have the appetizer.
Down A Peg pt. 23

Kakhskha closed and locked the door to her stateroom. Putting her back to the door, she tossed her work on her bunk. She had time. Aside from the annual profit-sharing payouts, the entire crew drew better paychecks than her. Was she being wise with the current assignments aboard the Gatherer? Then there was the current issue with Matron Sangthaghlla Thazdhoth, the ruler of Church and State on Roethoeegaeaegz and the mission Kakhskha had accepted in return for clemency upon Serue. Her mission could delay war and the conquering of the advanced world, though it would be costly for the Ascendancy Pact to take the high-tech world by force or by political pressure. She had not yet come out about the new mission given to the Surveyor ship to spy on the Zhodani for reasons she was beginning to tie in with what she saw at the Ancients Psi-Map Exhibit. And now, Dead-Hex was beginning to smart up to the events on the train ride east and the secret meeting with the Matron.

But her heart was concerned with another matter. Dead-Hex was becoming attracted to Kakhskha. He had asked to wear her wedding torc. She had flirted with him at the helm, in front of his friend Lt. Anghal no less. Now he was following her around and becoming familiar with her rather than his usual arms-length goading. Was he stalking her? How far would this go?

Being from Roethoeegaeaegz and the matriarchy culture there, Kakhskha had been brought up that the females were the forward ones to court the males before Selecting them. It was the females that perused the males for traits they desired in their litters. The females presented jewelry to successful males. Kakhskha did not have a proper harem set up and had very little money to spend on it to begin with. Dead-Hex was inadvertently turning the way things were supposed to go on its head. Ignorant male! Stifling an entertained giggle with a claw to her mouth, the beige female played with the idea. The Leaguer was courting her and he was unaware of doing it, or he was so sly with his charm and his mouth that he had even Kakhksha fooled. Well, if Mr. Mouth who wouldn’t leave her to her work was going to turn the tables on her, she could make sure he played by her rules. Yes. That was it. She had to erect boundaries and see where Dead-Hex would take this role-reversal. In the meantime, the male would be busy with work and dodging the ire of the other crew for the inventory they would have to present to their Captain.

The novel idea of being courted instead of her doing such had merit. But just what were her preferences in such an exercise?
Down A Peg pt.24

175-1105 Serue (Knoellighz 1221) A320589-F De He Ni Po Cp NaVa

Kakhskha was supremely angry at herself late the same night as her run-in with Dead-Hex. She had watched her Portable Controller as 85,750Cr went poof! before her eyes. The 35 tons of Bulk Organics disappeared in a flash, even though the goods were still in the cargo hold of the Gatherer on its final approach to Serue Highport to dock in an A-rated Hangar. Worse still, the beige female had nobody to blame but herself. A Professor of Business should know better! Still further, it was not for stupidity in the market. It was her fault because she was thinking about Dead-Hex. Repeatedly.

The Captain stomped and paced about in her cabin. She ranted and raved at the top of her lungs, howling in rage at her reflection in the mirror on the wall where she brushed her pelt after each sleep. The Vargr pounded her fists on the bed’s surface and mussed up her already wet covers. She screamed into her pillow, muffling her wail. Then came the tears. Kakhskha cried and sobbed, cried some more and banged her head on a bulkhead wall. Stupid-stupid. She thought then back to what had happened, just to torture herself more.

Kakhskha had sat in her cabin, her Portable Controller in her lap. Via the Comms, she had found a buyer online on Serue. She had her drink with her. Yes. And while thinking wistfully about Dead-Hex’s infatuation with courting her, she dropped the drink and spilled its contents across the touch screen of the wide, flat device. The Pact female had grabbed the blanket under her and yanked it up to use its excess to sop up the drink. She thought she was safe in cleaning off the Portable Controller. But the Unlock motion was a swipe action. A digit or claw would do. She swiped across the face of the device with her fisted claw just behind the cloth of the blanket. On the first swipe to catch the spilled drink, the device woke from sleep mode. On the return swipe, the Trade window returned. It wasn’t until her cleanings pressed the SELL button that panicking Kakhskha received a real reason to panic. She had accidentally sold the Bulk Organics Lo Po TL-5 to the buyer on Serue – for thirty percent of what she had purchased it back on Kaeuelldhuegh. It was a loss of 85,750Cr, credits that could have easily paid for the two months of Maintenance, Life Support renewal and still have credits left over to take the crew out to a restaurant for the meeting she had announced.

Though Dead-Hex had been on her mind, it was Kakhskha’s fault alone. Mixing business with pleasure was a cardinal sin against everything she had attended College on Roethoeegaeaegz for. Now, in her low point on the floor of her cabin, the tears-swollen female heard a knock at her cabin door.

“Kakhskha?” asked the female voice. “It’s me, Ardell. Are you okay, hun?”

“I’m fine,” Kakhskha lied. “I’ll be at the meeting. Keep the commerce alive out there please.”
Down A Peg pt. 24a

The cargo bay was empty except for crew luggage which was mostly empty. Kakhskha’s eyes saw Dead-Hex’ guitar case and wondered how she had missed it when the Astrogator signed on. She sat down on her own collection of cases and travel luggage to spill her guts. Her tail hung low and she was wrung out of tears. The crew at least had removed the cargo representing her shame, the thirty-five tons of Bulk Organics.

They were standing or sitting in the bay waiting for their Captain to begin. Wordlessly she held out her hand to receive the inventories from each board. A quick scan showed the costs of the Medical Console usage for both Dead-Hex and Anghal. The bar tab from the Astrogator’s trip into town at the last Downport didn’t help. Flying into Serue with a re-entry baked, muddy hull required an auto-wash. That too costed credits. New Drive cleaner? Anghal’s report stated she had used the entire store in polishing all of Engineering. Laundry detergent was running low. The inventory reports were nothing to what she was about to report.

“Thank you, all,” Kakhskha started. “These costs are typical and I expected no less.” She paused to search for her next words.

“Captain,” interjected Dead-Hex. “What’s wrong? Are the inventories too much?” He looked to the others who shot shrugs at him.

“I screwed up, guys,” answered Kakhskha who kept her eyes to the floor. Though she was done with crying, to look up and see their faces was painful.

Kakhskha then told of her accident with the Portable Controller and about the loss of 85,750Cr. She explained what happened in detail, leaving out only her distracting thoughts of Dead-Hex. That was private. Rather, she reiterated that one does not mix business, (the Controller) with pleasure, (drinks and drinking). She had slept last night in her clothes since her bed sheets and blanket were balled up on the floor and still wet from the spill. At the end of her story in which she included her mad rant in the night, the beige female waited for the inevitable, or so she thought. One of the crew should step up and challenge her for leadership of the ship.

Nobody moved. At least Dead-Hex? Would he not like to call the shots on the Gatherer? Kakhskha hazarded to look up at her crew. The females took a turn each when she looked at each.

Lt. Anghal pointed out with a muted voice, “Captain, we all make mistakes. I’m glad you have the patience with me when I-, y’know, blank out. Don’t be hard on yourself.”

Marine Lt. Ardell nodded and said, “You’re a Merchant, hun. With the exception of Dead-Hex, we have a different career approach to success. Anghal’s ex-Navy and you know me. We don’t hedge leadership on a single drop of the ball.”

Zannun risked speaking to contribute, “Every Scholar has had a research or a publication go bad or backfire on him. I thought I was going to have a perfect run with all the breakthrough rewards and publications. One term, I just could not get it together, Captain. The research was shoddy, the nights long, the thesis went through three revisions and the paper ultimately rejected right there in front of the Council of Technicians planetside Serue. Anghal’s right, Captain. Don’t be cruel to yourself over money. It comes and it goes.”

Dead-Hex spoke last, “You and I are Merchants, it’s true Kakhskha. We put a lot of Charisma on the line for the payout. So when we lose big in the markets, it can be a downer. But we are already successes, Captain. We have a ship off the asphalt, we still have some capital. The vessel runs and runs like no other. We aren’t done yet. So things get shaken up. So what? Back home in the Infinity League we pick up our tails out of the mud and move on.”

“You aren’t going to challenge me for Captain?” asked Kakhskha afraid to bring up the possibility.

Heads shook. Dead-Hex took the initiative and asked, “Captain. Kakhskha, if one of us had made a mistake similar to this, what kind of response would you come out with? Would you have barked at us, remanded us or punished us? We aren’t your superior officer, but from your looks and what we heard last night; I’m betting you got a dressing down anyway. Am I right?”

“No, you’re right, Dead-Hex. I had a rough night.” Kakhskha continued with, “If I was not the Purser of this ship and still the Captain, I’d be forced to order the Purser to make back all that money with interest at the next port of call.”

Smiling and wagging his tail, Dead-Hex concluded by saying, “Well there you have it, Captain. Do better. You seem to have been admonished enough, learned and committed yourself on what not to do and now know that those credits were in one pocket and out the other anyway. If you need disciplining, we aren’t your dam or sire. You’ll do that yourself as Captain. And that – that is what makes you our leader. That you will keep this ship in order and you are not above recrimination. Nobody's perfect.”

“Guys,” smiled Kakhksha weakly. The females came up to her first followed by Dead-Hex and then Zannun who was unsure of what he was about to do. A group hug ensued.

“Let’s make some money while the ship gets serviced,” suggested Kakhskha.
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Down a Peg pt. 25

The crew started to part, each intent on wandering Serue Highport in search of diversion or to let off steam of the meeting. Reassured that she was still the Captain, Kakhskha stopped their dispersal with, “I’m not done yet. That was the bad news. Now it’s time for the really bad news.”

Dead-Hex who looked at the beige female said, “The train, huh?”

“You asked, Dead-Hex,” said Kakhskha nodding.

“We never learned why we were arrested and diverted, Captain,” added Prof. Zannun.

“I know why and I had to keep us moving to visit the Psi-Map Exhibit, Professor,” explained Kakhskha. “Guys, we have an employer. A mission.”

Zannun adjusted his pants. Anghal shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Dead-Hex had begun a new habit of stroking the purple crystal amethyst mounted to her wedding torc he wore now. Ardell merely put her thumbclaws into her belt and waited. The Marine among them was the most used to hearing new orders.

Kakhskha told her crew of her encounter with Matron Sangthaghlla Thazdhoth, the Religious Autocrat of Roethoeegaeaegz and the mission given to the Captain of the Gatherer. To prove her story, the beige female got up from her personal case of luggage and opened it to reveal the five shemagh head-wrap scarves. She detailed the parameters of the mission, a spy operation to gather intelligence on the Zhodani to Spinward. Kakhskha spoke of the route, a weakness in the Crystal Wall of Knoellighz that only their ship could exploit.

Kakhskha “Once there, we only need to watch, listen, do simple business and collect what we observe. Then we can leave Zhiblchins, the capital of Yeplzhaf and return home.”

Dead-Hex spoke the words of a Merchant. “What is the Matron offering us? This is dangerous and big, Kakhskha.”

“Peace.” Kakhskha looked reluctantly at Prof. Zannun. At first the tall black pelt looked at her for clarity, but then slowly he came to the right conclusion. The Matron had offered to influence the Representative and the third Magistrate to stall, veto as long as she could an Ascendancy Pact invasion to annex, claim or conquer Serue (Knoellighz 1221).

“Our projections said that this was a probability to come much later,” offered the Professor.

“It’s sooner than you think, Zannun,” warned Kakhskha. “With the Infinity League allied with their supporters, the Zhodani Consulate to Spinward and the bulky and slow juggernaut of the Democracy of Greats to Trailing, the corridor of expansion was getting narrower. Capturing the high technology of Serue is but a stepping stone to claiming worlds that the Consulate is abandoning even now. Colonies are failing. World systems are being reduced in stature to ‘Client States’ and their Navy is pulling out of Riadr and Etlieejibia subsectors. There will be a mad land-rush, guys. Starting with worlds abandoned, we Vargr will rush in to fill the gaps where we have assets and other means to do so. Then, no matter if it’s the Pact or the Greats or even the League, someone will start killing Zhodani or corralling them to be the first to plant a Vargr flag on a world outside the shifting Crystal Wall. The Zhodani, if the Matron’s claims are true, are leaving behind those worlds of Riadr, Etlieejibia and three systems in Yeplzhaf, including the capital. We are to find out why and hopefully before we see an end to the Quiet Wars. No more minor skirmishes. True war. The Ascendancy Pact intends to snatch up Serue for its TL-15 secrets so it will have the upper hand in continuing onward into those subsectors, hopefully before the Democracy of Greats smarts to the trending population pullout.”

The crew was silent, stunned even. Dead-Hex’ mouth hung open as if he were paralyzed.
Down A Peg pt. 25a

"Captain," asked Dead-Hex who finally managed to pick up his jaw off the deck. "I don't know how much contact you have had with the Zhodani. Lt. Anghal and I, being from the Infinity League used to see the Human ships pulling into the Beltport of Duelunogorrzuez on occasion. They have psionics, Kakhskha. The Vargr who were brave enough to step up to the Zhodani were issued those helmets that supposedly keep them from reading your mind. This was so that fair trade could be engaged. You never can tell if they can do that or not, no matter what assurances they offer to their proficiency."

The Captain looked to Lt. Anghal, the Chief Engineer of the Gatherer. The chocolate brown female nodded and added, "I heard that they test and train those man-cubs who score high enough. Their whole society is built around an individual's test scores and determines their lot in life. Don't score high enough, and you may not get trained at all and live a life on the lowest rung of their culture."

"Yeah," Dead-Hex cut in, "And your Matron wants us to go in there and spy for her? The Zhodani have their Thought Police too. They call it in Zdetl, the Tavrchedl', who probe for incriminating thoughts and intentions. If just one of those mind cops spots us and learns our intentions, we'd be arrested, corrected, (and you do not want that to happen) and likely sent home - no bad feelings and barely an arrest record. Their sense of criminal justice is just plain weird, Kakhskha."

The beige female Captain reached into her travel luggage case and lifted one of the folded shemagh. Unfolding it, she displayed its silver mesh lining and then pointed to the small power cell in the corner of the hem. "Professor, you are from a Desert planet, correct? Would you show us how to wear these? Know what they are?"

The black-pelted Prof. Zannun looked curiously intrigued at the head garments. Dead-Hex had never seen such wear up close given that he had lived a spacer life back home in the League. The Astrogator watched as the tall male stepped up to receive the folds of the head wrap.

"Amazing," said the Professor aloud, "This design isn't from Serue but has Seruean components. It must be imported, a copied design and modified into desert wear. See the silver mesh? This is a Psi-shield element. Like the helmets the Third Officer mentioned, this is found on the inside of those helmets. Someone has done away with the need for a hard shell headpiece. Here. Let me show you how a shemagh is worn on Serue though there are variations from Desert world to Desert world." The tall male then proceeded to fit his ears into the ear cups as he draped the meshed cloth over his head. With wrapping motions, the Professor then held one side of the cloth as he passed the opposing side across the front of the first in overlapping layers. The excess was then tied behind the original drape in a loose fashion. Completed, the folds obscured the ears, cranium, muzzle, neck and upper shoulders. His light blue eyes were still visible.

The Seruean then tugged down the front fabric to show his nose and muzzle before saying, "I've never had to use a Psi-Shield Helmet so-"

Lt. Anghal stepped up to Zannun and depressed the hidden button atop the power cell concealed in the hem. "There, Professor. Now it is activated. Easy."

Dead-Hex raised an eyebrow. "How do we know it is working?"

There was no answer to that. They would have to wait until a psionics user tried to probe their minds.
Down A Peg pt. 25b

"This is so cool," snickered Lt. Ardell. "We're gonna be secret Agents. Hang out, listen in, watch folk, see the Human worlds, try a bite of their cuisine-"

"Get mind-raped and pre-programmed, and sent home to assassinate our employer, the Matron," countered Dead-Hex from inside his shemagh. The crew of the Gatherer had spent the last hour practicing how to drape and tie the desert head scarves.

"We will need to go shopping for Seruean desert clothes, Professor," noted Capt. Kakhskha. "Wearing these without some accompanying garments will make them stand out. Although, finding anything that matches the patterns will be a challenge."

"Shopping!" squealed Lt. Anghal. Dead-Hex knew already that his Asteroid homeworld was labeled the "biggest shopping mall in space". One could commute all over the planetoids in finding needs and wants, each rock owned by a single company, manufacturer or government agency. The mottled gray and black male knew that Anghal was in for a letdown. Serue was not Duelunogorrzuez and the market districts were likely not as large as the vast mercantile outlet complexes back home.

"No splurging!," warned Capt. Kakhskha with an index claw out front. "This is for the mission remember. Get the best disguise because you're going to be Seruean Merchants, with Dead-Hex and myself out front, doing business. You need only to listen, watch and then recall later. If all goes well, we transport some Zhodani Travellers, learn about them, explore their Startowns, maybe cut some trade deals and then we pull out. Got me?"

The crew answered as one, "Yes ma'am."

Dead-Hex saw Kakhskha look to the Professor and say, "This is for Serue."

The black-pelted male smiled and nodded at the Captain.
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