I just tried to log into COTI to answer a question there. It lets me log in but then says I'm not logged in. Well, bugrit, it's not important.
Anyway I was trying to log in to answer a question I spotted there about the Droyne Psionics feat in GtD. I'll do it here and maybe the answer will get back to the original poster somehow.
Anyway, I had planned to work out Droyne Psionics in a future supplement. It would have been based on the basic psionics system I did for the players book, but with some differences specific to Droyne. It was really just a hook hanging for the future, thuough I fully expected to address the concept.
Now, well, it's not going to happen. I won't be working with QLI again so whatever *I* would have done with it is irrelevant. In theory someone else could work up a system for Droyne psi and QLI could publish it, but given current circumstances I don't think that's likely.
So, I'm afraid that there isn't anything out there, not even a raw draft or concept ideas. It's wide open - do as you will with it.