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T4 Only: Some people say no stealth in space, a discussion.

Don't forget to account for the blue shift your approach vector is going to give your emissions. ECM devices are known to frequency shift and boost the pings of active sensors to give misleading blue/red shifts so the enemy gets misleading approaching or receding vector info.
Like a starport sensor cluster, and staying in line with a gas giant so your background is fairly hot.
Ok, so you park your ship in front of a big sensor array. That doesn't get you anywhere. 1st you have to get to the cluster (which means you'll be detected getting there.). Jupiter's upper atmospheric temp is about 1000 c, so you'll show up as a cold spot. But, you have to get to Jupiter first, and that will mean you are detected going there. So, you haven't gained any advantage...
At TL of Earth year 2000 Using equipment at your local retail store) A full spherical sky search is 41,000 square degrees. A wide angle lens will cover about 100 square degrees (a typical 35mm SLR personal camera is about 1 square degree); you'll want overlap, so call it 480 exposures for a full sky search, with each exposure taking about 350 megapixels.

Estimated exposure time is about 30 seconds per 100 square degrees of sky looking for a room temp ship out to 1/10th A.U. (5 light seconds) So, 480 / 2 is 240 minutes, or about 4 HOURS for a complete sky survey.

Of course with multiple sensors (cameras) and Trav star ship TL equipment this would be MUCH shorter scan time and processing time...
I assume that this search gives you no range data. Also, how accurate is the bearing at distances of say 100,000 or more kilometers?
I assume that this search gives you no range data. Also, how accurate is the bearing at distances of say 100,000 or more kilometers?
One sighting (one line) would only give any range info if you knew the absolute magnitude of the object. Like if you know the absolute magnitude of a star. Otherwise it's unknown until you can get a 2nd line on it. Here's an excellent explanation of how you would do this if you were in a spaceship. Measuring distances
Otherwise it's unknown until you can get a 2nd line on it.
A single detection is never enough.
You need MULTIPLE detections (over time) to establish a plot vector and range.

That's a minimum of 2 sensor sweeps to (1) detect and (2) verify.
3+ sensor sweeps are even better (as we all know, right?). :rolleyes:

So for the sake of illustration purposes, let's say that a routine "condition green" passive scan around your ship requires 4 hours to complete a full ~41,000º scan of the entire volume of space around your craft. That means that if a "blip" appears in 1 scan, it's going to at least another 4 hours before you can get a second passive scan for that "blip" and start being able to make some vector plot assumptions about it.

"One ping only" may work for ACTIVE sensors, but you need more than a single contact for PASSIVE sensors.

This is why in astronomy, for exoplanet and comet hunting for example, you need to have (at least) 2 verified detections, not just 1, to confirm the presence of an exoplanet or comet.
Ok, so you park your ship in front of a big sensor array. That doesn't get you anywhere. 1st you have to get to the cluster (which means you'll be detected getting there.). Jupiter's upper atmospheric temp is about 1000 c, so you'll show up as a cold spot. But, you have to get to Jupiter first, and that will mean you are detected going there. So, you haven't gained any advantage...
The point is that you point your radiators towards the sensor cluster and pump in heat to match the background while adjusting to take care of the dopplar shift (blue shift if closing, red shift if going away.) Please note that this is really difficult to pull off as there are multiple external radiation sourses that will be reflecting from your hull, the best way to manage that is to reduce the reflection's absoloute magnitude, so there is less energy there to be detected. Try to think of this as positioning a truck with a bank of headlights facing out of one side and position yourself in line between the setting sun and the mk 1 eyeballs that you do not want noticing you as you sneak over the last ridge. Measure the sunlight intensity on your other side and adjust the output of the headlight bank as the sun sets. This trick only works against sensors in a direct line with you and the sun.
The point is, if you start moving in space you WILL be detected if someone is looking for it.
The word "IF" is doing all the heavy lifting that assertion ... :unsure:

So if your sensor sweeps "do this" ... and you're not completely sure of what you're looking at (until it's too late) ... :rolleyes:

BMW X6 Vantablack This is the level of black hull coatings I have been talking about.

Drive at night if you want to be in a collision. :cautious:

“It’s the wild colour scheme that freaks me,” said Zaphod whose love affair with this ship had lasted almost three minutes into the flight, “Every time you try to operate one of these weird black controls that are labelled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up black to let you know you’ve done it. What is this? Some kind of galactic hyperhearse?”
Credit to Goodreads.com for the exact quote.
Well this is the T4 FF&S military ultra black hull coating, to the Mk 1 eyball it turns a 3D shape with highlights reflecting from nearby visable light sourses into a 2D rectangle indistinguishible from a painted sheet of cardboard, at least till you are 90% closer and can spot the corrigated end of the cardboard (unpainted). Yes it converts visable light into IR via blackbody radiation, but as noted upthread that is inefficient in radiating energy. To me that sounds like a very weak IR signal which needs a lot of antenna surface area or nearby presence to establish a detection. The reflectivity of visiable light is .00063 or about 3 orders of magnitude or about a -1.5 mod on detection of visable EM spectrum RAW (to the best of my memory).
Well this is the T4 FF&S military ultra black hull coating, to the Mk 1 eyball it turns a 3D shape with highlights reflecting from nearby visable light sourses into a 2D rectangle indistinguishible from a painted sheet of cardboard, at least till you are 90% closer and can spot the corrigated end of the cardboard (unpainted). Yes it converts visable light into IR via blackbody radiation, but as noted upthread that is inefficient in radiating energy. To me that sounds like a very weak IR signal which needs a lot of antenna surface area or nearby presence to establish a detection. The reflectivity of visiable light is .00063 or about 3 orders of magnitude or about a -1.5 mod on detection of visable EM spectrum RAW (to the best of my memory).

But the issue is not reflection of (active) sensor signal. The issue is that the craft will be brightly glowing to (passive) sensors in infra-red due to its temperature (~ 290K +), just as a piece of metal heated somewhat hotter will be glowing bright red-orange and visible to (passive) sensors (such as your eyeballs), or that same metal heated extremely hot will melt into a liquid and be glowing yellow-white.
The issue is that the craft will be brightly glowing to (passive) sensors in infra-red due to its temperature (~ 290K +)
So I went and looked up what the peak wavelength for 290K black body radiation was using an online calculator.
The answer for 290K comes back as being 9992 nanometers.

For reference, optical "red" is 610-710 nanometers.
Infrared is the 760-1,000,000 nanometers wavelength range.

Commonly used subdivisions of the infrared ranges are:
  • Near-infrared = 750 to 1400 nanometers
  • Short-wavelength infrared = 1400 to 3000 nanometers
  • Mid-wavelength infrared = 3000 to 8000 nanometers
  • Long-wavelength infrared = 8000 to 15,000 nanometers
  • Far-infrared = 15,000 to 1,000,000 nanometers
So a 290K black body radiation will peak around ~10,000 nanometers in the long-wavelength infrared range of the spectrum.

Ah, but how big/bright would it be on a sensor scan at 0.5 light second = 150,000,000m distance from the sensor?
If we assume a 50m long craft (note: 400 ton Subsidized Merchants are 46.5m long according to LBB S7, p21) then simple trigonometry calculator yields a scanning angle of 0.000019098593171027798º resolution.

Or to put it more politely, a sensor resolution of 0.0687549354157 arc seconds to detect.

For reference, the James Webb Space Telescope has a resolution of:
Webb has an angular resolution of somewhat better than 0.1 arc-seconds at a wavelength of 2 micrometers (one degree = 60 arc-minutes = 3600 arc-seconds).
Another source says:
that the best angular resolution of JWST is about 0.07 arcseconds.

In other words, being able to detect "something warm" in the 50m long size range at 0.5 light second = 150,000,000m distance would be "challenging" even for the James Webb Space Telescope which is optimized for near/short/mid-wavelength infrared observations.

The issue is that the craft will be brightly glowing to (passive) sensors in infra-red due to its temperature (~ 290K +)
If the emitter is "small enough" ... it's going to be difficult to spot at long distances ... even if it is "brightly glowing" in a specific EM band.
If the emitter is "small enough" ... it's going to be difficult to spot at long distances ... even if it is "brightly glowing" in a specific EM band.
Save that if the emitter is moving, particularly at an angle that crosses the sensor, then the craft is no longer 50m. Rather. it's 50m * exposure time of the scanner long. Obviously it's less bright per pixel, but there's more pixels to detect. And if the craft isn't moving, the sensor can move to get a similar effect.