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Blue Ghost

SOC-14 5K
In the GT AM for Droyne, apparently on some worlds there's purple ang green Droyne. Is that a Bab 5 nod to the Drazi episode?
In the GT AM for Droyne, apparently on some worlds there's purple ang green Droyne. Is that a Bab 5 nod to the Drazi episode?

p 63:
Skin colors range from the usual grays to purples and greens.

Have no idea whether or not it is a Bab5 homage. My guess is that it is simply the normal range of shades of hide along a spectrum, just like humans have a range of skin colors along a spectrum, even on a single world.

The Bab5 Drazi purple and greens had nothing to do with skin color, but rather with affiliations associated with a cultural event (somewhat reminiscent of the rivalry between the reds, whites, blues and greens under the early Byzantine Empire: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nika_riots ).
Well, it seemed too coincidental to me, so I thought I'd ask for some opinions.

Geometry of Shadows (the B5 episode) is 1994.

GTAR4 is 2000.

It looks like it may be a (IMO misguided and inappropriate) tribute.

But the best bet? Go ask in the Traveller subforum on SJG.