And it really is; I just can't find a statement in the rules. (I've been away from High Guard for some few years, and I'm brushing up on it again.)
Okay: a two-ship engagement in High Guard.
One ship loses its M-drive, but the ship's weapons are still up. Not out of the fight, because it can shoot, but logic says it can't maneuver at all, at all.
However, near as I can tell, even though it has (naturally) lower agility than its undamaged opponent, it is possible for this driveless wonder to win initiative, and thereby determine range.
That don't seem quite right, do it? Surely I'm missing a rule somewhere, but it seems like that really shouldn't happen.
Okay: a two-ship engagement in High Guard.
One ship loses its M-drive, but the ship's weapons are still up. Not out of the fight, because it can shoot, but logic says it can't maneuver at all, at all.
However, near as I can tell, even though it has (naturally) lower agility than its undamaged opponent, it is possible for this driveless wonder to win initiative, and thereby determine range.
That don't seem quite right, do it? Surely I'm missing a rule somewhere, but it seems like that really shouldn't happen.