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Earth Sector

Independence Games

SOC-14 1K
Admin Award
OK. Some of you have noticed the "Earth Sector" logo (thanks to Charlie Garcia for his work on the logo) on the Lance and as a subcategory on DTRPG. I am happy to announce that GKG is in the process of creating an Earth sector setting book. I'm still in the writing phase at this point so I'm not confident enough in a publication date to set one. However, if all goes smoothly, you should see this by the end of the year.

That will be followed by some subsector sourcebooks outlining the many colonized subsectors of Earth Sector as well as books giving more details to other facets of this part of the setting.

While we will begin to do books on the Earth Sector side of things, we will continue to bring you sourcebooks concerning Clement Sector. The next Clement Sector book that you see will likely be the first of the Tim's Guides, which will detail the ground forces of a particular subsector in a similar manner as to how the Wendy's Guides detailed the navies.

We will also bring you books (like the Lance) which will be applicable to both "branches" of the overall setting. Just look for the logos!

We're very excited about this expansion of the setting and we hope you will be as well.

Thanks for your time!

Will the Earth Sector books mostly deal with the years prior to the Collapse or is it intended to be "present day", as in the same current era as the Clement Sector is?
Will the Earth Sector books mostly deal with the years prior to the Collapse or is it intended to be "present day", as in the same current era as the Clement Sector is?

"Present" day. It will detail what happened on the Earth Sector side after the Conduit collapsed as well as more detail about Earth Sector itself.
What do you envision seeing that will distinguish Earth Sector from Clement Sector?

How big do you envision Earth Sector space to be? Clement, a frontier, has only one sector mapped/detailed, plus some nearby subsectors. Earth Sector has been at it a little longer before, during, and after the wormhole, yes? If no, why not?

Will it be more realistic? Like a nod to real star system info? Example: Current science exploration shows Epsilon Eradani (an internationally accepted name) with TWO asteroid belts, so call it that and not a silly name like "Double Belted" or name based on a single culture. And place its two asteroid belts...
The idea being it Earth Sector is more cosmopolitan. Or is it not?

Being the original "home sector" of humanity with I imagine more developed infrastructure than Clement at the time of the wormhole collapse, will it be a higher TL now than Clement? Or did it go down TL due to [insert favorite deus ex machina here :smile:]?

How is Earth doing ? National/cultural unification occurring or is every culture out for themselves still?

Will the old wormhole (or a new one elsewhere in Clement) open/re-open with Earth Sector making claims or trying to reassert control. Hilarity ensues (some people call it war :eek:o: :rofl:).

Real proper aliens?
What do you envision seeing that will distinguish Earth Sector from Clement Sector?

There will be far fewer independent worlds. Most of the worlds will have been settled by the nations of Earth over time and remain under the control of those nations. Different problems for those entities to solve and the worlds are far less friendly.

Nathan Brazil said:
How big do you envision Earth Sector space to be? Clement, a frontier, has only one sector mapped/detailed, plus some nearby subsectors. Earth Sector has been at it a little longer before, during, and after the wormhole, yes? If no, why not?

Earth Sector space will cover the majority of Earth Sector itself and bit of the area around it. Yes, they have been at it longer than in Clement Sector but (and I'm assuming that you know the Clement Sector background here but your question about Epsilon Eridani makes me wonder...) Earth Sector is *FAR* less inviting than Clement Sector. That's why Clement got most of the colonization efforts from, at first, nation-states and then independent groups (which was often independent groups working closely with nation-states).

Nathan Brazil said:
Will it be more realistic? Like a nod to real star system info? Example: Current science exploration shows Epsilon Eradani (an internationally accepted name) with TWO asteroid belts, so call it that and not a silly name like "Double Belted" or name based on a single culture. And place its two asteroid belts... The idea being it Earth Sector is more cosmopolitan. Or is it not?

More realistic than Clement Sector? Probably not. I'm doing the same style of space opera here and not hard SF.

I've consulted real star information and studied it in detail and some of that will come through in the information. However, I'm not going to be a slave to it particularly since new information is coming along all the time and I'm placing these on a two dimensional map to match what we've done with Clement Sector. If you're expecting this to be hyperrealistic, it won't be. That's not what I do.

Nathan Brazil said:
Being the original "home sector" of humanity with I imagine more developed infrastructure than Clement at the time of the wormhole collapse, will it be a higher TL now than Clement? Or did it go down TL due to [insert favorite deus ex machina here :smile:]?

How is Earth doing ? National/cultural unification occurring or is every culture out for themselves still?

There are still nation-states. Again, I'm assuming that you know the Clement Sector background and know already that Earth remains divided among nation-states and that many who are powerful in the present are not so in the future. This remains so.

As far as tech level, it varies a bit. There will be those of a slightly higher tech level than the average in Clement and those who are a slight bit lower.

Nathan Brazil said:
Will the old wormhole (or a new one elsewhere in Clement) open/re-open with Earth Sector making claims or trying to reassert control. Hilarity ensues (some people call it war :eek:o: :rofl:).

Clement Sector and Earth Sector remain separated from one another.

Nathan Brazil said:
Real proper aliens?

Not sure what you mean by "real" and "proper".
I assume he means Aliens as opposed to uplifts and the genetically modified humans ( name escapes me for the minute. would also at some point in the future see the sectors surrounding clement written up even if it is just x123xxx.
I assume he means Aliens as opposed to uplifts and the genetically modified humans ( name escapes me for the minute. would also at some point in the future see the sectors surrounding clement written up even if it is just x123xxx.

If he means something other than Uplifts and Altrants, then the answer is yes.

That's something that is in the works. If you're looking for something specific:

Tranquility Sector, in its entirety, is in Unmerciful Frontier.

Hannibal Subsector of Leonidas Sector is in Grand Safari.

Mainzer Subsector of Ptolemy Sector is in The Slide as is Solon Subsector of Ariel Sector.
I have a smattering of 1e and 2e Gypsy Knight products. I dont hae them all so I forget details when I say things like wormhole and not "Conduit", or know whatever is going on with Epsilon Eradani.

"Right Proper Aliens" was said by a British person/companion(Martha ones) to describe her first meeting non-humans (The Judoon) in Doctor Who...

Yes, not robots/altrans/uplifts. Something different to distinguish from those alternatives to aliens found in Clement Sector.
More realistic than Clement Sector? Probably not. I'm doing the same style of space opera here and not hard SF.

I've consulted real star information and studied it in detail and some of that will come through in the information. However, I'm not going to be a slave to it particularly since new information is coming along all the time and I'm placing these on a two dimensional map to match what we've done with Clement Sector. If you're expecting this to be hyperrealistic, it won't be. That's not what I do.
Do you intend to use the Near Stars maps for your product? Or do you have your own maps made available?
There are still nation-states. Again, I'm assuming that you know the Clement Sector background and know already that Earth remains divided among nation-states and that many who are powerful in the present are not so in the future. This remains so.

As far as tech level, it varies a bit. There will be those of a slightly higher tech level than the average in Clement and those who are a slight bit lower.
The Lance-class gunboat and the Trent-class destroyer books both imply China may be on the rise, from those three spacers in that Trent-class destroyer complaining about the UN handing China and other nations some new places to colonize, to the Chinese being the ones to invent gravitic drives.

Considering how the intro in the Trent-class destroyer book ends with a Chinese naval ship jumping into that system the destroyer is in, and then claiming it belongs to them despite the US already having gone through the legal channels and it being theirs, it does make me wonder if China in the Clement Sector has been using various excuses, akin to the current SCS situation, to take lots of colonies around Earth.

IIRC humanity's general TL in the overall setting is like what TL 12 or something, with like TL 14 in electronics and such?

In addition, will we be learning what nations are the current haves and have nots in the setting? The US seemed to be second-tierish/second place, if what those three spacers were talking about in the Trent-class destroyer book was true. Admittedly that was back in 2195 or something.
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I have a smattering of 1e and 2e Gypsy Knight products. I dont hae them all so I forget details when I say things like wormhole and not "Conduit", or know whatever is going on with Epsilon Eradani.

Gotcha. No problem at all.

Keep in mind that if you have PDFs of the first edition stuff, you should be able to upgrade those to the second edition stuff by checking your library on DTRPG. I gave away the second edition material for free to those who bought the first edition of the same book.

Nathan Brazil said:
Yes, not robots/altrans/uplifts. Something different to distinguish from those alternatives to aliens found in Clement Sector.

I don't want to give too much away but there will be something other than robots, altrants, or uplifts.
Do you intend to use the Near Stars maps for your product? Or do you have your own maps made available?

The Earth Subsector map is in Clement Sector.

I would have to say that I was influenced by Omer and Richard's work on that (and it will be listed in the OGL statement) but I can't say that I used it as the map. For most of it, I stuck to my own research and made changes to the research as needed to make a 2D map and to keep things playable with the desired outcome.

Also, Near Stars doesn't go out as far as I will in Earth Sector.

But fair warning, if you're expecting a product that will have each system correspond exactly to an existing real-life star in its exact real-life position, that's not going to be the case here. I did not set out with that as a goal nor is that a part of the product.
The Earth Subsector map is in Clement Sector.

I would have to say that I was influenced by Omer and Richard's work on that (and it will be listed in the OGL statement) but I can't say that I used it as the map. For most of it, I stuck to my own research and made changes to the research as needed to make a 2D map and to keep things playable with the desired outcome.
Which books is it featured in?
The Lance-class gunboat and the Trent-class destroyer books both imply China may be on the rise, from those three spacers in that Trent-class destroyer complaining about the UN handing China and other nations some new places to colonize, to the Chinese being the ones to invent gravitic drives.

Considering how the intro in the Trent-class destroyer book ends with a Chinese naval ship jumping into that system the destroyer is in, and then claiming it belongs to them despite the US already having gone through the legal channels and it being theirs, it does make me wonder if China in the Clement Sector has been using various excuses, akin to the current SCS situation, to take lots of colonies around Earth.

Well, China is the driving force in the setting until the late 2100s when they start to slip a bit as the other nations begin to catch up to them. China will certainly have a lot of colonies in Earth Sector.

wellis said:
IIRC humanity's general TL in the overall setting is like what TL 12 or something, with like TL 14 in electronics and such?

TL11 is more common but there are TL10 and TL12 worlds. You're correct on the higher levels in electronics and so forth.

wellis said:
In addition, will we be learning what nations are the current haves and have nots in the setting? The US seemed to be second-tierish/second place, if what those three spacers were talking about in the Trent-class destroyer book was true. Admittedly that was back in 2195 or something.

Yes, that's definitely part of the book. Without giving too much away, keep in mind that those nations which invested heavily in time, money, people, and material in Clement Sector will have all of those things taken from them by the Conduit Collapse.
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The Cepheus Edition version or the MgT 1e version? Because there are two IIRC.

The Cepheus Engine version. That's the current version.

We do not speak of the MgT version... :)

All jokes aside, the Cepheus Engine version is a much improved version than the old MgT1e version. If you've only got that version, you're missing quite a bit of additional content and all of the errata repairs.
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Also, I'd add that, if you purchased the old version, you can get the new one for free simply by going to your DTRPG library and downloading the latest version.
That is some awesome customer service there, GKG!


In most cases, the exception being the Clement Sector Core Setting Book, there was very little difference between the versions. The MgT1e version of, for instance, Subsector Sourcebook 1: Cascadia , was almost identical to the CE one. There were a few changes for legal reasons here and there, and we fixed the errors that we had missed the first time.

I didn't feel right charging people full price to buy a new edition with those few changes. So I just provided the new versions for free.

The CE version of the Core Setting Book has a lot of changes from the MgT1e version...but it's still free to those who purchased the MgT1e version.