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Elves in space?

Personally, I'd remove all weapon proficiencies as racial traits (sorry, elves). I'd also remove additional benefits against specific race (e.g., dwarves and halfling have combat bonus against giants).

Of course, the "race blood" trait have no place in Traveller. I sincerely doubt you can find a Gauss Rifle of the Dwarvish Lord or PGMP-12 of elf slaying.
Actually, ranged weapons are going to be a big leveller against D&D style monsters. After all, how many actually HAVE natural armor (i.e. an AR).

Mr. Dragon meet Mr. PGMP-15. :D
I would probably treat something as big as an adult dragon as a vehicle. Probably give him a point or two of "natural armor" for the scales/general toughness too.

A FGMP should still turn one into dragon jerky, but it makes smallarms file more useless.

Same applies to most other big monsters. If they're vehicle sized, they should probably use the vehicle rules (Hell, I'd be likely to say a rhino or elephant should use vehicle rules...either that or just have massive CON).
Originally posted by Reginald:
Of course, the "race blood" trait have no place in Traveller. I sincerely doubt you can find a Gauss Rifle of the Dwarvish Lord or PGMP-12 of elf slaying.
You could have a weapon with a safety switch that engages automatically unless it is held by someone with specific genetic markers. The weapon that does extra well against a specific species is harder to come up with an ultra-tech version of.

Originally posted by Darth Sillyus:

I have all those nifty monsters running around in those tomes on my bookshelf just waiting to munch on player characters... just rename them (or better yet... DON'T neme them! They're new!) and drop them in the mix.

Judicious selection of beasties should make for solid play, despite the source of the monster.[/QB]
From the Scarred Lands setting I plan on using Ratmen as uplifted rats (SQUEEK) and Forsaken Elves as a failed and dying experiment cast off by something.

From Iron Kingdoms I'm thinking of using the Gobbers ("civilized" goblin gearheads) as a local minor race who are annoying buggers at starports, factories, etc.

Still not sure how the Planetouched will fit in. Maybe gates to pocket universes are opening up and anyone who gets caught in the gate is changed. Or they are just very different and unique aliens with no hint to where they came from or who made them.

And Freeport has to show up somewhere. Either as a smugglers base on a lo-tech world or changed into a huge starport.

D20 Call of Cthulhu should come in handy too.

Hmmm...D20 CoC and Mind Flayers and T20. Sounds like an interesting combination - and shhhh, don't tell any of my players that that is *exactly* what's coming for them.

After all, no-one REALLY understands Jump space, do they?

Paul G.
Actually, I am mixing T20 and 3ed D&D...but I am also using D20 Cthulhu, with an emphasis on Cthulhu. The setting is the future, but the action is horror. It works out fairly well, players finish the character backgrounds and start at whatever level with no knowledge of the Mythos and gradually lose sanity points as they get deeper and deeper.
I currently have them investigating a "Flying Dutchman" in space. They've boarded at this point and are trying to make heads of the Dutchmans' logs. Some have already lost sanity...
Originally posted by lightsenshi:
Actually, ranged weapons are going to be a big leveller against D&D style monsters. After all, how many actually HAVE natural armor (i.e. an AR).

Mr. Dragon meet Mr. PGMP-15. :D
Well, a lot of monsters in D20 have natural armor. If you look at the AC of most monsters, it's listed right there, i.e. +8 natural. IIRC (at work, so no books on me), ancient armor in traveller has it's AR divided by 2 vs modern weapons. You could just use the natural armor bonus divided by 2 to get a D20 monster's AR.

Another thing to consider is in D20, you have damage reduction. Most powerful monsters have some form of damage reduction, like 15/+3 for the biger dragons. Since T20 weapons aren't magical, you could have the damage reduction work like an additional layer of armor.

Also, some monsters from D20 have elemental resistance, which may or may not help against certain energy weapons. Would a Fire Elemental be immune to lasers? (which are mostly heat?)

And, since the damage reduction of most D20 monsters is also used to determine how well their natural attacks penetrate other creatures damage reduction, I'd say that if a Dragon had a 15/3, then it's claw/bite attacks would penetrate 3 points of T20 AR, like an AP round.

I don't think I would want to treat monsters like vehicles. Too complicated. :D
Hi Everybody!

Actually, I did an Arena game one night for a friend and threw his D&D character in alongside one of my Jedi Masters, and a Pirate. They went up against a T20 Imperial Marine, an Ogre, a bunch of Zhombies, Destroyer droids (from Episode I), an Acklay (insect creature from the arena in the latest Star Wars movie), and Zettil's Cuss from T20. It was only capture the flag, but it was a lot of fun. And interesting to see the difference in the rules. I tossed out the Attack of Opportunity rule just for simplicity.

Now wait...

<<<Mr. Dragon meet Mr. PGMP-15>>>

Red Dragon (Great Wyrm)
(p. 67 Players Handbook)
Breath Weapon: Cone of Fire
- Damage 24d10 (24 to 240 points)
660 Hit Points
Attack Bonus +49
Armor Class 41

Imperial Marine
(p.424 The Traveller's Handbook)
FGMP-15 Energy Blast:
- Damage 9d20 (9 to 180 points)
14 Lifeblood Points
44 Stamina Points
Attack Bonus +10
Armor Class 23
Armor Reduction 8

Ok, now that I've seen the stats, I'm going to try this some night. One maximum hit (not even a critical) from the Dragon looks like it would fry the Imperial Marine whereas a maximum hit from the FGMP would only knock out a third of the points off the Dragon - that's if the Marine could even hit past the Dragon's armor class. he he he Then again, the Dragon I picked was the oldest form (hence the toughest). An average Imperial Marine could probably take out a Young Adult Red Dragon if the Dragon doesn't take him out first.

*if using traveller as the base, whats the dragons stamina? lifeblood?

*if using dnd, drop the lifeblood from the marine and the traveller rule that uses it

ther is just enough difference that one one system must be the base and everyone converted to that or you'll run into problems.

The Great Wyrm would have a 31 Lifeblood score. Add Lifeblood to Stamina and that should approximate Hit Points. It would make Traveller & Star Wars characters Healthier at lower levels, but then they also have better access to medical technology than a D&D type of character would. Less disease, more vitamins in their diet, and so on... Or you could add the D&D character's CON score to the Hit Points or make a Lifeblood stat. Star Wars runs on a similar system as Traveller - Wound Points and Vitality. I bastardized the SpyCraft rules when I ran a game, but it's the same as Star Wars - Wounds and Vitality. It also has an Action Dice component, but I ignored that for ease of play since the people I was running it for were D&D gamers - it's like Force Points or Hero Points. Let's you do something extraordinary. D20 Modern is supposed to be D&D in Today's World, with Elves, Dwarves, etc... in a modern context. I don't have that book, but it sounds like ShadowRun to me. It would probably be easier to bring D&D up to the other systems as Traveller, Star Wars, and SpyCraft are the same for Wounds/Lifeblood & Vitality/Stamina. I fudged a lot of the Arena game just to have fun, and that's really the whole point anyway.

Do the vehicle weapons stats seem wrong to anyone? From what I can interprit 1vl = 1kg, and a vrf gauss gun is 2000vl which would be 2000kg. I've looked up previous supplements such as the TNE RCEG and they give a mass for a vrf gauss to be about 150 to 400 kg(includes cassette). Also the vl for the mass drivers is way to much, and the power requirements on the lasers is to little. OK, I guess mass drivers and gauss guns are the same. One easy fix may be to drop the vl by a factor of ten, and increase the power usage.
Any recomendations?
Hello fellow Travellers;

Why not have Elves in Space? I mean could they not be from beyond known space? Why not Dwarves? I don't see a problem with them being in Traveller & it might be how the Ancients died off...

Of course remember there was a AD&D Adventure that did have a starship crashing into a Fantasy World...
Lo all,

If someone wants to bring in AD&D, i.e.: Warhammer, into their Traveller universe, I don't have any problems with the idea. However, there are enough PRGs that have done this that I do not see the need to bring the fantasy realm into Traveller, based on Marc Miller and companies vision of the future.
Actually, that would be really interesting to have Elves and Dwarves in a space game. Technically, you already have it, tho. Variant Minor Human Races. A Surrerat could easily stand in as a Dwarf. And I seem to remember a tall thin Minor Human Race. Add in a bit of Psionics to simulate magic, and poof - instant D&D races. Don't forget there's even a Mermaid variant Minor Human Race.

