“We Emissaries are not naïve. We know that there will always be war. War is a small part of the sophont condition. Emissaries work hard to balance war with peace. Our mission is to maintain peace where we can and to keep war from turning into atrocity. Peace is not weakness. It is the strength to put down the weapons.” – Emissary Lokhsraerr Kel of Urzaeng Pack Kel addressing the Dhillourr Assembly Day of the Emissary Corps
They were in Classic Traveller. We saw them again in MegaTraveller. Imperial Noble (Diplomats), Zhodani or Aslan Envoys, and Vargr Emissaries are found in both Mongoose Editions. Today, in Traveller5we see that Agent is the Career that includes these terms of Ambassador, Negotiator, Diplomat, Mediator, Envoy, Emissary; they are Representatives of an empowering polity, corporation or organization.
Emissary, to me, seems to be like the quoted address above. Yet, how does one prepare to become one during Traveller5 Education? We see that Diplomat Skill is available in L, Law School only, (chart page 40). Yet when a sophont enrolls in Law School, only Advocate-2 is awarded. So, the question becomes when in Education does a character learn Diplomat before entering a Career? Clearly Diplomat is meant to be learned before deciding on a professional path. It is definitely not a Personals Skill. Neither is Diplomat a Knowledge, (i.e. learned in pattern K, K, S). So, when in ED5 school, Trade School, College, University, Academy, Medical or Law School does a youngster learn to be diplomatic in the formal negotiating description in the Skills section?
One school of thought is to supplant Advocate-2 learned in Law School for Diplomat-2. Interstellar Law School for keeping the peace, perhaps?
Want your offspring to become an Agent (Diplomat, Envoy, Emissary, Negotiator, Mediator, Representative, etc.) someday? How shall you topdeck or stack your kid with Diplomat Skill early on?
Questions from pack-minded.

They were in Classic Traveller. We saw them again in MegaTraveller. Imperial Noble (Diplomats), Zhodani or Aslan Envoys, and Vargr Emissaries are found in both Mongoose Editions. Today, in Traveller5we see that Agent is the Career that includes these terms of Ambassador, Negotiator, Diplomat, Mediator, Envoy, Emissary; they are Representatives of an empowering polity, corporation or organization.
Emissary, to me, seems to be like the quoted address above. Yet, how does one prepare to become one during Traveller5 Education? We see that Diplomat Skill is available in L, Law School only, (chart page 40). Yet when a sophont enrolls in Law School, only Advocate-2 is awarded. So, the question becomes when in Education does a character learn Diplomat before entering a Career? Clearly Diplomat is meant to be learned before deciding on a professional path. It is definitely not a Personals Skill. Neither is Diplomat a Knowledge, (i.e. learned in pattern K, K, S). So, when in ED5 school, Trade School, College, University, Academy, Medical or Law School does a youngster learn to be diplomatic in the formal negotiating description in the Skills section?
One school of thought is to supplant Advocate-2 learned in Law School for Diplomat-2. Interstellar Law School for keeping the peace, perhaps?
Want your offspring to become an Agent (Diplomat, Envoy, Emissary, Negotiator, Mediator, Representative, etc.) someday? How shall you topdeck or stack your kid with Diplomat Skill early on?
Questions from pack-minded.
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