OK some GM's only allow "Basic" characters like those drawn from Book 1, Citizens (or Spinward Marches Campaign) and Contact articles believing that Advanced Character Generation leaves the characters Over Skilled and overshadowing latter added Careers. To me that's a fair enough assessment, But your left with Scouts that are just Vagabonds that can pilot a ship but can't make First Contact or Survey a Star System, Army and Marine Veterans that lack Fieldcraft and Merchants that cant cut a deal to save their lives.
What I suggest is drawing a leaf from the MegaTravller book and allowing a "Special Duty" Roll each Term, if the character makes the roll they receive an additional skill and can take any number of their Skill rolls for that term from the "Special Duty" Skill table, alternately if the GM doesn't like the idea of increasing the number of skills the characters will have by about 50% (I repeated William G. Stoddards experiment from JTAS #23 to test it out) they may just allow the characters to take Rolls on the Special Duty table that term without receiving additional Skills. the Skills on the Table are either skills taken from books 4-7 or book 1 skills that would be unusual for that Service.
At the moment I have Tables ready for the Core Characters and am working on Finalising the first batch of Citizens Careers
the Tables are as follows
Navy: 5+
1. Streetwise
2. Brawling
3. Gravitics
4. Communications
5. Liaison
6. Leader/Ship Tactics/Fleet Tactics
Event Roll #6 allows the choice of any of the three skills, but the character must have Ship Tactics before they can select Fleet Tactics.
Marines: 4+
1. Battledress*
2. 0g Combat
3. Recon
4. Survival
5. Demolitions
6. Gunnery/ Ships Boat
* on first receipt of this skill convert the characters Vacc-Suit skill to Battledress and add one level to the skill, any further recepts of the Vacc-suit Skill are instead taken as levels of Battledress.
Event roll #6 allows the choice of either the Gunnery or Ships Boat skills.
Army: 6+
1. Recon
2. Survival
3. Combat Engineer
4. Demolitions
5. Streetwise
6. Vacc-Suit/Battledress*
* First receipt of this skill must be taken as Vacc-Suit, further receipt of this skill may be taken as additional levels of Vacc-Suit or to convert the current level of Vacc-Suit Skill to Battledress, from that point on further recipts of this result are taken as levels of Battledress.
Scouts: 3+
1. Survey
2. Liaison
3. Streetwise
4. Communications
5. Admin/Leader
6. Survival/Hunting/Recon
Receipt of results 5 or 6 allow for choice of any skill listed for that result.
Merchants: 4+
1. Broker
2. Trader
3. Legal
4. Liaison
5. Brawling
6. Forgery/Bribery
Receipt of result 6 allow for choice of either skill listed for that result.
Receipt of Special Duty for a Merchant Character may be taken as an additional Benefit Roll, such additional Benefit rolls can be used to exceed the normal limit placed on receipt of Cash table Rolls.
1. Carousing
2. Liaison
3. Admin
4. Legal
5. Vacc-Suit
6. Leader/Jack-O-T
Receipt of result 6 allow for choice of either skill listed for that result.
What I suggest is drawing a leaf from the MegaTravller book and allowing a "Special Duty" Roll each Term, if the character makes the roll they receive an additional skill and can take any number of their Skill rolls for that term from the "Special Duty" Skill table, alternately if the GM doesn't like the idea of increasing the number of skills the characters will have by about 50% (I repeated William G. Stoddards experiment from JTAS #23 to test it out) they may just allow the characters to take Rolls on the Special Duty table that term without receiving additional Skills. the Skills on the Table are either skills taken from books 4-7 or book 1 skills that would be unusual for that Service.
At the moment I have Tables ready for the Core Characters and am working on Finalising the first batch of Citizens Careers
the Tables are as follows
Navy: 5+
1. Streetwise
2. Brawling
3. Gravitics
4. Communications
5. Liaison
6. Leader/Ship Tactics/Fleet Tactics
Event Roll #6 allows the choice of any of the three skills, but the character must have Ship Tactics before they can select Fleet Tactics.
Marines: 4+
1. Battledress*
2. 0g Combat
3. Recon
4. Survival
5. Demolitions
6. Gunnery/ Ships Boat
* on first receipt of this skill convert the characters Vacc-Suit skill to Battledress and add one level to the skill, any further recepts of the Vacc-suit Skill are instead taken as levels of Battledress.
Event roll #6 allows the choice of either the Gunnery or Ships Boat skills.
Army: 6+
1. Recon
2. Survival
3. Combat Engineer
4. Demolitions
5. Streetwise
6. Vacc-Suit/Battledress*
* First receipt of this skill must be taken as Vacc-Suit, further receipt of this skill may be taken as additional levels of Vacc-Suit or to convert the current level of Vacc-Suit Skill to Battledress, from that point on further recipts of this result are taken as levels of Battledress.
Scouts: 3+
1. Survey
2. Liaison
3. Streetwise
4. Communications
5. Admin/Leader
6. Survival/Hunting/Recon
Receipt of results 5 or 6 allow for choice of any skill listed for that result.
Merchants: 4+
1. Broker
2. Trader
3. Legal
4. Liaison
5. Brawling
6. Forgery/Bribery
Receipt of result 6 allow for choice of either skill listed for that result.
Receipt of Special Duty for a Merchant Character may be taken as an additional Benefit Roll, such additional Benefit rolls can be used to exceed the normal limit placed on receipt of Cash table Rolls.
1. Carousing
2. Liaison
3. Admin
4. Legal
5. Vacc-Suit
6. Leader/Jack-O-T
Receipt of result 6 allow for choice of either skill listed for that result.
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