More magic items for CT:
- THE BANNER: The most sacred artifact of power in the aresenel of the K'kree.
When wielded by a Patriarch class leader during battle and exhaulting the sacred words "FOR THE HERD" in their native labguage, all K'kree within Short Range regardless if they hear the call or not come under the effects of the equivilent of taking Slow and Combat Drug and will not break morale for any reason. The effects last until death of the trooper, combat ends, or 10 rounds have occurred whichever comes first. After 10 combat rounds, the Patriarch dies if combat has not ended.
- (Weapon) of Strength: This weapon grants no extra bonuses to characters with high Strength. Its function is to act as though you have the Reqiured Strength to prevent a penalty to hit due to a low characteristic.
- (Weapon) of Accuracy: This weapon grants no extra bonuses to characters with high Dexterity. Its function is to act as though you have the Reqiured Dexterity to prevent a penalty to hit due to a low characteristic.
- (Weapon) of Prowess: Provides no bonus "to hit" per se. What it does do is every round you make a combat "blow or swing" using the weapon in combat does not count as a "blow or swing" towards Fatigue. If you are already "Fatigued" then you gain no benefit. The more powerful ones allow you to never make a weakened or fatigued swing using that weapon.
- Deep Duffel Bag: Allows you to carry more stuff, say 2x/3x/4x STR in kilos for light medium and heavy loads instead of the usual 1x/2x/3x STR in kilos.