Lets make a thread about ships 5000 tons or less displacement
i was looking at andrewmv's escort carrier and it got me thinking, so i decided to post a similar design i'd made a while back. please, if anyone has suggestions about this for me, i'd love to see them
Class: Jellyfish
Type: Escort Carrier
Architect: Pwyll
TL: 15
Displacement: 3,000 tons
Standard Cost: MCr 1,359.73025
Configuration: unstreamlined irregular
Armor: 50 (Bonded Superdense)
Power: 41,400 Mw
Jump: 3
Maneuver: 3g
Avionics: noe 190 kph
Communications: radio (system), maser (system)
Sensors: electromagnetic masking, 10 kw neutrino sensor, low penetration densitometer, EMS jammer, standard EMS arrays, active (far orbit) and passive (interstellar)
Weapons: 16 triple missile rack turrets, 14 triple sandcaster turrets
Screens: nuclear dampers factor 2
Life Support: basic and extended life support, grav plates, inertial compensators, 2 airlocks
Bridge: 3 x computer Model/6, 3 large holodisplays
Crew: 76 (10 command, 7 bridge, 1 maintenance, 10 engineering, 2 weapon, 40 flight, 3 troops, 1 medic, 2 steward)
Pilots: 22
Accommodations: 76 staterooms (2 tons each except for CO stateroom at 4 tons), 7 low berths
Craft: 20 medium fighters (30 ton), 1 fuel shuttle (400 ton), 1 medium lifeboat (30 ton)
Fuel: 770.37 tons
Refinery: yes
Cargo: 86.04 tons
Agility: 3
Design notes:
- fuel usage from HG, but otherwise MT rule-set
- price reflects neither quantity discount nor standard design, and does not include subordinate craft
- deploy with a destroyer escort
- may launch all craft on the first turn of combat because of irregular configuration
- shuttle carries 323 tons of fuel, computer model/3, 1 3xMissile turret, 2 3xSand turrets, 1 3xBeamlaser turret, crew: 2, maneuvers at 2g with 0 agility, costs 101.0132 MCr sans discounts
- no frozen watch, the berths are for casulties and confinees
missiles: 4 batteries at factor 5
sand: 2 batteries at factor 8
figs: 2 squadrons of 10

i was looking at andrewmv's escort carrier and it got me thinking, so i decided to post a similar design i'd made a while back. please, if anyone has suggestions about this for me, i'd love to see them
Class: Jellyfish
Type: Escort Carrier
Architect: Pwyll
TL: 15
Displacement: 3,000 tons
Standard Cost: MCr 1,359.73025
Configuration: unstreamlined irregular
Armor: 50 (Bonded Superdense)
Power: 41,400 Mw
Jump: 3
Maneuver: 3g
Avionics: noe 190 kph
Communications: radio (system), maser (system)
Sensors: electromagnetic masking, 10 kw neutrino sensor, low penetration densitometer, EMS jammer, standard EMS arrays, active (far orbit) and passive (interstellar)
Weapons: 16 triple missile rack turrets, 14 triple sandcaster turrets
Screens: nuclear dampers factor 2
Life Support: basic and extended life support, grav plates, inertial compensators, 2 airlocks
Bridge: 3 x computer Model/6, 3 large holodisplays
Crew: 76 (10 command, 7 bridge, 1 maintenance, 10 engineering, 2 weapon, 40 flight, 3 troops, 1 medic, 2 steward)
Pilots: 22
Accommodations: 76 staterooms (2 tons each except for CO stateroom at 4 tons), 7 low berths
Craft: 20 medium fighters (30 ton), 1 fuel shuttle (400 ton), 1 medium lifeboat (30 ton)
Fuel: 770.37 tons
Refinery: yes
Cargo: 86.04 tons
Agility: 3
Design notes:
- fuel usage from HG, but otherwise MT rule-set
- price reflects neither quantity discount nor standard design, and does not include subordinate craft
- deploy with a destroyer escort
- may launch all craft on the first turn of combat because of irregular configuration
- shuttle carries 323 tons of fuel, computer model/3, 1 3xMissile turret, 2 3xSand turrets, 1 3xBeamlaser turret, crew: 2, maneuvers at 2g with 0 agility, costs 101.0132 MCr sans discounts
- no frozen watch, the berths are for casulties and confinees
missiles: 4 batteries at factor 5
sand: 2 batteries at factor 8
figs: 2 squadrons of 10