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Estimated Prophet


After much digging and dredging, I managed to scrape together a bunch of solid roleplayers for a T20 game. I lean a wee bit towards the generous as a referee... as you'll see. I ended up using the Manta class trader from:


I liked the design and it works for what I was trying to do. Here's how the first session ended up:

Episode 1: Maiden Voyage.

Location: Paris Downport, Terra, Spinward Marches
Date: 125-1107

The ship:

ICS (Imperial Commercial Ship) Estimated Prophet
200 ton Manta class Far Trader (refit)

The ‘Prophet began its service as the ICS Angel’s Ransom, a typical far trader plying the space lines of the Spinward Marches. A catastrophic jump accident killed much of her crew and ruined her drives. The Ransom was picked up by Cpt Kierok as salvage and refitted with more modern engines and the most advanced power plant that could be purchased. The ship has little more performance than before the refit, but is more agile and has sufficient power to mount a more advanced computer and weapons.

Re-christened the Estimated Prophet, this ship is now registered to Cpt. Kierok as a commercial vessel. While the refit was a general success, some of the systems are a not quite up to snuff. The crew is looking forward to shaking down some of the problems in the coming weeks.

The Prophet mounts two dual turrets, each mounting a fusion gun and a sandcaster. She also has a model /4 computer installed adjacent to the bridge, and two fewer staterooms than normal.

Captain Ute Kierok
Human (Zhodani/Villani)
Age: 40
Rogue 4 / Merchant 5
Captain and pilot

Ute Kierok is the talented daughter of a wealthy Zhodani Intendant and an Imperial citizen. Trained by the Zhodani, Ute wanted to see the realm that birthed her mother. So, at the age of 16, Ute stowed aboard a freighter bound for Imperial space, and has never looked back. By virtue of her talents and spunk, Ute has managed to survive in the Imperium although she has remained rather naïve. Despite the fact that no one on the Rim would be looking for a Zhodani spy (and that she is quite far from home) Ute harbors a secret fear of being discovered as a telepath, or worse… captured by the Zhodani secret police.

Ute does know that the Imperial Ministry of Intelligence has kept close tabs on her, but she does not know why. Ute is a naturalized Imperial Citizen, her nationality disclosed, but not her psionic or familial status.

Ute has spent the last twenty years working her way up through the ranks of Tukera lines, but never cared much for the bureaucracy of big business. She loves the business of commerce, but is stricken with a sort of wanderlust that only her own vessel can provide. Cpt Kierok is an attractive, petite, human female with a swarthy olive complexion, black hair, and green eyes.

A.L.I.C.E. (NPC)
Model /4 computer with synthetic personality overlay
Operational Commission Date: 120-1107

Alice is the ship’s computer onboard the Estimated Prophet. She was supposed to have been installed on a naval frigate, but somehow ended up being plugged into the ‘Prophet. Alice has the standard military sensor, instrumentation, and software package. Once the error was discovered, Alice was already in operation and could not be removed without damage to her holographic data core. Scout service S3 became involved, and permits were issued for Alice to remain where she was installed along with a Cat-4 weapons permit for the ‘Prophet’s weaponry as long as Cpt Kierok paid for the cost of the units. Thus far, S3 has not disclosed why this breech of protocol was allowed, or what they hope to gain.

A.I. Programs are not commonplace, and are generally regarded as being “a bit twitchy”. Alice is no exception. Her persona is normally quite courteous, but she has been known to become quite sassy when she feels the situation is warranted. Alice has only been in operation for about five days at this point, and she has very little experience in dealing with ordinary sophonts. Alice also has the standard safeguards installed, with a motivational imperative to protect the lives of the crew.

First Officer Eneri Povitrovitch
Human (Solomani)
Age: 35
Barbarian 1 / Marine 7 / Professional 1
Chief steward, first officer and gunner

Eneri is an old marine with a rather famous history. Born on a protectorate world in a bronze age culture, Eneri was rescued by the Imperial Marines when a Vargr pirate raid went horribly wrong. Due to regulations governing the avoidance of contamination of Eneri’s home world, he could not return. Left to make his way among the stars, Eneri joined the marines and left his mark on society.

During his career, Povitrovitch earned a battlefield commission, a whole host of medals, and the respect of marines everywhere. It is widely known that Eneri was severely injured during a counter-terrorist raid in which he saved the lives of several hundred civilians and his unit. The exact details of that mission are not public knowledge, and Eneri does not talk of it.

Injured and unable to continue his career, Eneri made use of his military benefits and went to college on Terra at an illustrious university in Paris. While there, Eneri studied zoology and cooking. He has a penchant for very strong (and very thick) coffee, which of late has been made from gourmet coffee beans.

An intelligent observer and capable leader, Eneri recognized his captain for who and what she was in very short order. He has not yet chosen to reveal this to the rest of the crew. Being a barbarian by birth, Eneri has no problems in working with a known telepath nor with being loyal to the mistress of a legally registered imperial commercial vessel.

Dr. Atticus Rainor
Human (Solomani)
Age: 38
Scout 4 / Academic 5
Ship’s astrogator, ship’s sensor and commo tech.

Dr. Rainor received his doctorate in psychology on Terra. Never being one for convention, Dr Rainor immediately joined the Scout service as a first contact specialist and staff psychologist. Most of Rainor’s history is classified, but it is known that he is an absolute wizard with a commo/sensor suite.

Rainor is the typical academic type, spending most of his time reading or researching new topics. Rainor does cause some consternation among the crew, as his quarters are packed well over his weight allowance with printed books and data chips. Rainor gets along well with ALICE, as he’s constantly feeding her new data and makes a solid chess partner.

No one is quite sure why Dr Rainor is working aboard the ‘Prophet, but there are rumors among the crew that he is on the run from the mob.

(Baron) Dzakh Ksoesueng (Sourzfaroukh)
Age: 42
Marine 6 / Noble 3 / Mercenary 1
Gunner / security / cargo handler

Dzakh is an anomaly. The crew knows almost nothing about him. To all intents and purposes, Dzakh is just an old vargr marine looking to live out his days in peace. Looks are deceiving however, for Dzakh is actually a noble of the Imperium. Although he is unenfoffed, (Second son of a noble house), Dzakh achieved his baron-hood in his own right.

This much the crew suspects. But what is his real reason for being onboard as a gunner and security chief? Even Ute doesn’t know, as Dzakh is not susceptible to telepathic scan for some reason.

Human (Vilani)
Age 38
Navy 4 / Scout 5
Ship’s engineer

Bonelle never gave her family name when she signed on to the ‘Prophet… she’s a bit mysterious that way. She’s a long standing friend of Eneri. It is known from her resume that Bonelle was drummed out of the navy for refusing to conform to military protocol. She fared much better in the scouts, and ended her career there teaching at the academy.

Bonelle is a capable engineer and an irascible practical joker. Nobody is quite sure how she does it, but Bonelle always managed to appear dapper… even when covered head to toe in grease and ensnarled in jump drive components.

As of yet, Bonelle is unsure of whether to be impressed or frightened by the modifications that were made to the ‘Prophet. She’s absolutely enthralled with the idea of having an AI onboard, and can’t wait to see what sorts new modifications she can make of her own accord.

Bonelle is often found in her work coveralls (constructed from ballistic cloth), and caries a laser pistol which has been modified to function as a cutter/welder.

Episode 1:

Paris Downport, Terra, Spinward Marches
1800hrs, 125-1107

After leaving the service of Tukera lines, Cpt Kierok managed to find herself a ship and part of a crew… but still lacked an engineer and a second gunner. None of the other crew aboard wished to register as first officer, and the good shipping jobs all wanted jump-3 vessels or larger holds than the ‘Prophet had. So, she put an add in the circulars and on the TAS jobs wanted board… continued to work off the gigs left by the yard dogs, and waited.

She didn’t have to wait long.

Eneri and Bonelle wanted off of Earth in the worst way possible. Eneri was sick of the city life, and wanted to get solid decksole under his feet again. Bonelle was just plain bored. They found Ute’s add, and went down to docking berth 24 to apply in person. After a short discourse, Ute hired them both, and designated Eneri as first officer. Ute offered 15% shares in lieu of standard wages, and the crew agreed.

Eneri and Bonelle were introduced to Dzakh, Doc, and ALICE… shown their berths, and promptly moved in.

With one issue settled, Ute set Doc to the task of updating the ship’s records for the transponder… and then set about finding a job. There were none to be had through the normal legal channels, so Ute took Dzakh in tow and headed for the seedier side of town… smartly dressed for business. Much to Dzakh’s chagrin.

Arriving at the Hammered Wombat bar and grill in Startown, Ute was quite surprised at the lewd comments that her attire elicited, but tried her best to find a client. She did manage to make contact with a fellow who indicated that he might have a job for her, and to meet him on the following day for lunch at a sidewalk café in the “nicer” part of town.

In the meanwhile, Bonelle discovered that the ship’s freshers spontaneously switch to shower mode when the toilets are flushed. Feeling a bit flushed herself, Bonelle set about fixing the problem in every stateroom except for the captain’s.

Following day, said contact turns out to be an agent for the Ministry of Intelligence… and he has a bunch of information on Ute, her ship, and crew. He has a job for them, if they want it. Go to Fenris, by way of Junction and retrieve a 50 ton shipment of refined zuchai crystals… return to Junction with the crystals and receive a lump sum payment of MCr5. Simple.

The problem is that Ine Givar has bombed the hell out of several population centers on Fenris, the corporation which was supposed to ship the crystals is out of contact, nobody knows where the crystals are located, and in the ensuing chaos the planet’s government has just declared for the Solomani Party. (OK, I lifted the plot from an old JTAS article, and moved the location. I’m a GM… we’re allowed to do that!)

The contact gave Ute a data crystal that contained the mission authorization codes, and sent her on her way with instructions to have the cargo in Junction inside of three weeks.

To be continued.
Oh, I forgot to mention...

Ute owns the ship, free and clear by way of mustering out... and I applied the extra rolls to the modifications. She still owes for the computer (She ordered a model /1 bis, and has to pay the difference), and the fusion guns.

She doesn't realize this yet, but will as soon as the player reads this post.
>The problem is that Ine Givar has bombed the hell out of several population centers on Fenris,

Why? That's a long way from Zho space, a very long way. I think some sort of Solomani freedom fighter guerrilla group would be more responsible. But then, they could be calling themselves the Ine Givar to throw off the Impie spies; although that still would be hard to believe (about as believable as Kaos-captured Maxwell Smart's claims that they are surrounded by the 1st Army division; would you believe the Green Berets; would you believe the local Boy Scout troupe?

I'm not sure why you are combining the Spinward Marches with the Solomani Rim? It's your Traveller Universe and you can do what you want, but I'm just curious why?

They are two seperate border regions with thousands of systems and parsecs between them. Unless you have some sort of worm hole that shortens the distance between them?
Originally posted by Paraquat Johnson:
I'm not sure why you are combining the Spinward Marches with the Solomani Rim? It's your Traveller Universe and you can do what you want, but I'm just curious why?

They are two seperate border regions with thousands of systems and parsecs between them. Unless you have some sort of worm hole that shortens the distance between them?
I think he means Terra Nova:

System Report: Spinward_Marches Sector / Hex 0511
Name Terra Nova
System Location Spinward_Marches Sector / Subsector E
Travel Zone Green (No Special Restrictions)
Stellar Type M7 D
Gas Giants 2
Asteroid Belts 1
Allegiance Non-aligned (Na)
Bases None.
System Detail

Main World Data
Attribute UPP Description GURPS
Starport C C: Routine Facilities. Major Repairs. Refined Fuel. Class III
Diameter 7 Medium (11,200km)
Atmosphere 8 Dense
Hydrographics 6 Wet World (60%)
Population 3 8000
Government 4 Representative Democracy
Law Level 2 Low law (portable energy weapons prohibited) GCR 1
Tech Level 9 Early Stellar (Fusion, Circa 2010) GTL 9

Core Type Molten
Density 0.95 Earths
Mass 0.79 Earths
Gravity 0.89 G
Rotation Period 7 hours
Orbital Period 272 days
Axial Tilt 16 degrees
Orbital Eccentricity 0.024
Satellites 1
Surface Pressure 2.021 atm

Trade Information/ System Classifications :
World Trade Number (WTN) : 2.5
Per Capita Income (WPCI) : $ 2928

Just checkin, tho I could be wrong...
Hello Darth,

It sounds like a promising game.

Where can I find the particulars (specifications) for the Manta-class far trader variant?
OK, a couple of points.

1. I have incomplete data for Ine Givar, and didn't know that they were unique to the Marches (my books are cobbled together and some are only salvaged pages of books)... but their MO fit what I was after, and they were obscure enough that my party didn't know who they were. (Most of them don't even own any Traveller books!) Oh well.. done is done.

2. The Zhodani captain has moved intentionally as far from Zho space as she could go... but wanted to stay in the Imperium. Three years by J6 is quite far indeed. It strained credibility, but I was willing to allow it for the sake of fun. Thats ok though... I have a few surprises in store for her yet.

3. Liam: thanks for trying to pull my butt outa the sling... but it is a Rim based campaign, and it is Terra (1827 Solomani Rim). Fenris is two jumps away at J2.

4. The name Estimated Prophet was taken from the title of a painting done by my real world brother... which in turn was taken from God only knows where. He has a newly posted web page if you're interested.


But that's completely off topic.

5. The only wormhole shortening the two domains IMTU is the one the bookworms made while the books were on my shelf :rolleyes:

WOW! I threw this together at the last minute, but didn't realize the plot had THIS many holes! Guess I'd better go crawl back under my rock!
Darth: I have no problem with the Ine Givar being somewhere outside the Marches -- that's something I've done in my own campaign. They make a good, stock terrorist group, and there's lots of info out there on them.

And I like the idea of a former Zhodani citizen running away to live in the Imperium, and to get far away from Zho agents, moving to the Rim. Makes for some great background, and possible plot hooks.

What was throwing me was the reference to Terra being in the Spinward Marches, mixed with other references, such as the the Solomani Party and other nearby worlds from the Rim. I thought maybe you had combined the Rim and the Marches, or had a shortcut to get from one to the other. Nothing wrong with that if you did, I was just curious about why? I was hoping to hear some cool ideas I could possibly "borrow" for my campaign.
Boy... I've gotta learn to edit my posts... you are quite correct. It should be Solomani Rim. The Spinward Marches location was a typo.

Sorry for the confusion.
S'all right Darth. There are several worlds with the surname Terra attached to em, besides Sol. Of course, it makes fer an interesting twist! Ine gevar are a great group of thugs to use; The Rim is my CT/MT second home, so playing across from SolSec and such is okay too. All sounds like ya gots a real good thing going. Sorry if I misunderstood yer post!
No harm, no foul!
Howdy yes this is the real Ute. I see he hasn't told you my reaction to the 10mcr cost of Alice. Well I started sweeping the floor for loose credits and want to put the AI in a black box to protect it. The first flight out of earth Our ships steward went over board making superb meals for the High passage traveler when I told him spam and Soylent green would have been just fine. Doc speculated on Hydrofloric acid. I was ready to boil him in it.
Oh By the way Dzak is the one who got him self in trouble at the Wambat. I ahd nothing to do with it.
When we got to the second jump point I discovered Grendal my chief of security has a nasty honest streak. I wanted to smuggle weapons and ammo into a war zone. he didn't want to a maqjor bummer!!!!!
By the time we got to fenneris we were attacked by rebels and I was doing everything I could to save (our AI) I mean our selves
Now we have a repair bill of 1085000cr
I need some Tranya
UTE Kirok
Okies... looks like I'd better post the results of episode two.

Having secured a MCr5.0 deal with NAVINT to "locate and retrieve" 50 dtons of refined lanthanum ore from Fenris. The chief problem is that the company which currently holds the materials can't be contacted due to the revolt on Fenris.

Shortly after signing the deal, the crew of the "Prophet" suddenly found themselves able to locate cargoes and passengers bound for Junction (en route to Fenris). Dzakh thought this strange, but nobody was going to fault the chance to make money. High passengers were also taken aboard despite the lack of a trained steward... not to fear, Eneri picked up gourmet cooking skills while attending college in Paris. Eneri's cooking was sufficiently good to avert any complaints about the lack of service.

Two of the high passengers were actually bound for Fenris and paid for both tickets in advance... a human female and her Virushi friend.

The jump to Junction was uneventful. Ute managed to sell the hydrofluoric acid at a 30% net loss to a naval contractor... hence the reason she wanted to boil Doc in the stuff. (Doc purchased the acid with ship's funds.)

The jump to Fenris was less fun. Very little cargo and no additional passengers.

Exiting jump, the "Prophet" was accosted by ships from the rebel forces (?) on Fenris... consisting of a 400ton SDB and three fighters. The ships lay dogo until the Prophet crossed the 100 diameter limit, then lit off their drives and attempted to match courses. Hails were met with laser fire over the bow.

The Prophet fought valiantly, with Ute ducking and weaving as best she could, and Dzakh and Eneri manning the fusion gun turrets. (The crew wisely held their fire until the fighters got WAY too close). The crew was assisted by the two passengers, whom turned out to be former navy (the human) and a medical doctor (the virushi).

So the battle proceeded with the gunners dispatching fighters, and Ute crying crocodile tears every time the Prophet took a hit. ("Noooooo! Not the ship's logo! I just paid for that! OOhhhh!")

In the end, Doc (with the help of the former navy passenger) managed to burn through the interference to get a signal GK out to the navy picket (currently consisting of four Gazelle class CE's). But not before the SDB holed the Prophet's fuel tanks and drained off all remaining fuel... the Prophet went into reactor shutdown and the SDB docked.

Dzakh and Eneri moved to the dorsal airlock to repell boarders... and a short nasty fight ensued before the Navy arrived. The SDB crew pulled out so fast that they forgot to decouple the airlocks and pulled a large chunk of hull (and airlock) out of the Prophet's backside. (Accompanied by more cries of agony by Ute).

The Navy offered medical and mechanical aid. A series of hull patches were welded over the now missing airlock, the fuel tank was fitted with a temporary patch, and sufficient fuel to make port was piped aboard.

The navy also informed the crew of the Prophet that one of the factions planetside had nuked the capitol city and that the casualties ran to the tens (or possibly hundreds) of millions. They were also told that a dispatch had been sent to naval headquarters in Junction and that an interdiction/intervention was expected within the next five days.

Initial repair estimates ran to MCr1.085... but the Prophet could still run and nobody wanted to make repairs in a war zone.

The session ended with the Prophet docking at the orbital port and offloading what little cargo they had.

Okay, hello, greetings and all that. This is Grendel & I am here to set a few facts straight. Unte is correct, she did not cause the fight in the bar with the Vargr. After Duster had finished throating the local "big dog" he had won leadership of a pack of about 50 Vargr. As they follow him out of the Wombat, Unte asks Duster:

"Are they house broken?" As you can imagine this caused duster to lose a large amount of face with the other Vargr. Its a wonder Duster didn't bite her right then & there.
Now, I have no problems with selling guns to a planet involved in a hostile conflict. Thats why the imperium has mercs & free traders. What I won't do is run guns to rebels & terrorists who nuke civilian population centers. Grrrrrrrr (Insert sounds of breaking glass, loud bangs, metal denting, and the automated HTH combat pell Klaxon "BROKEN BROKEN BROKEN, unit has sustained operational damage."
First let us assume that I may speak for Dzakh. I understand that there are those out there that may find it difficult to reconcile a rejoinder by a Vargr under the SN of IceCat. For those who can not, my apologies. For those not bound by such limitations please allow Dzakh to respond to certain grievous allegations leveled against his most humble person.

It would appear that our dear ship owner, Ute, is lacking in certain cultural perceptions. The incident at the Wombat, was likely unavoidable. I will accept full responsibility for the altercation that ensued when a local Vargr decided that he was feeling threatened. I do keep forgetting how excitable my brothers can be at times. I suppose Ute's life might have been made simpler had I simply backed down. But, truth be told, I am simply quite tired of existing below my capabilities. The fact is, had she not walked into the bar dressed as a vapid dish wrapped in frills and skirts and a decolletage scandalously close to illegal in polite society, we might have escaped notice. Or at least notice of a less than savoury sort. But, I digress. The local alpha decided that he absolutely had to challenge me to maintain his status. I had no problem with him ruling his section of the less inhabitable regions of the city. I did however have a problem with him not backing down. I had no choice but to end the altercation quickly. If for no other reason than that Ute could leave the establishment under her own choice of company, and like her own power.

I was not thrilled with the prospect of having a random pack associated with me, but it had happened. And then the fateful defaming comment from my 'boss'. In an instant I was absolved of that burden of leadership. The fact that I didn't want it was immaterial. It was my choice. She came dangerously close to finding herself in a most submissive position.

It still astonishes me that after three days of rigorously disecting every sparring pell in the hold with cutlass and foil, and a similar vigorous usage of a certain sniper simulation range on an undisclosed military vessel, she simply fails to understand that perhaps the comment, which Eneri has repeated above for the record, might have been out of line.

It would seem that she has mistaken a sense of friendship for a license to abase me before my peers, or worse yet, my inferiors. When the anger of my shame has burned from my veins I will have to determine the best way to impress upon her that she cultivate the ability to judge appropriatness of actions and words.

Dzakh Ksoesueng

P.S. Ute, you really must cease your quibling over such paltry sums of money. You are far better off than some other merchants. Perhaps, though I can not fathom how, someone above favours you.
Originally posted by IceCat:
First let us assume that I may speak for Dzakh. I understand that there are those out there that may find it difficult to reconcile a rejoinder by a Vargr under the SN of IceCat. For those who can not, my apologies.
This is what I get for feeding catnip to vargr pups!
Dzak, Dzak, Dzak.
I am sorry if i hurt your feelings. You know I would never want to offend you or your race. I of course meant no harm to you. I will indeed try to watch my self in the future.
I am however taken back by your comments about my attire at the Wambat that day. First of all I thought my leather miniskirt & vest was quite appropriate for the occasion. I have never had any complaints before now. You make it sound like I am some common street walker out to make an easy 12000 credits.
I feel that I look best in tight revealing clothes. We all know about the glass cieling and soft time a woman needs a little extra to break through that glasscieling. And after all I must dress for success. I am so disheartened I need to go shoppingto calm down while you and grendel go do that macho guy stuff on the planet.
Ute Kirok