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Exerpts from a solo Traveller adventure novel


SOC-14 1K
Grand Endeavor: Miracru Meets with Kasakabe and Lori-16

Notes: This is a work in progress so it isn't completely finished. The two party members are Kasakabe a rogue criminal who specializes in close combat and Lori-16 an intelligence officer and pilot who accompaines Kasakabe. Both are female characters.

[Note: E3 is Miracru exec. S1 is a corporate security officer to be named]
After meeting with Kai on her first day on Grand Endeavor Miracru’s executives do more checking on Kasakabe in particular. They are concerned that she is potentially a serious problem and potentially fatal to her plans. They also recognize Lori-16, at least genetically, for what she is.
E3: “Sir, I’ve done a thorough background check with our available resources on the two Captain Hao mentioned. I thought it best to inform you personally rather than put anything in writing.”
E2: “Quite correct E1. I want to keep this very private and very tight. So, what is your analysis?”
E3: “The two are largely responsible for the success of Captain Hao at Gazala. Kasakabe made the trade agreement we now have possible. But, she is also responsible for the assassination of the Duke of Ley and that could cause us serious Imperial problems if we are linked to her in any way. We also cannot afford to incite the ruling factions on Durne or Ginshar as both are useful to the company in their special capacities. I don’t think we can locally make a decision that will lose us either. It would be career ending if we made the wrong choice.”
E2: “Agreed. But, the problem still remains. What do we do about this situation? If we do nothing and hope it just resolves itself we are taking a huge risk. Captain Hao may talk to Ling about this. That would be bad. Ling has a long reputation for not dealing with such entities like we are using as well as having a very negative response to those who do. We cannot afford to have them find out.
At the same time we cannot resolve this in some way that gets back to Durne or Ginshar implicating us in Kasakabe or the doll’s removal.”
E3: “If I might I may have a solution that will work. The rimward portion of this sector is relatively lawless as is the Federation of Heron. By all accounts avoiding the Maskai is advisable. With Kasakabe on board Captain Hao will almost certainly opt to go through Heron and the less controlled portion of this sub sector to take the two home.
I suggest just that. We hire her to take them home. A payment of say, 100,000 credits. I’m sure Captain Hao will want to go to Gurgaliinash first to meet with Ling there and give them the writ she has for her company. After that, they will certainly agree to her transporting the two on our tab. It costs them nothing and she’s making a profit. They will simply see her as a successful Ling Captain.
We can discretely hire a crew there to make an attempt on the ship. If it works we’re done. If it fails we can try again when Captain Hao enters that lawless priacy zone in and around Heron. The Maskai cut off her alternate to that.”
E2: “You have thought this through. Good! Then proceed on that basis. Keep it discrete. I also suggest you set up a meeting with the two. Make sure Kasakabe keeps the doll out of view. But you might want it there. They are quite exquisite and unusual. Make sure the meeting is in a less than public location too. The fewer eyes the better.”
E3: “Yes sir. I am already making the arrangements.”

A Miracru yard superintendent delivers a message for the executives to the ship the next day. He is instructed to hand it to only Kasakabe or Lori-16 personally. He has little difficulty finding Lori. (staring a bit) “Um… uh… Miss are you Lori-16?” he asks. “Yes. Can I help you with something?” Lori responds with a slight smile. “Sorry about (gestures about her appearance) that. Its just normal on my world.” “I’m sorry miss. I didn’t mean to…” he says. “That’s okay. I’m getting used to it away from home. So, you needed to see me about something?” Lori asks. “Oh! Right! I was asked by our management to deliver this to you personally” he says. Lori’s brow furrows a bit “What is it about?” “Don’t know. I was only told to deliver it to you personally” he replies. “Okay. Thanks. And, its okay if you stare a bit…” Lori says. The superintendent blushes a bit and then turns and leaves. Wow! That is one incredible looker there! he thinks as he leaves.
Lori opens the envelope and removes a small, thin comm pad. There is a stored message on it. Reading, it is Miracru wanting to meet with her and Kasakabe, although most of the message is directed at Kasakabe, at one of their warehouses on the far side of the starport in the industrial section. It is obvious from tone it takes that they would prefer the two do this without getting Kai and the other crew involved.
Lori gets a long coat and leaves to find Kasakabe whom she knows is practicing at a nearby empty office suite they rented for that purpose. Getting her on her personal comm, Lori tells Kasakabe “Miracru wants to meet with us in four hours. It sounds a bit suspicious but it will probably be worse for everyone if we don’t.” “You think it trap?” Kasakabe asks. “Possibly but its more likely they want to make some sort of deal with us. They are businessmen not criminals” Lori tells her. “I’ll meet you at the suite and we can go from there.”
The two meet and then take a cab the short ride to near where the meeting is to occur. “We have about two hours until they want to meet” Lori tells Kasakabe. “Right! We check for trap” Kasakabe replies. “Exactly. You do a sweep I’ll (taking out a couple of small electronic devices) do the spectra and tech stuff” Lori says.
Kasakabe whips off virtually disappearing into the mass of shipping containers, cargo and, other industrial detritus covering the area. Lori opens the small soft carrying case she has with her and sets up several pieces of compact equipment and begins looking for signs of a trap. After over an hour of looking they haven’t found anything that looks like a trap. Both rendezvous back at their original location.
“Surprise not trap” Kasakabe says. “It appears I was right. This is business not crime” Lori tells her. “We can hear what they have to say at least.” “K. But not like probably” Kasakabe tells her. “Probably” Lori responds a little worried.
Shortly before the meeting time two air rafts appear and land near the meeting site. One has what looks like an executive in a stylish suit and a second man who appears to be some sort of middle management with him. There are two others who stay near the vehicles. The second vehicle has four men in uniforms get out. They move to and take up covered positions around the area.
part 2

“If it is a trap it’s a sloppy one” Lori says quietly. “You want I take them out?” Kasakabe says. “How long would it take you? We have less than thrity minutes until the meeting time” Lori asks. “That plenty. I finish them. You cover me K?” Kasakabe tells her. “Okay. Take out the four perimeter ones and then meet me here” Lori says indicating a point where they can enter the building. “Thirty minutes. No more.”
“K! K! You so pushy!” Kasakabe says. She and Lori kiss passionately and Kasakabe leaves to take care of the guards. Lori checks her pistol concealed under the coat and places it back in the holster in its lining. She then turns to using her equipment to tap the Miracru men’s comms and make it appear they are still in place after Kasakabe finishes with them.
Just under thirty minutes later Kasakabe shows up at the door near where Lori is waiting for her. “Sorry. One splash on me” Kasakabe says. Her jacket has blood splattered on it in several places. “That’s okay” Lori replies. “It will just send a message.” The two head into the warehouse.
The Miracru men hear the heels on Lori’s short fur lined boots clicking announcing their arrival. Kasakabe is leading Lori by the hand. The second manager is talking into a small comm. Probably trying to raise his guards both girls think to themselves.
“They dead!” Kasakabe flatly and arrogantly announces. “What you need meet us for? You know nothing set trap like you do!” She sneers at the middle manager.
This catches the Miracru men off guard. The middle manager starts to reach into his coat. “You die to you do that!” Kasakabe warns him. The executive puts up his hand and indicates for both to stop.
“I didn’t come here to fight or kill you. I wanted to meet you and your doll” E3 tells her. “So, your reputation is fully deserved. This is quite a mess I’ll have to clean up.” “That you problem. You no need put men out. They die for nothing!” Kasakabe tells him.
E3 walks over to Kasakabe and extends his hand. “No tricks. We’ll just talk. I have to admit the stories were right too. The doll is incredible” E3 says trying to get a better look at Lori through the partially open coat she is wearing.
“Miracru is aware of what you’ve done, with Stoner and the Duke that is.” E3 says quietly. This evokes a very violent reaction from Kasakabe who whips out two blades and has them poised in a blink of an eye on E3 ready to kill him. Lori stands still with her hands in her coat pockets ready to draw on the other manager without being obvious about it. The manager has likewise drawn a gauss pistol and is pointing it at Kasakabe.
“Wait! Wait! We’re not turning you in or anything! That was between you and Stoner! Put your blades down! [security manager name] lower your pistol!” E3 shouts in more than a little panic.
After Kasakabe relents and the other manager lowers his pistol E3 straightens his suit and continues having regained some of his composure. “Look. I’m a businessman. My company is about business. We just want to make a deal.” “What deal?” Kasakabe skeptically asks.
“Miracru is very appreciative of what you helped Captain Hao accomplish at Gazala. Therefore we propose to have her take you and your toy there home…. On the condition that you keep out of the public eye in the meantime. Your doll attracts attention. Look at the problem you had at the Siopacylch the other day. We can’t risk you being arrested and your ties to us and Stoner discovered. We will pay Captain Hao to do this. All you have to do is not create more dead bodies. Do we have a deal?” E3 asks Kasakabe.
“I say no?” Kasakabe asks. “Then I, and Miracru will have little choice but to take other action shall we say” E3 replies. “I understand. You deal acceptable. You pay Captain we go home. No more problem here K?” Kasakabe replies. “We done. We leave now. Dead men you problem. Hire better security” Kasakabe says almost flippantly. She turns taking Lori’s hand and as she starts to leave calls out “You keep pistol in jacket or you DIE TOO!” to the security manager.
As Kasakabe and Lori exit the building Lori says “You know he’s lying. He may pay Kai to take us home but he’s already planning to kill all of us.” Kasakabe says “I find out right now” and she stops and starts to focus on E3. Lori starts to stop and wait for Kasakabe to finish her ‘read’ of E3 but she can’t contain herself.
“You know of course, I really just wanted to kill them for what they called me….” Lori says angrily. “I too!” says Kasakabe “We need get home more.” “That’s all that stopped me” Lori says hugging Kasakabe. “Need focus now” Kasakabe tells her quietly. Lori stands by silently.
“Damn, damn, damn! That bitch is causing a bigger mess every minute she’s alive! FOUR men dead! Some security manager you are!” shouts E3 in the grav car. “Sir, I seriously underestimated her abilities…” the security manager stammers. “Damn right you did! Now I have fix this mess and quick!”
“As soon as we get back to the office I want you to hire crews on anywhere those bitches may go next and have them killed and their ship disappear. Do what it takes and don’t screw this up!” E3 snarls at [security manager]. “Yes sir. I’ll see to it personally” [security manager] says. “Just make damn sure it isn’t some bungled mess like this was! I want this problem to go away….permanently! Do I make myself clear?!” E3 snaps back. “Yes sir. Perfectly” [security manager] says now clearly worried about his own performance and employment. “It better. Or, you may be joining them!” E3 threatens. “No more mistakes.”
“Try kill us. Not here. Problem here. We safe for minute” Kasakabe tells Lori. “So, where will he try to do it? Did he show you how?” Lori asks. “No. Just not do it here. Next system. We be ready” Kasakabe responds. “Okay. Then let’s go have some fun with An and Ikki. Maybe we can even get Kai to join us” Lori suggests. “That good. Kai Captain. Too busy business that one.” Kasakabe tells her. “That’s too bad. We’ll have to do something for Kai though” Lori says. “K. You right. Kai put up with us. Not easy!” Kasakabe says. They both start laughing at that thought.
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