since I started playing Trav I've bean asking myself "Why can't a J2 Drive ship cover a parsec in three and a half to four days?" then a wile back I was reading a theoretical piece on Warp Field Dynamics (how IRL Nerds think we will achieve FTL), got me thinking doing the same kind of thing to a Trav Jump Field may be how to do it.
for games sake A ships J-Drive range is it's maximum Factor it goes on the bottom of the Fraction and the parsecs to be traveled goes on the top this is how much of a week it takes to make the jump (Jump Drives & Field Emitters can only safely remain in operation for between 190 & 200 Hours without dramatic technical intervention, but normal operation over 170 hours requires additional maintenance once leaving jump) so a J-2 Drive can cover a Parsec in between 3-4 (Apx.) Days a J-3 Drive could cover that same Parsec in 2-3 (Apx.) days and so on up to a J-6 Drive that can make the 1 parsec jump in between 25 & 31 hours. now pushing a J-Drive to these feats burns more Flue, so making a Factor 2 1 Parsec Jump would use as much flue as a normal Jump-2 and so on.
yes I know my description rambles and is broken in places, but for my own use I have hand written formula and tables that make scene to me for my own use. for game Fluff I say that baring some freak discovery Factor Drives are not discovered till Advanced (late) TL-16, but once you work it out you can make drives as early as TL-12 work as Factor Drives, and Jumpspace Scientists will say "Ok so that's how you do it, How come we couldn't think. of that??"
for games sake A ships J-Drive range is it's maximum Factor it goes on the bottom of the Fraction and the parsecs to be traveled goes on the top this is how much of a week it takes to make the jump (Jump Drives & Field Emitters can only safely remain in operation for between 190 & 200 Hours without dramatic technical intervention, but normal operation over 170 hours requires additional maintenance once leaving jump) so a J-2 Drive can cover a Parsec in between 3-4 (Apx.) Days a J-3 Drive could cover that same Parsec in 2-3 (Apx.) days and so on up to a J-6 Drive that can make the 1 parsec jump in between 25 & 31 hours. now pushing a J-Drive to these feats burns more Flue, so making a Factor 2 1 Parsec Jump would use as much flue as a normal Jump-2 and so on.
yes I know my description rambles and is broken in places, but for my own use I have hand written formula and tables that make scene to me for my own use. for game Fluff I say that baring some freak discovery Factor Drives are not discovered till Advanced (late) TL-16, but once you work it out you can make drives as early as TL-12 work as Factor Drives, and Jumpspace Scientists will say "Ok so that's how you do it, How come we couldn't think. of that??"