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Famous ships from TV and Movies

Originally posted by Nurd_boy:
the dome ship from 'silent running'...and the coffee maker-looking robots too

I loved that Dome ship. Silent running was a movie that I treasured. Recently I got it out from the video store and watched it again. Geez it's dated badly. My memory was much kinder than the thing warranted - word from the wise - Don;t watch it again. It's almost as dated as Tron.

PS Don;t knock Huey Duey And Luey - I'll send them round to lurk outside your house and "wobble" at you.
Originally posted by Nurd_boy:
here's a few for you old-timers....

the jupiter II ...(TV series version)

My first deckplan. My first dissapointment in Hollywood set designers

the T.A.D.I.S.

TARDIS According to my memory and the BBC website http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/doctorwho/tardiscam/index.shtml

the saucers from 'earth vs. the flying suacers'...a 50's era classic movie

That crashed through the washington Monument (bad) and into the capital dome (good).

the smilie ship from 'heavy meatal'...

I missed this one.

the fighters from buck rodgers tv series ( wilma dearing (erin grey) WAS HOT in that tight flight suit..imho)

In OUR humble opinions, but everyone else drooled over Princess Ardala proving that good taste is rare. I did like Ardala's command ship and the the pirate fighters.

You missed Dark Star (from "Dark Star"), which is forgivable, and Discovery, Aries II, Space Station Five and Orion III from "2001". The Discovery and Aries were my 2nd and 3rd deckplans. The Russian ship, Leonov, in "2010" was also quite good.

I found this 2001 VRML site, but I haven't explored it yet. http://members.aol.com/Alprojects/2001/
Fav T.V. or movie starship?.....

The Britania , From the Anime cartoon: "Lensman"

Does anyone know where I can find a model of it?
Originally posted by Uncle Bob:
Originally posted by Nurd_boy:
here's a few for you old-timers....

the jupiter II ...(TV series version)

My first deckplan. My first dissapointment in Hollywood set designers

the T.A.D.I.S.

TARDIS According to my memory and the BBC website http://www.bbc.co.uk/cult/doctorwho/tardiscam/index.shtml

the saucers from 'earth vs. the flying suacers'...a 50's era classic movie

That crashed through the washington Monument (bad) and into the capital dome (good).

the smilie ship from 'heavy meatal'...

I missed this one.

the fighters from buck rodgers tv series ( wilma dearing (erin grey) WAS HOT in that tight flight suit..imho)

In OUR humble opinions, but everyone else drooled over Princess Ardala proving that good taste is rare. I did like Ardala's command ship and the the pirate fighters.

You missed Dark Star (from "Dark Star"), which is forgivable, and Discovery, Aries II, Space Station Five and Orion III from "2001". The Discovery and Aries were my 2nd and 3rd deckplans. The Russian ship, Leonov, in "2010" was also quite good.

I found this 2001 VRML site, but I haven't explored it yet. http://members.aol.com/Alprojects/2001/
I haven't seen dark star in ages..I remember the bomb that thinks its GOD, the frozen captain, and the guy sufing into the atmosphere...

forgot the space odessy ships...sorry,

I remember Ardala...but for some reason, Dearing still comes to mind first....

almost forgot...leslie neilsen back iin the 50's was a serious actor...remember 'forbidden planet'?..cool ship, cool psi-monster, make a great adventure...imho

not a space ship, but I love the nautilus from 20,000 leagues...the original move, not the recent remake...

and don't forget the boob ship from 'battle beyond the stars'...(the scout ship reminded us (my gaming group at the time) of a naked female, shows where our mind where...lol

I recently rented old serials and watched original buck rogers, buzz ships and everything...too dated, but cool anyway.
Thank you very much , Nurd-boy!! Ah but, those models are too big for my battle-mat. That does'nt mean I won't cosider buying one.........
Originally posted by Nurd_boy:
One of MY favorites from TV was the eagle shuttle (and the super swifts) from the series 'space 1999'...
I got some FANTASTIC blueprints for the eagle off Ebay, really nice. I'm going to frame them eventually. They cost less than 10 dollars, including S&H.

You can still get models of the Eagle, but they are much more expensive.
The Starlog folks did a nice binder "Technical Manual" for the Moonbase (no, you can't have mine). Very early in the publication history of Starlog (like #14 or so) they did the Eagle deckplan/blueprint as an addendum to that manual.

I've only ever seen the binders in one place. That was years ago, and the place no longer exists that I'm aware of. They were a softcover 1-inch red three-ring. Good Hunting.
A few others:

The Sulaco, from Aliens.

The Nostromo, from Alien.

Cloudbase, from Captain Scarlet.

Horizont dropships, from Mospeada (the third part of Robotech). Several others from this particular series are cool, too, and were reasonably well covered when Paladium was doing Robotech, since they had access to all the original concept and sketchwork...

Star Leaf, from Gall Force (similarly aged anime). Again, the other ships from this show are also quite cool.

While the Millenium Falcon has been mentioned, Star Wars has others. Track down the old SW-D6 version of "Stock Ships" for a few of them, with deckplans. The various Dorling-Kindersley books on SW are also good sources.

The Bebop, from Cowboy Bebop. Many other stealable ships here. The Tokyo Pop folks have been printing little books about this show, so the art should be findable (Borders, in the US, seems to have these fairly often).

Most of the Babylon 5 ships are WAY too big to reasonably do deckplans, but that doesn't keep them from being cool.

The Ragnarok, from several versions of Final Fantasy. For the ambitious, deckplans of one of the Gardens from FF8 would be rather cool.
Let us not forget the Space 1999 Hawk and the other side of the scale Farscape Command Carrier. Sure they also had the Prowlers and Dargo's ship.

I have the Starlog mags 1-100+. According to one of the S1999 sites the tech design has several errors in it. The modellers like checking every detail for their replicas.

How big do you think the Eagle is in Traveller terms? The tech material lists it as 238 tons.
I tried that size and the shuttle size with varying levels of success.

Reguarding Babylon 5...I would write up the hg stats for it just to see how it would work out...but for campaign use, I;d treat it like a metropolis in my DnD camapign, and map out only the areas I really need (except for an block diagram/ color code diagram)...

then their is always the red dwarf...

or the 'warden' from metamophasis alpha...
GipsyComet, I'd love to see the Sulaco too! I got the Special Ed 4 DVD Alien set and on it they explained the Nostromo was built mainly out of aircraft parts they salvaged - including seats for Captain etc - to give it the claustrophobic feel. I really recommend at least viewing the set if you like the movies as you get talked through the whole first film by the Director and find out how they achieved all the effects - and get a tour round the props like the actaully working space carrier for Jonesie the cat...

I would love to see some of the Minbari White Star plans ... And I have real blue prints of a space ship designed for a friend way back in 1980's that she gave me to use in my books - I'd love to work out how that would look in plan format. I need to photocopy it so I can reduce it in size as it is too big for a scanner.

It has upswung wings that can go flat, with guns on the tips of them, (nothing to ay what they are as far as I remember) a saucer shaped leading front that sepeates from the main fuselage. It is lean and mean and I will have to work out plans for it some day. <sighs at the prospect with her lack of knowledge> I'm using it as a kind of super stealth spy ship and trouble shooter as part of a fleet that is only 6 strong at the moment. Analagous to the Rangers in B5.

It is a beauty, though. The guy who designed it must have been a real aircraft designer cos she was in the Military at the time....
You know, I find it AMAZING that no-one has mentioned either the "Hubcap" ships or the large booblike starbase from "Plan 9 From Outer Space".


As an aside, I've always wondered if, in High Guard terms, if the Galactica had a pretty low armor rating. Seems like that ship was on fire a lot in that series.

To mention the Galactica, I personally always thought of the "turrents" they would show as stock footage as looking more like bay weapons. I'd personally in fact load her up with bay weapons and no turrents if you're going for some level of semi-accuracy.

But I could be wrong, who said a despotic Emperor knows anything about ship design.

I agree about the bay weapons. Hence, my comment earlier about adding point defense weapons to make it more effective in CT. It did catch fire a few times didn't it.

Originally posted by savage:

Yes. Traveller and BG are similar. But BG really doesn't do significant point defense. Its concept of spinal mounts are also different. I would point to the multi-directional firing arcs of the basestars as an example. I have considered designing a custom weapons bay as an alternative.

Refracting the beam in the same direction? Why.
Actually the bottom of the hull looks like seperate weapon systems....
(Snips rest of quote)

I don't know if this is still canon, and I must admit I'm not the TNE expert, but I think TNE did allow for a "Janus mount" spinal mount. This is where as ship actually had two spinal mount weapons, one weapon points forward, one backwards. Perhaps this is where one could "handwave" in multiple spinal mounts, even if one isn't exactly going with the Janus mount configuration.
Originally posted by GypsyComet:
The Starlog folks did a nice binder "Technical Manual" for the Moonbase (no, you can't have mine). Very early in the publication history of Starlog (like #14 or so) they did the Eagle deckplan/blueprint as an addendum to that manual.

I've only ever seen the binders in one place. That was years ago, and the place no longer exists that I'm aware of. They were a softcover 1-inch red three-ring. Good Hunting.
No hunting necessary for me. I Have a copy of it sitting on my bookshelf.

Man, I loved that book...

And for the episode or two they were in, I thought the Hawk Interceptors ROCKED! I even managed to find a model kit of them once, many, many years ago. I'll bet that's a real rarity now.