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Favorite nusance creature


What is you favorite nusance creature? Canon or created?
I hear that the Vorpal Bunny plague is getting out of hand on several planets. They are also jumping ship to spread.
What are you using for stats for them?
Originally posted by vegascat:
What is you favorite nusance creature? Canon or created?
I hear that the Vorpal Bunny plague is getting out of hand on several planets. They are also jumping ship to spread.
What are you using for stats for them?
My favorite nusance critter is the Beaker Monkey, found in one of the original JTAS issue. It makes a great pet, but it's curiosity can lead the monkey and it's owner to trouble.

It worked quite nicely in giving PCs headaches.
Children are not listed as nusance creatures in this game. You would be thinking of The Fantasy Trip. It came out the same time as the LBBs. It did list children as nusance creatures, one of the worst possible, because if you did anything to one, the entire town would be likely to burn you at the stake.
i heard that!!!!.......just cause you got 893 posts........i curse you with VERY bad case of****** and a case of********* and COFFEE JUICE wont core it!!!! so there!!!
Originally posted by vegascat:
Children are not listed as nusance creatures in this game. You would be thinking of The Fantasy Trip. It came out the same time as the LBBs. It did list children as nusance creatures, one of the worst possible, because if you did anything to one, the entire town would be likely to burn you at the stake.
I remember that! The Fantasy Trip combat system was the reason I eventually turned to GURPS. :cool:

Of course, in Traveller kids are more than a nuisance if thier name is Ditzie. ;) They are severe threats to the entire subsector!
I have seen Ditze, quite the girl to mess around with. As long as you are enjoying the view from behind her, not in front. :eek:
Originally posted by vegascat:
I have seen Ditze, quite the girl to mess around with. As long as you are enjoying the view from behind her, not in front. :eek:
Yeah except the legal authorities that don't know her will probaly charged you with the deliquency of a minor.* ;)

*Not that I'm implying anything perverted!
Originally posted by vegascat:
What cop would arrest, or jury convict with Ditzie around? They would be too busy running for their lives.
That only implys to people that know about Ditzie.
You mean the Ditzie with the big smoking gun that just fired off half a drum of ammo? the one causing everyone to duck? She does qualify as a nusance, at least.
As far as nusance creatures, has anyone heard from Rabid Vargr since he went to the cold northern wastes of Minnesota? Maybe he can't get to a magic smoke machine.
The cold northern wastes of Minnesota are quite warm today.

Maybe he got the chance to go to Source Comics. Good store, could get lost exploring it though.
Are you in a position to send out a search party? With a vargr loose in the area, who knows what mischief may result.
Personally, Trader Jim isn't a nuisance creature. He does make for an interesting random encounter I admit!

On critters, the Ship's cat gets my first vote (Aliens movies are a bad influence on me--"the sudden cat appearnace syndrome"); Next the loveable(?) flyspiney (hedgehogs InnnnnSpaaaace! With Wings!). My favorite one was "Bertram" which an allied free Trader crew took to "losing" at starports, only to have him unerringly be found and returned. Later, they developed it into a Snipe-Hunt prank, pretending to have lost "Bertram" and the pool bet was how many locals they could get involved looking for him!

This was foiled by an enterprising group of PCs in a Brit friends campaign with a Trav Chronicle critter from Khes/Diaspora that shapechanges. They gave this new "bertram" back. Clever buggers they are!

The most bedevilling menace I created was an anerobic semi-intelligent fungiod , called the Fungi Bat-- it ate plastics, lived in low vaccum conditions, and was the bane of those passing thru asteroid systems. The geneered critter that ate dust Mites and dust on ships found the fungi bat a delicacy though. PCs had a treasure trove salavged ship, and discovered why it broke down trying to jury-rig her home. The Home port folks quarantined it til they could find a way to stop the menace. (and that took time, several adventures, and credits from their bar hopping!)

Last, Children properly run can be both nuisances, and good hooks.
I saw her last with a Ship's crew entertaining her. I went ugly early, so I cannae tell you what happened next, save the Ship's doctor was giving out STD shots three days later.
No, TJ, I don't think you ONLY as an interesting random encounter. Those are your words, not mine. But...I've been wrong before, and (being only human) can admit it too. You have interesting ideas, and your style of writing them (complete with smilies-graemlins)is unique. You can correct (or attempt to correct) me all you wish. And thanx for the reply, btw. (Grins).
SSSSOOOOooooooo you are human and not just a Vargr
hiding behind a human name!!! And your a little Feisty at that.....points in your favor!!!! ;)
TJ, really now! Me, a vargr? (Spits) "Daerrgh, if I am!"
I'm 'Just a displaced Scout from Hefry (never could roll up a navy man! Seems they all were Belters or Scouts back in the day)."
"Feisty?? Nawww. Thats the Solomani-Irish coming out. (Gets worse after the Scout Brew!).
Be Seeing ya!
(Btw, those vargr with the CJ "hair restorer, with permanent Wave", just left port in some gawdawful crate they call a tramp freighter. Thanx fer the shipment. I'll be three parsecs from here when they start losing fur. (grins)