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Fifth Frontier War PBEM update


Greetings sophonts!

I've decided not to run another Fifth Frontier War PBEM this year. I'll be devoting the time to a CT play-by-post game on RPGNet and a few other projects.

If someone else wishes to pick up the torch, I'll be happy to provide whatever advice or assistance I can.

Good luck & good hunting!

Well I can see myself eventually running a strategic/tactical PBEM Traveller game.

I am not such a bad graphic artist and I am slowly putting my materials together to develop an original personal gamebox. This wouldn't be any stolen art work from a boardgame although I would let some things inspire me.

I have been emailling with Ground Zero in the UK about purchasing a copy of their Full Thrust rules. I am not happy with Book 2 or High Guard in themselves but hopefully will work out a conversion to bring the rules to life in an actually Traveller space battle.
Hello Folks,
I am strongly considering running a PBEM game in John's Stead using all of the rules from FFW along with the optional rules. Fog of war will be maintained in pretty much the same manner as John maintained it except for the fact that Xboat communications move at a speed 4 or the length of the Xboat link itself (where they are not evenly spaced at 4 parsecs!). Zhodani will also be bound by that rule.

Admiral plotting values will also be used in the game to represent how well he can marshal his forces into moving and so forth. Put another way, the plotting values of Admirals also represents the Admiral's staff in addition to his own personal tactical abilities.

What I'd like to do is try and start the game in Early March of this year and work it out at a reasonable email pace of play. I will ask John what his experience was in getting turns in on time and the like (something I forgot to ask him in my last email darn it!). How many people are interested in doing this?
For those who desire to be part of the next Fifth Frontier War, please send me an email to:

hal AT buffnet.net (do the obvious thing)

With a subject header [5FW] plus topic. It will help my email program to separate out your email from junk email and other mailing list emails ;)
Bad News & Good News

Hi Folks,
For what it is worth, I figured I'd post an update here on what is going on in my life as it were - as it impacts on 8 players (or is that 9?)

What happened recently was that my wife decided to go looking for pictures of a particular actor from Law & Orders Special Victim's unit. The fact he had been on the HBO series OZ might have had something to do with it. In any event, she went to a celebrity pictures website (naughty naughty) and got hit with a virus on MY computer (grumble grumble grumble!). Suffice to say, trying to remove a virus was not fun. To make matters worse, during mid-restore to a previous "snapshot" of the Operating system of Windows, the computer died in mid-operation. BAAAAD news. It killed everything on the computer because the computer would no longer boot. A computer owner's worst nightmare as the saying goes. What made it worse was the fact that I placed my email reader inside "My documents" so that snoopy people would not inadvertantly nose about my emails. This should have made it impossible to recover my files (or so my computer tech told me when I took my system in for repairs). He was able to restore some of the data and get the PC working, but anything in my folders under "documents and settings" was impossible to get into - as windows will not let you in unless you sign in as the owner of that section. This I could not do once my OS went belly up.
The GOOD news is however, that I came across some commercial software that lets me recover data from damaged hard drives (ie damaged in that the system can't get into it, but that the mechanics of the hard drive still work). It worked for my windows98 formatted hard drive last year, and a newer version of the program worked with the hard drive on XP Home. If ANYONE tells you that once you place a file in "My Documents" in your logon section under "Documents and Settings", no one can see those files - do NOT believe them. (I'm lucky that this is NOT true!)

In any event, I now have to recover my files (I've at least got my email files back now!) and then re-install a lot of my previous programs back onto the computer. This will take time and hopefully, my database files were not corrupted. Unfortunately, I have to re-install my office programs including access and excel :(

So, that's the gist of it. If you've been wondering why there's no updates or what have you other than what is on my web page at http://users.adelphia.net/~alaconius under 5FW. As it turns out, my webpage authoring program was also in my "my documents" section of the hard drive.

Ouch! I feel your pain, Hal. Had a progressive hard drive failure last year that I did not diagnose in time to save all of my data. Coincidentally, my computer's first name is Hal.

Let us know how the battle goes.
Apology tended...

Guys, due to things that happened, as well as a certain mindset that set in, I let you all down. All I can say is that you are all owed an apology, and this is the best I can offer...

I'm sorry guys.

The game is still running we are at least 3 turns in and things are heating up.

I went ahead with my original plan.

There is one command open right now if anyone is interested.