So how did the winner of the TCS contest do so with a mostly-fighter force if fighters are useless in high-TL large-ship book 5 combat?
Eurisko didn't build "fighters" and, the
New Yorker article aside, didn't build "PT boats" either. A big part of the Eurisko designs depended on an application of the tournament's drop tank rules which many feel was broken.
Also many things about the article, which is based solely on Lenat's version of the events, are slightly different from what the GDW people remember. Lenat's been dining out on the Eurisko story for decades now, but only his side of the story has ever really been told. No one in the gaming community knew Lenat had been crowing about his coup in the IT community until well after the events occurred and too late for the story to be checked.
Edit: Here are the Eurisko designs as saved from a very old email to an old BBS. Apologies for the odd formating.
Winning TCS fleet - TL 12
Four Garter class:
TB-Garter TB- K1567F3- B41106- 34009- 1 MCr 17,584.104
Bearing C 1 EE 7
12,000 tons
Batteries C 1 EE 7 crew=3D170
Agility=3D4; Fuel=3D840; Cargo=3D4.3 low=3D170
Note: L-Hyd drop tanks add 6000 tons of fuel and mass,change the
to 4, and cost MCr6.01.(TB-K1344F3) The ship is designed to manuever when
carrying up to 72,000 tons of drop tanks and one Wasp fighter.
Four Cisor class:
BD-Cisor BD- K9525F3- E41100- 340C5- 0 MCr22,291.175
Bearing 1 11 1U 19,980 tons
Batteries 1 11 1U
crew=3D ?
Agility=3D0; Fuel=3D999; Cargo=3D19.1 low=3D95
Note: L-Hyd drop tanks add 9,990 tons of fuel and mass, and cost MCr10.
(BD- L9313F3) The ship is designed to manuever when carrying up to 29,970
tons of drop tanks.
Three Queller class:
BH-Queller BH- K1526F3- B41106- 34Q02- 1 MCr27,802.392
Bearing Z 1 NN1 N
19,600 tons
Batteries Z 1 NN1 N crew=3D263
Agility=3D0; Fuel=3D1,176; Cargo=3D10.72 low=3D232; marines=3D200
Note: L-hyd drop tanks add 9,800 tons of fuel and mass, and cost MCr9.81.
(BH-L1314F3) The ship is designed to manuever when carrying up to 29,400
tons of drop tanks and two fighters (one Wasp and one Bee).
Seventy-five Eurisko class:
BA-Eurisko Ba- K952563- J41100- 34003- 0 MCr13,030.385
Bearing 1 11 V
11,100 tons
Batteries 1 11 V crew=3D131
Agility=3D2; Fuel=3D555; Cargo=3D8 low=3D0; marines=3D35
Note: L-hyd drop tanks add 5,550 tons of fuel and mass, change the
agility to 1, and cost 5.56. (BA-K931363) The ship is designed to manuever
when carrying up to 16,650 tons of drop tanks.
Seven Wasp class:
IL-Wasp Il- A90ZZF2- J00000- 00009- 0 MCr896.75
Bearing 1 1,000 tons
Batteries 1 Crew=3D19
Agility=3D6; Fuel=3D60; Cargo=3D0 low=3D0
Three Bee class:
FF-Bee FF- 0906661- A30000- 00001- 0 MCr127.945
Bearing 1 2 99 tons
Batteries 1 2 crew=3D2
Agility=3D0; Fuel=3D5.94; Cargo=3D0