• Welcome to the new COTI server. We've moved the Citizens to a new server. Please let us know in the COTI Website issue forum if you find any problems.

first time u played!


This guy had been a member of a group who each referred his own area of the universe and took over the job when the group moved into that area while the previous ref took the character he had been playing. Most of his stuff was a long way from the OTU, but we didn't know. All I can remember was I played an aquadic bear as my character.
First time was way back in 82 with my brothers and dad. I GMd. Created a one off adventure where the party had to land away from a military base gain access into the stronghold and steal the three prototype torpedo ships that were there. They managed to land undetected and get through a swamp fighting off the odd creatures and avoiding air and ground patrols, and they got in the front door using forged passes and deception. Unfortunately the game ended then and never did find out whether they managed to steal the ships. Still got all the maps and deck plans etc I did. Havent played Traveller much since, dabbled with it a tiny bit at the Leeds Poly role players club around 1985 but had too much else to do (drinking mainly) to spend much time with it then. And since then work/ lack of opportunity has got in the way etc. But I have now got a family of my own and looking forward to actually playing some games with my kids. Ive always loved Traveller though and spent many a happy hour creating ships/characters/worlds one ofthese days I might get to use some of them!