SOC-14 5K
Perhaps you have to use the sandcasters as CIWS, rather than hair-sprayers.
I think we've heard that Sandcasters are like giant shotguns? If so, turrets spread over an 100 meters or so of ship could act as point defense. One fires at a beam and another to a separate beam hitting 50 meters way?
Also, assuming the cloud screen analogy, the moment the target ship maneuvers, to ANY degree, it moves away from it's protective screen. The moment you use agility to zig, zag or jog, you lose the screen effect. Under HG2 I'd rather use agility rather than a sandcaster!
And how do you aim it at a pulse laser (an enervy pulse that hits you before you can even detect it, as it goes at light speed).
TO b effective, the cloud must be more or less complete.
You don't fire a single shoot with them, but maintain the cloud protecting your ship.
Ah! An how exactly does this occur when you fire one canister at a time from the launcher (holding three ready rounds)? Therein lies the rub...
That does make a strong case for bigger, better, computers.
Another thing to consider is that the manoeuvre drive generates a protective screen against stellar radiation - is this a magnetic field or plasma based?
Alternatively the sand caster fires its sand canister into the protective field around the ship to "thicken" parts of it.
Canon. Beltstrike, Folder 1, page 2:I like the idea. Is this an "IMTU" concept, or is it stated explicitly in canon somewhere that I have missed?
The radiation screen element of the manoeuvre drive is mentioned in the CT boxed adventure Beltstrike.
[FONT=arial,helvetica]Canon. Beltstrike, Folder 1, page 2:(Ships under power are not affected — part of[/FONT]
the M-drive generates a low-power screen against radiation and
meteorite impact — but a power failure during approach within a few
a million kilometers of the gas giant would be fatal.)
Both Striker and MT allow sand casters to be used as a super shotgun - which favours the VRF grenade launcher model.
I can't help liking the hardened plasma screen model though![]()
It sounds as if you're wanting a tactical war game, with movement plot and such. (I'm sure you know that there's a JTAS article that brings Mayday hexes to High Guard, combining HG combat with MD movement).
With Book 2, all that matters is when a ship crosses a range band (or range limit)--when Medium Range becomes Short Range. It doesn't matter, for the combat, if ships move around and reposition themselves but still within the same range band.
My major problem with most Traveller vector-based implementations that operate on maps, of which Mayday was a prime offender, is that:
(a) If you aren't moving missiles on the map, then maneuver is largely pointless (except for "run away if you're faster"), as ships tend to have 360 degree firing arcs. If you have multiple ships, stack 'em all in the same hex.
(b) If you are moving missiles on the map, the counter crush becomes unplayable real fast.
David: that 20G 1Turn missile goes half the distance of the 10G 2Turn missile, and 1/4 the distance of the 5G 4 turn missile. Longer burn for the same ∆V is always more efficient in microgravity. Not to mention needing less engine mass.
More efficient isn't always better. There can be a tactical advantage in having the missile close the distance faster, even if the result is reduced range. For one thing, the target has less time to react. Consider for example that a target within 14 hexes of a ship launching that hypothetical 20g missile is not be able to get out of that missile's effective range before it comes time for that missile to move, while the target within 14 hexes and facing a 5G4 is likely to have some time to build up a vector away from the missile and - given adequate drives and enough distance - might outrun the missile.
Your example 14 hex target is out of range of the 20G missile. Which only gets 10 hexes of range. Ironically, a 14G missile misses, too, at 14 hexes. (unless, of course, you ignore the 0.5 term in D=0.5AT2.
HG2 with a streamlined resolution for number of batteries firing and a better manoeuvring system = instant operational/system scale war-game.
Move fleet cards around sub sector maps as the strategic element (FFWish), move squadron cards around a system map and resolve the battles when squadrons encounter squadrons at the initial ship level of HG (although I would change the rules about how only 1 ship is present from your battle line at a time so that escorts can actually support the ships they are escorting).
McPerth said:[FONT=arial,helvetica]
[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica][FONT=arial,helvetica]just a few ... rolls [of the dice] to determine the full effect [of a round of battle, or even a full battle]...
.[/FONT]..provision for crew quality...[/FONT]
I see possibilities here.
On a "Mayday"-like scale, I can see one simple rule to accommodate firing arcs unintrusively: keep batteries bearing, but restrict the spine to forward-line-of-fire-only. It's harsh, but I think for Traveller the spine is what arcs are all about.
[.....]While there's nothing specifically wrong with that view, it just doesn't line up with High Guard rules: ships do not receive a penalty to agility while firing the spinal mount. (Interesting idea though.)