(Mathematical Equation for fleeing ship [constant acceleration]= Mathematical Equation for pursuing ship [varying acceleration then deceleration]). The unknown to solve for is "x" the intercept point. Velocity of BOTH ships, AT that point can be anything the faster ship decides it wants it to be. The closer each ship velocity is to the other, the longer the chase. That is ALL there is to it.:devil:
True, as long as there's no treeshold to reach (e.g. the 100 d limit to jump)
True. In this situation you are either going to destroy the invader right off or he is going to get some shots into the defended position. The faster he goes by, the fewer shots he gets.
If he sticks around the battle lasts longer. If you are faster, and stronger, you chase him down and destroy him or wait for the whole thing to play out again.
You better leave a strong force behind to deal with his second attack wave.
That's why I said you must take into account the reason for the fight. If you only want a punitive raid (e.g. Black War, at the final stages of Rebellion), a reccon in forcé or softening the defenses for a latter invasión fleet, tactics must be different...