I noted, in looking at Battle Rider, that a lot of large starships are listed as having Passive EMS with range 8. This seems a bit odd, since the rules for passive EMS (in Brilliant Lances or Fire Fusion and Steel) state that a fixed array can only be built on a ship with a particular length *unmodified by configuration*.
Translating these lengths into hull sizes, I see the following correspondence:
Hexes Diameter Tonnage
1 3.5m 2
2 5m 4
3 10m 40
4 20m 300
5 40m 3000
6 90m 30000
7 200m 300000
8 400m ? (I'm guessing 3 million)
I had a look at the Brilliant Lances ships throughout the books, and found a few cases that violated these rules:
400 tonne Admiral Victrix with 5 hex fixed PEMS
2000 tonne Vlezhdatl with 5 hex fixed PEMS
16 tonne Wildbat fighter with 3 hex unspecified PEMS (I'm presuming it's fixed)
200 tonne Hiver Utility Vessel with 4 hex fixed PEMS
2750 tonne Maggart Stretched Clipper with 6 hex fixed PEMS
0.5 tonne TL12 semi-independent missile with 1 hex unspecified PEMS (I'm presuming it's fixed)
0.5 tonne TL14 semi-independent missile with 3 hex unspecified PEMS (I'm presuming it's fixed)
Barring the missiles (whose length I'm not sure of) any of these ships would qualify for the diameter if its *actual* length was used. Also, barring the missiles and Vlezhatl, the problem cases are in later volumes (Reform Coalition Equipment Guide).
This made me wonder if the *unmodified by configuration* remark should be removed. However, this would make some earlier ship designs a bit incongruous, for example (assuming warships want as long a Passive EMS range as possible if fixing their array):
400 tonne (48.5m) Gazelle or Fiery Close Escorts should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (rather than folding).
200 tonne (51m) Lord Baltimore Yacht should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (rather than folding)
400 tonne (61m) Shukugan SDB should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (instead of 4 hex).
400 tonne (55m) Ueknou Corsair should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (instead of 4 hex).
150 tonne (46.5m) Chatl Leader Scout should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (rather than folding)
400 tonne (66m) Zhdits Destroyer Escort should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (rather than folding)
2000 tonne (90m) Vlezhdatl Strike Cruiser should probably have a 6 hex fixed PEMS (rather than 5 hex)
2080 tonne (144m) Aurora Clipper should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (rather than 4 hex)
500 tonne (75m) Covenanter Clipper could have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (rather than folding). Although here, I'd argue it would have the folding PEMS from the Scout part.
20 tonne (20m) Armed Gig could have a 4 hex fixed PEMS (instead of 2 hex).
15 tonne (15m) Rampart Fighter could have a 3 hex fixed PEMS (instead of 2 hex).
Where do other people stand on this?
On the one hand, there seem to be more snafus in my second list than the first (if one doesn't count all the capital ships in Battle Rider with 8 hex fixed arrays, and who look a bit questionable even if they have elongated configurations).
On the other hand, passive EMS seem a bit dubious in combat at the moment (short ranges, unless they're folding, in which case they preclude evasion and make the ship easier to detect by active sensors), so they could probably use a little love. Giving Close Escorts and the Destroyer Escort fixed passive arrays would enable them to be a bit sneaky in combat (evade and use passive EMS for detection).
Translating these lengths into hull sizes, I see the following correspondence:
Hexes Diameter Tonnage
1 3.5m 2
2 5m 4
3 10m 40
4 20m 300
5 40m 3000
6 90m 30000
7 200m 300000
8 400m ? (I'm guessing 3 million)
I had a look at the Brilliant Lances ships throughout the books, and found a few cases that violated these rules:
400 tonne Admiral Victrix with 5 hex fixed PEMS
2000 tonne Vlezhdatl with 5 hex fixed PEMS
16 tonne Wildbat fighter with 3 hex unspecified PEMS (I'm presuming it's fixed)
200 tonne Hiver Utility Vessel with 4 hex fixed PEMS
2750 tonne Maggart Stretched Clipper with 6 hex fixed PEMS
0.5 tonne TL12 semi-independent missile with 1 hex unspecified PEMS (I'm presuming it's fixed)
0.5 tonne TL14 semi-independent missile with 3 hex unspecified PEMS (I'm presuming it's fixed)
Barring the missiles (whose length I'm not sure of) any of these ships would qualify for the diameter if its *actual* length was used. Also, barring the missiles and Vlezhatl, the problem cases are in later volumes (Reform Coalition Equipment Guide).
This made me wonder if the *unmodified by configuration* remark should be removed. However, this would make some earlier ship designs a bit incongruous, for example (assuming warships want as long a Passive EMS range as possible if fixing their array):
400 tonne (48.5m) Gazelle or Fiery Close Escorts should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (rather than folding).
200 tonne (51m) Lord Baltimore Yacht should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (rather than folding)
400 tonne (61m) Shukugan SDB should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (instead of 4 hex).
400 tonne (55m) Ueknou Corsair should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (instead of 4 hex).
150 tonne (46.5m) Chatl Leader Scout should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (rather than folding)
400 tonne (66m) Zhdits Destroyer Escort should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (rather than folding)
2000 tonne (90m) Vlezhdatl Strike Cruiser should probably have a 6 hex fixed PEMS (rather than 5 hex)
2080 tonne (144m) Aurora Clipper should probably have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (rather than 4 hex)
500 tonne (75m) Covenanter Clipper could have a 5 hex fixed PEMS (rather than folding). Although here, I'd argue it would have the folding PEMS from the Scout part.
20 tonne (20m) Armed Gig could have a 4 hex fixed PEMS (instead of 2 hex).
15 tonne (15m) Rampart Fighter could have a 3 hex fixed PEMS (instead of 2 hex).
Where do other people stand on this?
On the one hand, there seem to be more snafus in my second list than the first (if one doesn't count all the capital ships in Battle Rider with 8 hex fixed arrays, and who look a bit questionable even if they have elongated configurations).
On the other hand, passive EMS seem a bit dubious in combat at the moment (short ranges, unless they're folding, in which case they preclude evasion and make the ship easier to detect by active sensors), so they could probably use a little love. Giving Close Escorts and the Destroyer Escort fixed passive arrays would enable them to be a bit sneaky in combat (evade and use passive EMS for detection).