Um... that one is going to run into the same problem that has bedevilled Traveller jump drives of the Interstellar Wars for a long, long time, namely that the space between stars is littered with brown dwarves and sunless planetary bodies. If a body that generate 0.1 G is all you need, there's no such thing as an arm -- there's just hexes with scores and hundreds of potential rest stops in each and every one of them.
(Note: I don't know the specific numbers for dark planets; you'd have to ask an astronomer for those).
BTW, what's the size of a body that can generate a 0.1 G field? Is it small enough that it would be practical to mount SLT drives on them and move them in practical timespans (decades)?
Ive actually considered this too and frankly, just chose to ignore it. It seems so obvious that there has to be a provision for it. The whole setting sort of depends on that 7.7LY max.